Mailul ăsta mi se pare genial de bine făcut. Am înlocuit textele reale cu QQQ, ca să nu îi fac reclamă. Am primit multe cereri de acest tip, asta iese în evidență.
———- Forwarded message ———
From: ( QQQ: woman’s name + email)
Date: Wed, Jul 10, 2019 at 4:28 PM
Subject: A catchy subject should be here…
To: Olivian < QQQ:>
… but it isn’t as you’ve probably seen all of them already :)
Hello Olivian,
My name is ( QQQ: woman’s name) and I was just trying to grab your attention with a cheesy “not catchy” subject :) I am outreach strategist at (qqq Company) and I’m writing to you regarding our post on link exchanges here: (QQQ: self-promoting-link)
I won’t pretend I accidentally found you. In fact, I saw that you shared this post on link building ( and I thought that you might like to have a look at ours as well. In our article, we share honest information about link swaps, which is based on years of link building experience and empirical evidence.
And if you like our article, perhaps you would consider sharing it on your Twitter? I’m trying to draw more eyes to it (as I’m sure you have already guessed), and I would appreciate your help.
Anyways, no worries if you are not interested. I understand you might receive tons of such emails.
Thank you in any case!
Have a good day,
QQQ: Woman’s name
Senior Strategist at QQQ
QQQ site + social networks
Don’t want emails from us anymore? Reply to this email with the word “UNSUBSCRIBE” in the subject line.
De văzut și: Theory #1 – Being a woman will get you more links.
Locul #2 în lista mea:
———- Forwarded message ———
From: QQQ Woman’s name + email
Date: Wed, Dec 27, 2017 at 6:28 PM
Subject: Enquiry
To: Olivian <QQQ My email>
Hey Olivian,
As a really brief intro, I’m QQQ Woman’s name and between acting out scenes from Frozen with my two little boys (yep, boys – why couldn’t they just have been obsessed with dinosaurs or spiders?! Deep breath – let it go QQQ Woman’s name) I design infographics here at QQQ Woman’s workplace :)
Anyway, I’m sure you’re super busy so I’ll keep it short.
I’ve created an infographic based on an incredible study by Ahrefs designed to answer one of the biggest questions in SEO: How long it takes to rank in Google.
I’ve been tasked with the job of raising some awareness around the graphic (in the hope that people actually like my work lol) and wondered if you thought it might be something entertaining for your audience? If not I completely understand – I’ll just lose my job and won’t be able to eat for a month (think of my poor cats).
Would you mind very much if I send it across for you to take a look at?
Thank you for your time Olivian!
Kindest regards
QQQ Contact data
Mai târziu:
———- Forwarded message ———
Hi Olivian,
I hope you’re well? It’s just QQQ Woman’s name again (yes, the crazy ‘Frozen lady’ lol – you kindly shared my previous infographic).
We’ve just created a new infographic and I wondered if it would work well for you? QQQ Link
To give you a bit of background, QQQ Tool is a free tool that we created to make it simple for anybody to create clickable social/summary cards for FB, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+ in seconds.
Users can create cards using their own images, titles and descriptions and cards can be linked to any web page (here’s one we made earlier: QQQ URL ). Clickable social/summary cards can, of course, really help to drive more traffic from the social platforms.
Please let me know your thoughts and have a great day!
Kindest regards,
QQQ Contact data

PS, 2022.12.07: Link Building for SEO: The Beginner’s Guide:
Link building is the process of getting other websites to link to pages on your website. Its purpose is to boost the “authority” of your pages in the eyes of Google so that these pages rank higher and bring more search traffic.
Very good article ;)
I’m a little confused, and I need help to position my website. Can someone help me with the link building issue?
Hi, I’ve just sent you an email.
I love this post.
I am dedicated to Link building, and I am interested in finding someone who can help me to publish in countries like Spain, Portugal, UK, France, Mexico …
Can someone help me or recommend me to someone?
Hello Alexa!
I saw your comment and I can give you a hand with the Link Building.
Here I leave you my Linkedin Larisa Wong
I hope you write to me :)