If I had an online store, I’d look into how the technical specifications are written.
There are ways to write specifications, to make them clearer.
For example, don’t write:
- Rez. senzor (Mp):14.2
, but, instead, write:
- Rezoluția senzorului: 14,2 Megapixeli. (?)
Things to do:
- Avoid abbreviations. Instead of “MP”, write “Megapixels”, or the equivalent word (“Megapixeli”).
- There is a difference between writing one point two in English and in Romanian: 1.2 (En) vs. 1,2 (Ro). Use this difference.
- I would love to have, at mouseover, an explanation of what a certain word means.
- I would try to put the most important technical specifications at the top. You do the work of selecting to the user.
- Avoid translating, and try to explain the specifications to the user.