Taking time

“I don’t have any time for easy and repetitive tasks” I once told while living in student hostels a friend of mine.

He replied that I’d better become someone really important, to really prove that I don’t have any time.

I thought, back then, that if I skip easy and repetitive tasks, that this proves I’m paying attention to my time.

Sometimes in the past one or two months, I’ve read a thought – “If you want to give someone a task, choose someone who’s really important and busy, it’s more likely that the person will do it”.

And I think this is the real thing.

I previously wrote that the most important thing for working efficiently is passion.

The same logic applies to time management – it’s not that important if you have 6 hours of work in a day or 10 hours, for a lot of creative and non-repetitive tasks.

A busy person is more likely to have accomplished lots of things and to know the value of a job done correctly.

Theen Moy - Tea Time
Theen Moy – Tea Time, https://flic.kr/p/NwcEU3

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