What have I learned on a training about Public Speaking with ARDOR, 2010.04.16?

On the 16th of April I took part to a training on Public Speaking. The training was held by ARDOR – Romanian Debate, Oratory and Rhetoric Association.
The event was organized by LEAP (Link Education And Practice) association at ArCuB Bucharest.

What have I learned in there?
1. It’s best that you know right from the start where you want to get with a speech; Have the ending in mind right from the start;
2. Some goals of a speech:
– to inform;
– to inspire;
– to influence others;
3. You have to set the objectives of the speech based on your audience;
4. It matters:
– What you say (for this you have to prepare);
– How you say it (experience helps on this);
5. Preparing is very important; Repeat your speech;
6. A speech should be concise;
7. It’s important to:
– tell a story;
– set an example;
– say a joke;
8. Don’t just give an idea, follow it up;
9. If you give examples and tell real-life stories, your message will be better retained;
10. After you put a rhetorical question, give some time for thinking about it;
11. Asking people is a powerful method – ask people to do things for you; Ask them to pay attention;
12. The structure of a speech:
a. Basis (the reason to listen to you);
b. Most important point (“I will now tell you this great thing …”);
c. Conclusion;
13. Split your speech into pieces and give them reasons to pay attention to the next part;
14. How to improve your speaking abilities? Whenever you have the chance to hold a speech, do it! You should become the person who always keeps on talking;
15. Feedback on my speech that day:
– avoid crossing hands, sitting on one leg, putting your hand to your mouth;
– talk with a slower pace;
– avoid saying problems in your speech (rather negative);
16. Final tips:
– quote the person who spoke before you;
– you can learn some things online, via Debate academy web site.

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