On 20th of February 2010, I went to Orange Concept Store to take part to another great edition held by Răzvan DABA about Public Speaking Group. Among other participants, I held a presentation myself.
Follow-up: The first edition in 2010 of Public Speaking Romania (2010.02.20, Orange Concept Store)
On 20th of February 2010, I went to Orange Concept Store to take part to another great edition held by Răzvan DABA about Public Speaking Group. Among other participants, I held a presentation myself.
Follow-up: HR Club Excellence Awards Gala (2nd Edition, 2010.01.28)
On 28th of January 2010, I took part to HR Club‘s Excellence Awards Gala, 2nd Edition. The event took place at Hilton Hotel in Bucharest.
Follow-up: INSEAD MBA Information Session, Bucharest (2010.01.27, Centrul Medical Unirea)
On 27th of January 2010, I went to a INSEAD MBA Information Session held in Bucharest from 6:45 PM to 10:00 PM. The event was hosted by Centrul Medical Unirea and Blue Ocean Marketing.
Follow-up: CEU Business School Master Class with Istvan Otto NAGY about Effective Selling Skills and Strategies (2010.01.21, Marriott Hotel)
On January 21st, 2010, I went to a see a CEU Business School Master Class with Istvan Otto NAGY about Effective Selling Skills and Strategies. Below you’ll find the presentation itself, my notes and two pictures at the event.
Follow-up: Orange Online MeetUp #4 – Paul Schwartfeger about User Experience (2010.01.19, Orange Concept Store)
On 19th of January, 2010, I took part to Orange Online MeetUp #4 with Paul SCHWARTFEGER (LinkedIn profile). The session was about User Experience and it was held at Orange Concept Store.
Follow-up: Leading Teams with Jim Bagnola and Marius Ghenea (2008.05.13, UzinExport, Bucharest)
Almost two years ago I took part to Leading Teams, an event organized by LEADERS Romania. The event took place on May 13th, 2008, UzinExport, Bucharest. You can find out more about the event here.
How to pick a WordPress theme? From colours to pricing, from number of columns to layout
First of all, you have to establish some things about your visitors profile – if you have business clients, you go with a business theme. If your clients are young hippies, you’ll pick a totally different WordPress theme.
Ghid de instalare Windows XP SP3 & programe – pas cu pas
Bun, în acest mesaj detaliez, pas cu pas, cum am reinstalat un Windows XP SP2, vechi de aproape un an, într-un Windows XP Service Pack 3.
“Friends” (1994) – about the ending
I just watched, fourth time, the ending of “Friends” (1994) – TV series, which is the last episode. Actually not the whole last episode, but the ending of that episode. It will make me feel a bit better sharing this with the world.
Warning: Spoilers ahead!