There’s a quote by Ion Creangă:
Vorba ceea:
— Măi Ioane, dragi ţi-s fetele?
— Dragi!
— Dar tu lor?
— Åži ele mie!…
(- Do you like girls? – Yes! – But do they like you back? – I also like them!)
There’s a thing about liking others, which I want to talk about in this article.
- If I like a person a lot, and I’m not liked back, this makes me reconsider the way I see that person. I’m deeply moved by this, it changes the relationship.
- On another hand, if someone else likes me, and I don’t reciprocate, this doesn’t move me all that much. There’s always the question I put (inside me) to persons who like me: “Why aren’t you what you could have been?”. It’s killer-question.
- Laughter and humor changes how I view relationships. It’s the only thing which may make me not ask the killer-question.