How to write well?

How to write for the web? (part 1)

It may look, at a first glance, that it doesn’t really matter how you write, you just need to write. I don’t think that’s true, for both humans and the search engines you need to write well. While humans are, for now, better than the engines at spotting what’s a good content and what isn’t, I would put more emphasis on writing well. Thus, the following 10 tips from David OGILVY come in handy:

1. Read the Roman-Raphaelson book on writing. Read it three times.

2. Write the way you talk. Naturally.

3. Use short words, short sentences and short paragraphs.

4. Never use jargon words like reconceptualize, demassification, attitudinally, judgmentally. They are hallmarks of a pretentious ass.

5. Never write more than two pages on any subject.

6. Check your quotations.

7. Never send a letter or a memo on the day you write it. Read it aloud the next morning—and then edit it.

8. If it is something important, get a colleague to improve it.

9. Before you send your letter or your memo, make sure it is crystal clear what you want the recipient to do.

10. If you want ACTION, don’t write. Go and tell the guy what you want.

(source – 10 Tips on Writing from David Ogilvy – Brain Pickings)
Buy the book: Confessions of an Advertising Man.

Translation in Romanian (via):

1. Citeşte cartea “Writing that works” de Kenneth Roman, Joel Raphaelson. Citeşte-o de trei ori.

2. Scrie aşa cum vorbeşti. Natural.

3. Foloseşte cuvinte scurte, propoziţii scurte şi paragrafe scurte.

4. Nu folosi niciodată jargoane precum: reconceptualizare, demasificare, atitudinal. Aceste cuvinte sunt caracteristice prietenţioşilor.

5. Nu scrie niciodată mai mult de două pagini pe acelaşi subiect.

6. Verifică-ţi citatele.

7. Nu trimite niciodată o scrisoare în ziua în care ai scris-o. Citeşte-o cu voce tare dimineaţa următoare şi apoi editeaz-o.

8. Dacă-i o scrisoare importantă, pune colegii să o îmbunătăţească.

9. Înainte să trimiţi scrisoarea, asigură-te că-i foarte clar ceea ce vrei să facă destinatarul.

10. Dacă vrei ACŢIUNE, nu scrie. Du-te şi zi-i tipului ceea ce vrei.

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How to write for the web? (part 2)

How to write Product Descriptions?

Various articles on writing for the web

P.S., 2018.05.19: Also see: How to write quality articles on your web site? – – by Olivian Breda.

P.S., 2018.06.13: Also see:

P.S., 2018.07.17: Also see:

On-page SEO for Natural Language Processing (NLP) – Briggsby.

Traditional on-page SEO guidance is to target a primary phrase, its near-related terms, and its longtail variants by using them in the text and placing them in strategic locations on the page (i.e., title, headings, early in content, throughout content). However, writing for Natural Language Processing, or NLP, requires some additional steps and considerations.

P.S., 2019.02.16: How To Write A Great Product Description Page – Portent.

PS, 2019.02.19: How to Write Like You Talk: Becoming a Relatable Writer.

PS, 2019.03.24: The Art of Copywriting: How to Write Better Captions that Get Engagement.

PS, 2019.09.17: 14 Types of Social Media Posts to Spark Engagement With Your Followers [Infographic] | Social Media Today.

PS, 2019.09.28: How to Write a Press Release: The Definitive Guide.

PS, 2019.09.28: Hemingway’s Advice on Writing, Ambition, the Art of Revision, and His Reading List of Essential Books for Aspiring Writers | Brain Pickings.

PS, 2019.10.28: Debunking A Major Myth About Ad Copy – Business Insider.

PS, 2020.04.10: Henry Miller’s 11 Commandments of Writing and His Daily Creative Routine.

PS, 2020.06.23: How Great Writing Begins – Better Humans – Medium.

PS, 2020.06.23: How Great Writers End Their Articles – Better Humans – Medium.

PS, 2020.06.26: Stop Writing to Yourself. – The Writing Cooperative.

PS, 2020.07.01: Câteva idei despre scrierea unui articol – Blog de Olivian Breda.

