Website audits: “You do wrong …” vs. “If you do this, then that will happen …”

There are two options of saying things in an audit:

  • A: “You do X, and this is wrong! You should do Y!” (alternative: “You do X, X does this huge problem – A, and this is wrong!”)
  • B: “You do X, and this has the following consequences: A, B, C. If you do Y, this has the following consequences. P, Q, R. For this reason, my personal advice would do to pick Y.”

What solution is best?

  • I don’t like the first solution, since the client already has a reason for doing X. He knows why he does it. If you don’t give a reason, or you only give one reason, the client might as well give his own reasoning (one or two reasons on his own). The first solution is useful only when the client trusts you 100% to know better and, also, doesn’t want to understand the system behind things.
  • The second solution puts more emphasis on letting the client pick. Also, it shows you understand the issue more thoroughly. It takes more time to write it, but it may yield better results.

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