How to do weather forecast?

I watch, from time to time, what’s on the Romanian weather forecast on TV.

Some observations:

  • Lots of emphasis on Europe – what’s the weather in France for the next 24 hours? But they only show a map of Europe, and, of course, it’s got little details. If you show “Sun” in France for the next 24 hours, there might be some differences that you didn’t catch.
  • For Europe – I would appreciate both a more detailed look and, also, a longer timeframe.
  • When they present Romania, again, there’s little shown – just a few counties, not all of Romania.
  • Again, the weather forecast for 10 days? You’ll likely not see it.
  • Sometimes the presenter stays on the screen in such a way that they’re obscuring the view.
  • I’m not sure what the role of the presenter would be. If they would just show a map of Europe, with evolution for 10 days, then a detailed map of Romania, with evolution for 10 days, then I wouldn’t need the presenter.
  • Whenever I want to find the weather, I go to the Internet and find it a much more reliable source than watching TV at so-and-so-hours. TV is more entertaining, but for speed, usefulness, and ability to understand the broad image – online is much better.

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