I don’t know. But here’s my view on the subject.
Review simplu site: tarajucariilor.ro
Bună, în mesajul de față analizez site-ul www.tarajucariilor.ro.
Updating WordPress – everything that you need to know
In this blog post I tell you (almost) everything there is to know on updating WordPress.
Review complex site: e-oferta.ro
Bună, în mesajul de față analizez site-ul www.e-oferta.ro.
Romanian: “What to look for when doing an SEO site audit?” – presentation at “SEO Training Meet-up”, Trafic.ro, 2011.02.24
On the 24th of February, 2011, I took part to “SEO Training Meet-up” (follow-up), at Trafic.ro headquarters. My presentation was about: “What to look for when doing an SEO site audit?”.
Follow-up: “Ce urmărim atunci când facem un audit SEO?”: Prezentare la “SEO Training Meet-up”, Trafic.ro (2011.02.24)
În data de 24 februarie 2011, am participat la “SEO Training Meet-up” (follow-up), la sediul Trafic.ro Prezentarea mea a fost pe tema: “Ce urmărim atunci când facem un audit SEO?”.
Follow-up: SEO Training Meet-up, Trafic.ro headquarters (2011.02.24)
On the 24th of February, 2011, I went to Trafic.ro headquarters to be a speaker at a conference called “SEO Training Meet-up“.
How to promote an event? (guide)
(note – also see: Tip for organizing events – give participants photos at the end of the conference: Olivian Breda)
Let’s say you have to promote an event; how to do it?
Analiză SEO detaliată: poker-pro.ro
Bună, în mesajul de față analizez din punct de vedere SEO site-ul poker-pro.ro.