Follow-up: “Total Quality Leadership: Enhancing Day-to-Day Leadership in a Complex Business Environment” (2010.03.05, Athenee Palace Hilton Hotel)

On the 5th of March, 2010, I went to Athenee Palace Hilton Hotel, Le Diplomat Hall, to see Dr. Alexandros PSYCHOGIOS, PhD in Business Administration (University of Warwick, UK) and Senior Lecturer on Management & HR at CITY College – The International Faculty of the University of Sheffield.

What are my notes at the event?
– Oftentimes, management implies a sort of control;
– What is a complex system? Something that can’t be defined;
– Business gurus claim to bring you success overnight, but this rarely ever happens;
– Entropy – how much does a system change in time;
– In complexity there are a lot of opportunities;
Success & rewards are coming when the risk is high;
– Complexity in societies is due to humans, rather than machines;
– Humans are doing mistakes, the sooner we accept this, the sooner we will be able to correct them;
– Customers are at the core of the management system;
– You can imagine management to be like this:
(source of image and license)
It is a spiral, a dynamic system, always evolving & developing & changing;
– Management today is always evolving;
– TQM (Total Quality Management) involves leadership, it should be TQL (Total Quality Leadership);
– When you say something to someone, you influence them;
– How to create trust?

  • Take the blame;
  • Share the credit;
  • Pitch in and help (give the general guidelines support, but don’t involve);
  • Be consistent;
  • Be honest and fair to the people (if you reward someone, give the same reward when someone else does a similar thing);

– You should give & receive feed-back;
– Learning without feed-back is not learning;
– Steps within an organization:

  • Step 1: Self-knowledge (evaluation);
  • Step 2: Self-discipline (organization);
  • Step 3: Self-sacrifice (resolving);

– You should quiet the voice in the head that says “I can’t do it!”;
– When you say “manager”, typically you mean “middle manager”;
– Managers should have micro-leadership skills;

That’s it, very nice event, I liked it a lot.

You can read a few other notes at Emanuel GRIGORAȘ and Florin GLINȚA.

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