Sometimes, I get invitations to connect on various social networks. But there’s a maximum limit on the number of people you can add to your network.
Sometimes, I meet new people, some of them at the start of their careers. Who should I consider to be more successful in the future?
Sometimes, I need to evaluate a website on its future value. How will it grow, how will it decline?
Sometimes, I need to evaluate a partnership between a YouTube channel and a sponsor. How will the partnership go?
The thing is, life, both personal and professional, is full of surprises. A hard-working and bright person has the future in their hands, and a website, business, or YouTube channel that does things correctly now, will likely do so in the future.
But it’s very very hard, for me at least, to correctly predict luck and fortune. I don’t easily evaluate what would the career of a person look like 10 or more years in the future. It’s hard, close to impossible, to know if a business will be still on the market 5 years later, or if it will be a hit 10 years later.
The solution? Accept invitations to connect, do meet the people, do consider them capable of success in the future, do consider the potential of a business / YouTube channel / website to grow.