Gala Galaction – I want to meet a great writer, when we will be on an equal footing, not much inferior

I once read in a book by Galaction Gala – I want to meet a great writer, when we will be on an equal footing, not much inferior. I’m wasting his time right now. Getting an autograph is not that great evil.

It’s the same with Instagram. If a very active and involved person posts on Instagram, it does not mean that you should follow her on Instagram. It means that you should become so active and involved that you have something to post. Don’t waste your time being a stalker. Spend your time being the kind of man who, in turn, would be his stalker. Do things, get involved, take action. Dream upstairs, try, struggle. Sometimes it’s OK and an extreme routine, many small things done can bring great results.

The problem is not that you spend your time on Instagram following others, the problem is that your program allows you to look on Instagram. Become a busy man.

“Busy” can also be active relaxation, you can do sports, you can relax consuming the media. But not Instagram, that’s a no-no.

Gala Galaction - Wikipedia

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