“You don’t live online”

I work a lot online, for three months I have been online for about 60 hours a week, on average, each week, as monitored by Rescue Time (Time Management, Productivity, & Project Tracking Software (Mac/PC) | RescueTime).

I get this feeling a lot – “Oh, I’m online, I promote an online brand, things should be online”.

To some degree, it’s true. Online is, in a lot of cases, a good investment for promotion, brand recognition, selling, cross-selling and so on.

What I do tend to forget is that, people don’t live online. Sure, me and others spend a lot of time online, but online is not the only place things happen.

Thus a conclusion:

  • When promoting something, when selling something, when trying to push a message, always remember your customers don’t live only online, don’t buy only online and don’t get information from online media only.

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