In mesaj detaliez foarte mult lucruri despre site-ul lucruri bune, lucruri de imbunatatit. E probabil cel mai complet review facut pana acum.
The two things I’ve learned today at a workshop on Public Speaking
I’ll keep this one simple: 1. Sell information, don’t boringly present it; Convince me! 2. When having a slide in PowerPoint with a few bullets, and you speak about each bullet one at a time, it might be a great idea to synchronize the appearance of bulleted text with your speak, rather than showing all the bulleted text at once.
Review blog: Anti-Trafic Online
Buna tuturor, in mesajul acesta fac un review pentru blogul Anti Trafic Online.
Four things I’ve learned at recent events in my life
There are four things about which I blog in this blog post:
1. A long-awaited joy brings you more happiness than an everlasting joy
2. Always think twice before paying for something
3. Read only quality newspapers
4. There is no free lunch
If you’d like to join me in my quest for a better life, I’d be happy to assist you.
How to do basic search engine optimization? (no prior SEO experience required)
I am writing this blog post with one aim only: to help you, my reader, have a glimpse of what basic SEO is. I’ll also show you, at the end of the article, what full SEO means.
10 motive pentru care il citesc pe Mihnea MARUTA
BAU, Sa va zic de ce imi place blogul lui Mihnea Măruţă ( Vedeti mai jos.
Blogul lui Vladimir TISMANEANU si blogul lui Mihail NEAMTU: Review tehnic (cu o introducere personala)
Mai jos opinia mea despre blogul Vladimir TISMANEANU: Memorie, libertate, moderatie, si despre blogul lui Mihail NEAMTU: Antiteze.
Cum imi instalez eu Windows XP?
De ce scriu acest ghid? Motivul principal este sa am un jurnal a ceea ce am facut. Apoi, cand ma intreaba cineva “Cum instalez Windows?” sa am ce sa le raspund. E, mai mult decat orice, o experienta de invatare decat un tutorial. Imi place sa invat si vreau sa va impartasesc din lucrurile pe care le-am invatat din asta.
Nu va recomand sa instalati Windows-ul la fel ca mine, dar ghidul va poate fi, totusi, de folos.
What I learned from "How managers create and destroy value in times of crisis" presentation (prof. Nenad Filipovic, Marriott, 2009.03.24)
Last night (2009.03.24) I went to “How managers create and destroy value in times of crisis” presentation. It was held by prof. Nenad Filipovic at Marriott hotel, in Bucharest. Here’s what I’ve learned.
What I learned from “How managers create and destroy value in times of crisis” presentation (prof. Nenad Filipovic, Marriott, 2009.03.24)
Last night (2009.03.24) I went to “How managers create and destroy value in times of crisis” presentation. It was held by prof. Nenad Filipovic at Marriott hotel, in Bucharest. Here’s what I’ve learned.