Why I don’t write about bad books and movies

byronv2 - Book and Coffee

There are authors who write – “Hmm, I didn’t like this book/movie/TV Series. Still, I will comment on it, so that you could consider avoiding it”.

Currently, I’m not a big fan of the methdod.

I prefer to focus on gems.

The main reason? I don’t necessarily get vocabulary, a certain state, or some emotions from a book. I most often look to gain some good insight from a book, and this generally doesn’t require the book to be good.

Same thing for a movie.

Thus, some books I like and some movies I like are not necessarily the same as others.

It might be a good movie that I don’t like, or it might be a poorly written book that I love.

I apply the same logic to others – if I didn’t like a book/movie, I think there could still be plenty of people who might like it.

On the other hand, I don’t like all the movies I see/books I read, so it’s actually easier to focus only on the ones I enjoy.

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Teritory contest

Nomadland (2020) - IMDb

There’s a game called Heroes of Might and Magic® 3: Complete on GOG.com.

Some good resources for it:

In H3, a good strategy could be to cover as much of the map as possible – visit things, travel, see the world.

Real life – business.

As far as I can tell, Rand Fishkin likes investing in Serendipity – for example, going to conferences and events as a way of meeting new people. This might lead to business opportunities, but it’s not a straightforward path.

So, in games – travel a lot (OK, you need to also win some battles). In business – travel a lot (OK, go to conferences and meet people).

Teritory contest.

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Binili învingi

Prem Rose - Jayantii Laughing

(“the good always triumphs” was a motto/line from Radio Guerrilla)

I have friends who prefer to see movies with happy endings.

I don’t quite get this.

I prefer not to know how a movie ends, to see some suspense.

Also, comedies tend to be quite boring.

It’s not easy to make good humor, and most movies have silly lines when talking about humor.

When I go see a play, I prefer it not to be a comedy.

Comedies tend to have low-quality humor and a predictable outcome.

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First month we pay less

Mike O'Sullivan - Money

Sometimes, people say, “we’ll pay you less money in the first month. And then – then we’ll see.”.

There’s a joke like this: “- We’re going to visit the ophthalmologist today at 2 PM. – And then? – And then, we’ll see.”

But sometimes, the first month is the hardest, not the easiest.

Also, people generally quit something to get a new job.

Some CEOs receive starting bonuses just to get a job.

There are no right or wrong recipes; things must adjust to a situation.

Yet, I thinking paying a smaller salary for the first month might be wrong.

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Follow-up: Dr. Stelian Gomboș – Cuvânt de învățătură la Duminica după Nașterea Domnului (a Sfinților Iosif Logodnicul, David Prorocul și Iacob, ruda Domnului. Fuga în Egipt) (2024.12.29, Biserica parohială din localitatea Tria, comuna Derna, județul Bihor)

Dr. Stelian Gomboș - Cuvânt de învățătură la Duminica după Nașterea Domnului (a Sfinților Iosif Logodnicul, David Prorocul și Iacob, ruda Domnului. Fuga în Egipt) (2024.12.29, Biserica parohială din localitatea Tria, comuna Derna, județul Bihor)

În data de 29 decembrie 2024 a avut loc la Biserica parohială din localitatea Tria, comuna Derna, județul Bihor slujba din Duminica după Nașterea Domnului (a Sfinților Iosif Logodnicul, David Prorocul și Iacob, ruda Domnului. Fuga în Egipt).

Dr. Stelian Gomboș a susținut un cuvânt de învățătură.

Mai jos, imagini și video de la eveniment.

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Despre planul de 200 de dolari al ChatGPT

High-Angle Photo of Robot · Free Stock Photo

Legat de: OpenAI Announces New $200 Per Month ChatGPT Pro Subscription.

ChatGPT e gratuit, dacă vrei să dai bani costă vreo 20 de dolari pe lună, iar acest plan, cu 200 de dolari pe lună e adresat celor care vor mult mai mult. Salariul minim în România e câteva mii de lei, la care se adaugă taxe. 200 de dolari pe lună vs. a avea un om care să facă sarcinile astea – așa compari.

E un plan pentru un anumit segment, iar planul de 20 de dolari pe lună îți dă deja foarte multe lucruri, nu e nevoie de cel de 200 decât în unele situații. :)

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