I like being offered help when I need it. For example, the best place to put a warning on electric danger may well be in the area with the electric appliances.
If you want to make a list to things to remember to do while in the car, put that list in the car.
In the online, it’s even simpler – whenever you use a function, you are given options and suggestions for it. You can change a status in Facebook for example, by hovering the mouse over the status, then clicking in the upper right are of the status message itself.
Yet, Gmail recently did a thing which is a bit too much:
How can you turn this off? You don’t have an universal setting. The answer is, thus this:
How do I turn off automatic translation of messages?
If you’ve enabled automatic translation of messages for a particular language, but would like to turn it off, just click on the Don’t automatically translate for: link.For example, let’s say you turned on automatic translation of Spanish messages. The next time you receive a Spanish message, click on the Don’t automatically translate for: Spanish link in the box to turn it off. (source)
Sorry, Gmail, but I handle a lot of accounts, and I’d like this function off by default for all my accounts. At least, when I log into an account, and go to settings, put that option somewhere and I’ll notice it.
Right now, from time to time, whenever I login into an account, I see this option, and I don’t like it.
Providing options for the user to handle things on the spot? Good.
Not having an option to disable this? Not so good.