Follow-up: Training ’09 (2009.10.07-08, Ramada Park Hotel – organized by Business Edu)

On the 7th and 8th of October 2009, I took part to Training ’09, at Ramada Park Hotel. The event was organized by Business Edu.

See the event homepage and Twitter page (+1, +2).

Translation was provided by Babylon Consult.

1st day of the event

Some pictures I’ve made for day 1:
[alpine-phototile-for-picasa-and-google-plus src=”user_album” uid=”100050990853086188413″ ualb=”5939862682645587537″ imgl=”fancybox” style=”wall” row=”4″ size=”640″ num=”100″ highlight=”1″ align=”center” max=”100″]

Training Best Practice in 2009 – Decebal-Leonard MARIN, Corporate Dynamics International

(HR Vocational, Business Standard, LinkedIn, Facebook)

Presentation description: Best practices in training market of Romania for 2009.

Things I jotted down:
– The source of disappointment is not the reality itself, but the expectations which are not met;
– The right usage of the internal resources can be a good option;

How can we obtain maximum results from investing in training? – Christian PAULS, Trend Consult

(TrendConsult, LinkedIn)
Presentation description: Most of the cases for which people do not apply the know-how gained at trainings are not only caused by the participants, but also by the attitude organizations have towards learning. The presentation will bring forward the main barriers discovered by Trend Consult, which suppressed applying the things learned at trainings and also solutions that are easy to apply in any organization, in order to significantly increase the results gained by training.

Back to basics – Cristia MAKSUTOVICI, AxA Consulting

(Cariere online, Da afaceri, Training mania, LinkedIn, Facebook)
Presentation description: This is a seminar which wants to tackle with fun and dare a delicate thought: “What should we do during the crisis, as individuals, organizations or trainers?” This is a debate, a brainstorming, a discussion in which we should identify those actions that can lead to success, as managers or companies. Is it the time to cook refined or sophisticated like the French cuisine or is it the right time to reinvent the German cuisine, in which simple things are made excellent?

Good stuff:
– What matters for one’s success?
a. 10% one’s IQ (Intelligence Quotient);
b. 40% one’s EQ (Emotion Quotient);
c. 50% the context;
– In order to do the things that you like, you should cut the activities that don’t bring you value;
– You should focus on the important things – the more you make one thing more sophisticated, the more you lose focus;
– Your sellers should know:
a. How to ask;
b. How to listen;
– The more complicated a tools is, the more difficult it is to handle;
– You should prioritize tasks;
– Find your niche;

Talent versus work – discovering and unleashing potential – Adriana BOSCANICI, Trainart

(The Samurai, LinkedIn)
What makes a champion in any field become a champion? What makes him keep his place? It’s difficult to give short answers. Some of the most frequently mentioned elements by our responders are: strong will, talent and work. Are all these ingredients necessary? If so, in what proportions? This is a hard to answer question. So how can we manage in our organizations these champions, if we don’t know precisely what makes them champions? Thus, our presentation aims to help discover and fulfill our own potential.

BrainPerform – Upgrading Learning Potential – Stelian MARIAN, Human Capital Solutions

(LinkedIn, Business Standard, The Investor)
An innovative training and development approach that uses the latest research data in Behavioral Neuroscience. The program teaches the participants how to learn, gives access to know-how from famous institutes (Harvard, Stanford, Cornell University, etc.), ensures understanding of the way to customize training programs based on identifying common development needs, fulfills the potential of personal transformation and applies innovative techniques of personal development and optimization.

