Who am I?

Exploring the question, “Who am I?” can be a profound and introspective journey. Let me try to find out more about myself by answering some questions.

  • What are my core values?

A favorite quote of mine – Captain Jack ROSS: “I represent the government of the United States without passion or prejudice” – A few good men (1992) – Blog de Olivian Breda. I try to be a Christian.

„Ar trebui să încercăm să trăim în așa fel încât, dacă s-ar pierde Evanghelia, numai privindu-ne cineva, ea să poată fi scrisă din nou” – Mitropolitul Antonie al Surojului

It’s not easy to put my values into practice; I’m a perfectionist.

I juggle many things, and sometimes I succeed in this; at times, I don’t.

I also like to think that I am brave in the way that I persist in doing the things that are fine, not the things that bring me pleasure.

  • What are my passions and interests?

I like to learn, produce results, meet people, go to the theater, read, listen to music, see movies, to have friends. And to laugh.

  • How do I react under stress?

I think I’m pretty good at this. I don’t do that well in an argument, I wouldn’t say I like this.

  • What are my greatest strengths and weaknesses?

Strengths – stubbornness and self-sacrifice.

Weakness – memory (I try to find solutions, but not all are working). Losing interest if I don’t learn a lot. Impatience.

  • What are my most significant achievements?

I once was #2 in Constanța at Physics. I studied at some important schools, including REI-ASE. I have a lot of work experience. I co-wrote a book. I blog a lot. I work with important clients.

On a personal level, I have some people who appreciate me.

  • What are my fears?

Arguments, not succeeding, not doing something I promised.

  • How do I relate to others?

I try to help, to communicate, to find out more.

  • What has been a pivotal moment in my life?

Coming to Bucharest in 2001.

  • What are my future goals?

Keep learning things, keep helping others, and keep being efficient.

  • How do I want to be remembered?

Someone you can count on. And perhaps, like in the photo – a bit funny.

Olivian Breda și Raluca Mănăilă

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