Three stories

Find out below three things that happened to me.

Story #1:

Two days ago, on 2009.10.13, I went to buy some natural supplements for a friend of mine. That specific supplement is only produced by one company in Romania. My friend went to two stores in Bucharest of that company, but didn’t find the product. Knowing I live not far (where “not far” is about 3 miles), I went to buy the products directly from the headquarters. On the map, things were clear – there was a street right perpendicular to the main road, it was at number 2, easy task, right?

Right … Well, I go there and no one knows where the street was supposed to be. I ask about four persons, I get mixed answers, finally I ask a person: “do you know about this street?” “Yes. Are you by foot or do you have a car?” “I’m a pedestrian” “Hop in, I’ll give you a ride”. And he did it. He gave me a 1.5 miles ride, he waited for me to buy the product in the car, and he drove me back to the city. I forgot to mention, the company I was buying the products from had the headquarters somewhere in a field. Stray dogs, bad weather (it was about to rain), poor roads, this was a mix which might have made it hard for me to reach my target. And yet this good man came from nowhere and helped me.

He was a person doing deliveries. I really like Cargus better now.

Story #2:

Following the event, I went to PiaÅ£a Obor to buy stuff. Of course, I go to the place where peasants sell vegetables and fruits. I buy some cheap carrots and I don’t pay that much attention to the money. Now the surprise! The seller basically yells at me: “Hey mister, take all of your change!” (it was 2$ worth of money). Now I’m sure that he didn’t make a fortune by selling me 1 kilogram of carrots, but he did me a very nice gesture and returned my money. Nice.

Story #3:

Still in Obor, I go to buy some bread. There’s a bread factory right at Obor store with a selling point going right in the street. They claim to have traditional bread, with quality products. Still, their bread is a bit more expensive than the rest. And the prices are set so that by buying 1 kilogram you get a better value than buying 0.5. Also, they have quite a variety of breads. So I had a bit of a dilemma on what to buy, even if it was not the first time I bought bread from there. But the sellers were, this time too, nice with me, and helped with my choice and answered to my questions. And going home, I really really loved the bread.

That’s about it.

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2 comentarii la „Three stories”

  1. i understand the feeling. People are often nice and pleasant… one day 2 retired women took a walk with me specially to show me the tram station I was looking for… in the end they smiled and wished me good day

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