Which is the best SEO plugin for WordPress, according to SEOmoz’s Rand FISHKIN?

In a recent Q&A session (Answers to 43 Questions About Search, Social, Content, Conversions and More | SEOmoz), Rand FISHKIN (Rand’s Blog) referring to:

, said:

I’m a longtime fan of Yoast’s WordPress plugins. They’re powerful, flexible and nearly easy enough for beginners (at least, with a little light reading). He also keeps them updated regularly and allows for some of the cool, new functionality like rel=author (to be fair, you can do this without the plugin, too).

So: WordPress Plugins – Free & Reliable – Yoast.

Also see:

2015.04.25 edit: according with measurements made with P3 (Plugin Performance Profiler) WordPress Plugin, WordPress SEO Plugin requires lots of resources.

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5 comentarii la „Which is the best SEO plugin for WordPress, according to SEOmoz’s Rand FISHKIN?”

  1. So true! It is the most complete WordPress SEO plugin out of the 4 I’ve tried. I’ve had websites ranking 1st page only 2 days after releasing them on the web (for lower competition keywords, but still).

  2. I find All-in-One SEO much better and less of a complicated Chinese box to set up than – plus now the plug-in includes Sitemaps and other SEO toys which are as easy to set up. Yoast’s plug-in is unnecessarily complex and really – we should be doing titles and descriptions and getting on with building good websites – not picking the fluff, thread by thread out of our navels. That’s what Google Webmaster SEO recommends, so I’m going with All-in-one SEO.

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