Follow-up: Photos at the MBA MasterClass – Javier Gimeno: Risk-Proofing Your Strategy Developing Strategies for High Uncertainty Environments, INSEAD EMBA (2010.05.26, Hilton Hotel)

Wednesday, 26 May 2010, from 3:30 PM to 8:00 PM, at Athenee Palace Hilton Bucharest Hotel, the INSEAD Master Class and GEMBA Information Session was held. I especially liked the part called “Risk-Proofing Your Strategy: Developing Strategies for High Uncertainty Environments”, by Javier GIMENO, Dean Executive MBA Programmes, INSEAD, Aon Dirk Verbeek Chair in International Risk and Strategic Management, Professor of Strategy. This event was kindly hosted by Coface Romania.

I learned new things on business strategy (you can find some notes on the conference here), and took some photos:

(see in full-screen)

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