On customer service

Seth Godin: And so, the money you spend on customer service isn’t simply free. It actually repays you many times over. (via »)

I think customer service is overlooked.

Why does it matter, mostly?

Acquiring a new customer is five times as expensive as retaining an existing customer.
44% of companies admit they, “have a greater focus” on acquisition, while 18% focus on retention (the rest claim to have an equal focus).

(Acquisition vs Retention: The Importance of Customer Lifetime Value)

Know you know. :)

Onasill ~ Bill - Be Safe & Happy - Kingston Ontario - Canada - Cooke's Fine Foods and Coffee - Since 1865
Onasill ~ Bill – Be Safe & Happy – Kingston Ontario – Canada – Cooke’s Fine Foods and Coffee – Since 1865, https://flic.kr/p/2k8D4kH

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