On 19th of January, 2010, I took part to Orange Online MeetUp #4 with Paul SCHWARTFEGER (LinkedIn profile). The session was about User Experience and it was held at Orange Concept Store.
Here are a few notes I’ve made:
– A button such as “Empty shopping cart”:
a. Is not looked for by the clients;
b. Tends to complicate things;
c. Can have catastrophic results;
– If a person in a photo seems to be looking at something in the web site, the visitors of the web site tend to look at where does that person look;
– It’s better to have form labels above the input fields, rather than in the left of them;
– The length of the form is an important factor in deciding whether to fill in the form or not; Forms with less fields to fill in tend to be filled in more;
– You should double check the email form and the password form;
– If posible, postpone filling out forms completely;
– When creating a web site, you may want to not force people to create an account;
– Avoid having two-columns forms;
– At the checkout phase, it’s best to have a clear procedure listed (do the receiver need to sign for receiving the goods? At what times must I be at home when receiving the goods? etc.);
– It’s better to have multiple steps in a form, rather than a single step;
– Simple thing: it’s better to test something than not to test something;
And some pictures I took:
[alpine-phototile-for-picasa-and-google-plus src=”user_album” uid=”100050990853086188413″ ualb=”5939826782702021297″ imgl=”fancybox” style=”wall” row=”4″ size=”640″ num=”100″ highlight=”1″ align=”center” max=”100″]
Others took pictures also.
You can see other reviews of the event in here: mobile-news.ro #1, mobile-news.ro #2, w2.ro, zf.ro, romanialibera.ro.