„De ce îi este omului de astăzi foame? De iubire și de sens.” – Nicolae Steinhardt în Jurnalul fericirii
There’s a book called: “Între Dumnezeu și neamul meu” – Petre Țuțea.
There is a horizontal axis (love, my people) and a vertical axis (God, purpose).
I think there might be a diagonal within these axises: not caring, being thick skinned (nepăsare / nesimțire).
In this situation, where you don’t care, you have neither a purpose, not love.
I think these words combine multiple plans – not caring, being thick skinned (nepăsare / nesimțire).
And they’re even harder to fix, as they are on multiple levels.
If you have no love and no purpose, I think you are in a poor position.