Camino de Santiago X 10. 10 motive să mergi, 10 sfaturi despre bagaj, 10 lecÈ›ii …È™i mai mult

Camino de Santiago nu se povestește, Camino de Santiago se trăiește.

guest-writer: Cătălina Murariu, coordonator Explore Camino

Pentru o (extrem de) scurtă introducere a Camino de Santiago, în stilul caracteristic acestui blog, am ales formatul de argumentare/descriere în 10 puncte, răspunzând întrebărilor-cheie: Ce este Camino? De ce să mergi? Cum să te pregătești? Ce poți învăța? Cine a mai fost?

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How I felt at the recital with violinist Alexandru TOMESCU and pianist Horia MIHAIL, 2009.10.09, National Museum of Art of Romania?

In the evening of October 9th (at 7:30 PM), in Auditorium Room of the National Museum of Art of Romania, the violinist Alexandru TOMESCU (with his Stradivarius ELDER-VOICU violin) together with the pianist Horia MIHAIL.

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Carmen CUCUL – the business professional whose corporate social responsibility actions impressed me the most

This message focuses on corporate social responsibility (CSR) actions done by Carmen CUCUL and their impact into my life. See details below.

Note: Due to very large tables in this message, I strongly suggest you an alternative web page to read this blog post. Much easier to read this way!

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