Title tag – the simplest way to do SEO to a page / article / homepage

There are a lot of factors when it comes to SEO – from having a lot of good links, to making sure that search engines can crawl a web site fast & find what’s good about your content to make it rank.

But, to me, the most important & simple at the same time element is this – the title attribute. It’s simple, basic, and sometimes ignored.

The rules for it are simple:

    • Less than 65 characters (with spaces);
    • The targeted keyword(s) should be at the very beginning of the title;
    • Put at the end of the title your brand name (or, if you’re a huge brand, right at the beginning);
    • Don’t over optimize – don’t try to work with 6 keywords at once; for a regular page – 2 keywords maximum, homepage? OK, you can have 3, but no more;
    • Don’t do keyword cannibalization – avoid optimizing more than one page for the same keywords;

Avoid having too many keyword synonyms – stick with the basics;

Do this, and you’ve easily done a change with a big impact for the search engines. The change has one of the highest ratio between results and efforts.

Read more on keyword cannibalization:

and on general title tag information:

Happy titling in the New Year!

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