How to upload 1,000 photos to Facebook in 30 minutes?

Recently I’ve been to a trip in Europe. I had about 6,000 photos, from which I’ve selected 1,000 to put on Facebook. How did I do it?

First of all, to understand the problem, a photo generally has 1-3 MB right from the camera. Even if compressed to 80% quality JPEG at a maximum 1600 pixels resolution, the picture still has a few hundred kilobytes (the compressed folder had 350 Megabytes, quite big). The problem is, thus, uploading large amount of data to Facebook (it takes time).

But Facebook is different – it only allows you to put pictures with a width of 720 pixels, and a height of 720. Thus, all I had to do was doing a batch resize (I used Irfanview, but there are plenty of other options) of all the pictures, with a maximum resolution of 604×480. With some 80% JPEG compression, at the end I had this result:
1,000 photos with 58 Megabytes!

Thus, it was very easy to upload the photos – only 58 megabytes of data for 1,000 photos.

PS: If you don’t know how to batch resize photos using IrfanViews, see this tutorial.

Update #1: The old resolution of 604×480 has changed to 720×720. Cool.
Update #2: The resolution changed again, this time to 2048×2048 pixels, making the resize somewhat unnecessary.

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