About the bounce rate

I’ve seen people worrying about bounce rates around 60%. I think there are two types of bounce rate:

  • Some people might search for various terms, go to your web site via the search engines, find what they are looking for, and then go away. I think this is a good type of bounce rate.
  • Others might look for something, get to your web site, but be dissatisfied, and go back to Google. For those people, I think the bounce rate indicates that something is wrong.

I would advise you to think about these two types of bounce rates when analyzing.

Another thing – some types of businesses have a high bounce rate due to their niche. It’s normal for a publishing web site to have a high bounce rate. A mortgage calculator which refreshes the page after it performs calculations, though, shouldn’t have a high bounce rate.

Bill Gracey – Red Corona, https://flic.kr/p/i8k3fF

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