Let’s say you want to choose some categories for your blog (I wrote in Romanian why you shouldn’t, generally, use tags on WordPress, but, instead, categories – Ce alegi între categorii È™i etichete pentru articolele WordPress? – Blog de Olivian Breda).
You have three categories:
Category 1
Category 2
Category 3
In my opinion, the best solution is to also have another category,
zzz. Uncategorized
, and have this as a default.
So, when you will post a new article on the blog, you will be forced to pick between categories 1-3.
But, in case you will forget to pick a category, the blog post will automatically be assigned to category “zzz. Uncategorized”.
It will be then easy to see that there’s something wrong, as the category
“zzz. Uncategorized”
, which should have zero articles in it, now has one blog post.