Lovely thoughts:
– At the base of the brain are neurons which are constantly activated;
– Interesting things: neuroeconomics, neuroscience (risky business also), neuroplasticity;
– As you activate more parts of the brain for a task, you get to do that task better;
– You should do a network of neurons in order to automate tasks;
– The brain is an information processor;
– In order to grow, even in a crisis, you need to:
a. Invest;
b. Do things differently;
You can hardly do anything by cutting costs;
– Successful leaders base their actions on ideas that sustain the project;
– Try to imagine yourself from the clients’ perspective;

Fitness + Mind = Neurobics – Ioana PIELESCU, Qipa Professional Development

(LinkedIn, Capital)
Just as fitness exists, neurobics too: fitness for the mind. This means that we can keep our mental agility. More than this, we can improve our mind performance. We have an open invitation to apply simple steps, that can be made even without an instructor: instruments to be used at home, useful information both on personal and professional aspects, ways to own development and of the subordinated teams, new things, interactivity and involvement.

What I remembered by writing down?
– You should avoid skipping breakfast;
– Too much food? That’s bad!
– Avoid smoking;
– Sugar is bad for your brain;
– Pollution has a lot of side effects;
– Sleep well;
– Don’t cover your head when sleeping;
– If you’re sick, don’t force yourself into thinking;
– Stimulate your thinking;
– Have a good working atmosphere (Cool boss);

2nd day of the event

Some pictures I’ve made for day 2:

[alpine-phototile-for-picasa-and-google-plus src=”user_album” uid=”100050990853086188413″ ualb=”5939882383442246433″ imgl=”fancybox” style=”wall” row=”4″ size=”640″ num=”100″ highlight=”1″ align=”center” max=”100″]

From organization culture towards profitability, via leadership and performance – Christian SCHOLTES, Hermes Advisors

(Calea Victoriei Foundation, Training mania, Ziarul Financiar,
The profitability of a company depends largely on the performance of its employees. This performance is determined by their competency and motivation. The competencies can be ensured via recruiting and training, and part of the motivation, the one which ensures the premises, but doesn’t certify performance, is related to the package of compensation and benefits.

Building versatility – Cristian NISTOREASA, Wilson Learning

(LinkedIn, Facebook)
In every organization there is a hidden diversity, that of the Social Styles. Is we can use the differences from the Social Styles, we can obtain a more efficient collaboration, productive relations and results in business. If we can recognize the work preferences of the others and we can adjust our own behavior, we can communicate more efficient and have the persuasive ability to influence others.

Breaking the myth of innovation – Urania CREMENE, Achieve Global

(ROI Institute, LinkedIn,
The economic environment, in a permanent change, requires a culture based on innovation. Without leaders that inspire methods, services, products and even new business models, no company can hope to attract the attention of the media, to surpass competition or to satisfy the needs of 21st century clients.

What insights did I have?
– Organizations tend to have too many procedures;
– It’s good for a manager to allow others to be innovative;
– If you have a dedicated place for a whole department for coffee and smoking, it might generate some ideas;

Influencing – How to make others say “Yes” – Radu IONESCU, RDI

(Psihologia la locul de muncă, LinkedIn)
Sometime we don’t even think about influencing the people around us, we interact with them just as they are. Sometimes we would like to influence them, but we don’t know how. And when we wish to influence people, we are not sure how much can we do this. In the current workshop we could see how much people can be influenced.

Energy 8 – Radu IONESCU, RDI

Energy 8 supports change leaders in development teams, departments and organizations. The ENERGY8 workshop and tool facilitate fast and deep dialogue about complex organizational issues. Starting meaningful conversations focused on three basic questions:
a. What is our driving energy?
b. What drives our organization?
c. How can we further develop our organization?

What presentations I liked best?

From the first day, I greatly enjoyed the presentation about “BrainPerform – Upgrading Learning Potential”. Neurobiology, neuroeconomics, neuroscience, neuroplasticity? Information from scientific sources? Great content! One of the best presentations I’ve ever seen, regarding strictly the content.

From the second day, I really liked the presentation of Radu IONESCU – “Influencing – How to make others say “Yes””. Lots of interactions, good emotions, great insights. Totally loved it for the interactivity part.

What changed in me?

I basically decided I should do some work or study abroad for a few years. Things are trickier than that (I speak good English and some French, so there are just a few countries which would fit me), but it’s one thought I will consider.

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