The result of a business is a satisfied customer – Peter F. Drucker

Finally, the single most important thing to remember about any enterprise is that there are no results inside its walls. The result of a business is a satisfied customer. The result of a hospital is a healed patient. The result of a school is a student who has learned something and puts it to work ten years later. Inside an enterprise, there are only cost centers. Results exist only on the outside.

Peter F. Drucker – Management and the World’s Work, Harvard Business Review.

When you make a sale, you shouldn’t stop when the package leaves your store, you need to make sure your client is happy using the product.

If someone visits your medical practice, you don’t need to only solve that particular issue the patient came to you, you need to make sure the person is healthy, overall.

Prime Day Arrives on June 21 & 22—Two Days of Epic Savings on More than 2 Million Deals Globally | Business Wire
Prime Day Arrives on June 21 & 22—Two Days of Epic Savings on More than 2 Million Deals Globally | Business Wire

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