Fear of the unknown

When I was young, I wanted to know a lot about everything.

I had a (sort of) computer when I was around 8 (1990/1991), and after a while, I started writing code.

When I had a real PC (1997), I started figuring things out. I’ve done some mistakes, I crashed the computer a few times, but after a while, I knew some things.

At school, while I didn’t like all the subjects from the curriculum, I felt there was nothing I couldn’t learn if I wanted to.

Fast forward to today, and the realm of unknown things got so big, that it’s a bit frightening.

Sure, I can learn things, but it takes so much time, in some areas, there’s so much to learn, and, in some fields, the knowledge evolves so fast, that I feel overwhelmed at some point.

The solution? Right now, all I can think of is “Pretend you have it all covered”. Act as if you can learn, you can keep up, you do know some things. Pretend, and the fake piece of clothing will fit you well.

Christian Kortum - Into the unknown
Christian Kortum – Into the unknown, https://flic.kr/p/2kgNdr7

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