You don’t get smarter as you age (if you don’t chose to do so)

I have two assumptions for this blog post:

  • If you don’t plan to, you don’t get smarter as you age – how can I prove this? In my opinion, most people in age are not necessarily smarter at 40 than they were at 20; sure, they are better at some things, but, overall they may not be smarter; or, to put it another way, not much smarter; I personally don’t see this in life – “People at 40 at smarter than people at 20”; sure, they are better with some skills, but not necessarily much smarter;
  • If you plan to, you can get smarter – how can I prove this? A lot of people that are smart now have gone through an intended process (read the things they planned, had the experiences they planned, went through life with a plan);

Example – it’s been said:

“What does not destroy me, makes me strong. [Or, What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.].” Friedrich NIETZSCHE

Most people look at this and say – “Hmm, if it doesn’t kill me, it makes me better, right?”; well, not necessarily; let’s say someone upsets you; you can get better (learn how to cope with stress, learn what to do, learn to put differences aside, learn how to listen to the person, improve on the very thing that person has said about you), or you can get less than better (have negative thoughts, become critical, not care at all about other people, learn to ignore everything others say about you); we’re made into thinking positively – “Things will be better”; yes, most of the time, but not always and not necessarily;

This blog post’s message is simple – most people can’t grow their IQ – you’re born with it; but you can increase your ability to take IQ tests, by some methods (like practicing for this kind of tests); in a similar manner, you don’t just get smarter by accident or chance; but if you have a plan and stick with it (I want to be better at thinking, so I read about thinking; I want to have better social skills, so I go out more), you may improve your life, in the aspects you chose;

Conclusion? Live your life by design if you want to improve it; read / go out / have some experiences / watch some movies; but don’t think that by living (and nothing else) you’ll get better at stuff; narrow your choices (I want to be better at X, so I will do the following: A, B, C);

P.S.: Personal impressions only, not necessarily life rules; you may follow my ideas or not.

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