On “The Matrix” movies (all three, 1999, 2003)

These days, I watched again the whole series of “The Matrix” franchise:

Below, my feed-back on the three movies. Minor spoilers!

  • I initially gave the movie a 9/10 grade. Now, I’m switching to 10/10. It’s a great movie, almost making it to the list of top movies I’ve seen.
  • Generally, in the movies, you just know that good will eventually triumph (Romanian – “Binili învingi”). Here, it’s not like that. Sure, the movie is mostly positive, but in the movies some battles are not won, there are losses.
  • The main character has special powers. That’s great. But it doesn’t win in all scenarios and aspects of life. Generally, in a superhero movie, the most important characters win every battle. It is not the case here.
  • One of the things I liked best about the movie was the coolness factor. The way the characters dressed, walked, acted, and, most importantly, spoke, was so cool! I really enjoyed this.
  • In the first movie, carefully watch the dialogues with the old lady. She has a way of speaking, it’s so nice.
  • The movie has a lot of things that are related to philosophy and religion, and, yet, it somehow manages not to exaggerate with this part. The influences are there, but as a side note, not as the main part. But if you want to have some references to religion and philosophy, they’re there.
  • I didn’t write down a specific quote, but, all-in-all, I enjoyed the way in which the characters spoke.
  • I write about this a lot in my reviews – when there’s a problem, there are two major ways of solving it – by being creative or by insisting. This movie is all about insisting.
  • The script had lots of surprises and twisting points.
  • In some of the Disney movie cartoons, parents tend to die. In this movie also, you get real-life references to death. You see it happening.
  • There is a good balance between emotion and cognition.
  • In cartoons, the bad guy is generally ugly, it inspires aversion just by looking at it. In here this happens, too.
  • The graphics are great. Generally, I’d say they haven’t exaggerated with the graphics part, but it’s hard for me to imagine how movies were, in general, in 2003. In this case, they might have exaggerated a bit.
  • A major theme of the movie – what love does to people. What makes people unique is love.
  • I’ve seen some of the movies by the directors (The Wachowskis). I plan to see more.
  • What I liked less about the movies was the fact that they didn’t give me that many emotions.

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