How would I make a presentation on the structure of a web site regarding keywords?

In this blog post, I’ll show you a presentation I held this week-end, regarding the structure of a web site (related to the keywords). The basic idea of this blog post: if you have a set of keywords to optimize a web site for, how would you structure the information on the web site? Find out below.

First of all, if you wish to see the presentations, they’re available both in English and Romanian.
English presentation:

You can view the Romanian presentation online.

You can download the English version (PPT, PDF, PPTX), or the Romanian version (PPT, PDFPPTX).

There’s also a video record of the presentation, in Romanian. You can see it in here:

Slide 1: Title of the presentation: Structure of a web site – keywords;
Olivian BREDA, Orange Concept Store, Bucharest, Romania, 2009.05.23.

Slide 2: Barrack OBAMA campaign
Let’s think of a great web site. I personally like Barrack OBAMA’s campaign web site, both for design and functionality. But could you give me an example on yet another web site to be optimized? I would say no to a web site like, because people usually don’t search for such a web site, they know exactly how is it like.

Slide 3: Question – What web site would you suggest for such a campaign?
From the audience, I got this suggestion: a web site called Young Entrepreneurs. So, we’ll focus on this one.

Slide 4: Let’s say that a prospect of the Young Entrepreneurs web site goes to Google and hopes to find the web site.

Slide 5: Question: What relevant keywords could you suggest for a web site such as Young Entrepreneurs?
From the audience I got the following replies: entrepreneur, entrepreneurship, business, start-up, success, business ideas.

Slide 6: This is how the owner of the Young Entrepreneurs web sites looks like now.

Slide 7: Here comes my solution in making top ranking for the chosen keywords.
Obviously, a great strategy would imply a mix of:
a. External links to the homepage and to the other internal pages of the web site;
b. Internal optimization of the pages.
But it would also imply organization of the pages within the web site (the structure of the web site).

A typical web site is most likely structured into pages:
About us
Shopping Cart
My account
Contact page

And this is where I want your help.
How can I structure the information on this web site?

Question – What could we do to improve things? What specific pages would the people find while looking for the web site? So, if a person types:
a. entrepreneur, he would go the homepage (or the entrepreneurs page), as suggested in the audience
b. business, this sends the person to either case studies or the homepage;
c. entrepreneuership should direct to homepage or about us;

My solution is this: pick one or two of the most important strings (one or two keywords per string) and put them on the homepage (the most important web page on the site; crucial to optimize it for top keywords, whenever possible). Then create a web page specific for each keyword in the list.

How can one create such pages? I think there are three solutions:
a. Rename an existing web page (so „About us” may become „About us – Young Entrepreneurs”; The „Services” page can become „Business Services” and so on);
b. Create a news worthy page dedicated to the subject (put it on News/Press Releases/Blog postings);
c. Create a Wikipedia-like informational page on the subject (this may fit well into Resources, Articles, General information).

You can read more on what are the factors that matter in optimizing a web page on the SEOmoz blog.

Meanwhile, I suggest you put a title dedicated to the subject (so, if you target „Romanian Entrepreneurs” keyword, you should create a web page with an identical title; If that’s too much to ask, you can add a few words; There are other solutions: bolding words, repeating words, using words at the beginning of the sentence, linking from other pages of the web site to the target page, linking from other sites to that web page and so on; See SEOmoz link above).

Returning to the example, a good structure would be:
Entrepreneur => Homepage of Young Entrepreneurs;
Entrepreneurship => Page dedicated to Entrepreneurship
Business => Dedicated page;
Start-up => A page on start-ups;
Success => Although this can be combined with other words, it’s good enough to have a page on its own;
Business ideas => A page on Business ideas.

Now, how much can you optimize a web page? I think the answer to this question is rather tricky:
a. you can over-optimize a web page (too much SEO involved); This might attract visitors, but will attract the engines; Example of an over optimized title: „Best online software download” – it’s hard to explain to an user why this is a text addressed to him; And if you use too many of the other factors (bolding words, repeating words), it would look bad;
b. You can under-optimized a web page (too little emphasis on SEO, too much on people); So a title like „Download a very good software online from X web site” might look good for humans, but not that good on engines;

Conclusions: you can have a web site greatly optimized for SEO by structuring it accordingly. Thus, I think you should create an individual web page for each keyword that you target.

You just have to find the right balance for your web site.

Slide 8: Now, returning to the person owning the web site, that person might actually feel better after we do all that;

Slide 9: Any other questions?

If you wish to see a few things I learned at the presentation, see this blog post:
What did I learned at a workshop held this week end at Orange Concept Store?

How do you feel about my presentation?

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9 comentarii la „How would I make a presentation on the structure of a web site regarding keywords?”

  1. Buna Olivian,
    In prezentarea anterioara ai facut o greseala.
    „bolding words”-pt ca nimeni(sau apropape) nu tasteasa cu CAPSLOCK in momentul cand face cautari pe google sau celelalte motoare de cautare

  2. Buna Cristiana, stiu ca nu are nicio importanta daca scrii cu Caps lock sau daca nu scrii cu Caps lock cand tastezi la Google. Asta voiai sa imi zici? Ca stiu ca nu e nicio diferenta aici.

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