PS, 2020.07.07: Scrierea de texte bine realizate, sfaturi de la A la Z

PS, 2020.07.19: Why Wirecutter Wins: Opinionated Content – Animalz.

PS, 2020.07.20: Copy: 66 Copywriting Tips that Will Boost Your Conversion Rates by 327%.

PS, 2020.07.26: Marketing Examples on Twitter: “17 tips for great copywriting:” / Twitter.

PS, 2020.07.28: To Get More Replies, Say Less | Greg Kogan.

PS, 2020.07.29: How to build a better writing habit – Ness Labs.

PS, 2020.08.18: Brand storytelling: How to sell more with the proven 7-step framework.

PS, 2020.08.31: How to write in plain English.

PS, 2020.08.31: Meet the “menu engineers” who optimize restaurant revenue.

PS, 2020.09.04: Cum să scrii mai bine – DoR.

PS, 2020.09.06: 17 Non-Negotiable Things Your Email Newsletter Needs Right Now – Ann Handley.

PS, 2020.09.06: 7 Practical Tips for Better Microcopy | Learn UXD.

PS, 2020.10.11: This Lifehack Will Change Your Life—If You Can Stand It.

PS, 2020.10.12: How tweet threads cured my writer’s block: Twitter as a medium for sketching.

PS, 2020.12.24: De la omidă la fluture: Cum să editezi un text să sune bine.

PS, 2020.12.30: The Weird Strategy Dr. Seuss Used to Create His Greatest Work.

PS, 2020.12.31: What Is SEO Writing? How to Be a Better SEO Writer.

PS, 2020.01.03: Write 5x more but write 5x less – Mike Crittenden.

PS, 2021.01.13: Susan Sontag on Being a Writer: “You Have to Be Obsessed” ‹ Literary Hub.

PS, 2021.01.13: How to Be a Writer: Hemingway’s Advice to Aspiring Authors – Brain Pickings.

PS, 2021.01.13: How Lewis Carroll’s Rules of Letter-Writing Can Make Email More Civil and Digital Communication Kinder – Brain Pickings.

PS, 2021.01.13: Writing Routines.

PS, 2021.01.16: A Few Thoughts On Writing · Collaborative Fund.

PS, 2021.01.29: Use the smallest word that does the job – Mike Crittenden.

PS, 2021.02.02: One Writer Used Statistics to Reveal the Secrets of What Makes Great Writing | Arts & Culture | Smithsonian Magazine.

PS, 2021.02.03: Ethan Mollick on Twitter: “Lots of people are posting advice on writing style, so here is Gary Provost’s wonderful bit on the importance of varying sentence length.

PS, 2021.02.04: How to Write Awesome Building in Public Posts? by Kevon Cheung.

PS, 2021.02.05: How you block your creativity (and what to do about it) – Content hubble.

PS, 2021.02.06: How to punctuate.

PS, 2021.02.06: GitHub – rubymorillo/pocket-tech-writing-list: A small but formidable list of technical writing resources for developers.

PS, 2021.02.06: How to write in plain English.

PS, 2021.02.06: GitHub – BolajiAyodeji/awesome-technical-writing: A curated list of awesome resources : articles, books, videos, tools, podcasts about technical writing.

PS, 2021.02.06: notes-on-writing/ at master · mnielsen/notes-on-writing · GitHub.

PS, 2021.02.07: This Is What 300 Writers Say Made Them Successful.

PS, 2021.05.24: Henry Miller’s 11 Commandments of Writing and His Daily Creative Routine – Brain Pickings.

PS, 2021.07.23:

PS, 2021.10.01: The Psychology of What Makes a Great Story – Brain Pickings.

PS, 2022.02.03: Three tips to write effective SEO headlines for news.

PS, 2022.05.15: Nietzsche’s 10 Rules for Writers, Penned in a Letter to His Lover and Muse – The Marginalian.

PS, 2022.07.09: Style Manual.

PS, 2022.08.04: The top 5 Conversion XL articles to improve your copywriting.

PS; 2022.08.26: Josh Spector on Twitter: “Want to stand out from other writers? Here’s what it takes: 👇” / Twitter.

PS, 2023.01.15: 6 Key Tips to Write Great Product Descriptions (With Examples).

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