Pictures: How would I draw the cosmos as a symbol on a piece of paper? (2009.06.16)

Recently I took part to a course by Calea Victoriei Foundation in Romania. We had some tasks, the final one being to make our own mandala. Find out below what my drawings were.

So, what’s in a Mandala? According to Wikipedia, a Mandala is a concentric diagram. It has spiritual and ritual significance both in Buddhism and in Hinduism. Mandala has become a generic term for any plan, chart or geometric pattern that represents the cosmos metaphysically or symbolically, a microcosm of the Universe from the human perspective.

How does the Universe looks like, if I were to synthesize it in a few drawings? Something like this perhaps (the four pictures are actually the same one, rotated – since the mandala has to be symmetrical; the first image in the series is the most important):
[alpine-phototile-for-picasa-and-google-plus src=”user_album” uid=”100050990853086188413″ ualb=”5939906421139249201″ imgl=”fancybox” style=”vertical” size=”640″ num=”100″ highlight=”1″ align=”center” max=”100″]

My mandala is called “The world communicates” (“Lumea comunica” in Romanian; “world” also means “people”).

What does it all mean? In the circle there’s a square.  At each corner of the square there are some happy faces (the most important thing in life). All are having fun, one has his tongue out, two are smiling, one is almost laughing.

Each has a speaking bubble – they all like to speak. Each bubble is listened to by an ear. In the center there is a brain with four ideas (they also might come from the ears, it’s not clear what the origin is). One idea goes into another, and it’s an ever-repeating circle.

You’ll notice that the faces in the corners have hands, and they all want to reach each other.

Finally, from the mandala four arrows go, and each sends out a signal to the world.

That’s about it – this is how I would draw the Universe.

I had a lovely experience at the five meetings from the Foundation, and I assure you of top quality programs. I found out great things and the feelings I had are hard to put in words.

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