Idea: There is no competition, only niches and segments

I think there is no competition, only niches and segments; let me explain this:

  • Any business you would take, you can segment it very much and pick a niche that hasn’t been taken yet and solve that niche’s problems better than anyone else; you will be the master of a niche; then, you can expand your business;
  • Let’s say you pick a niche which is already taken; even in that niche you can create another niche; so, if you build a donuts shop next to another donuts shop, you can differentiate via customer service, quality, products, marketing, operating times and so on; you can be a different donuts shop.
So the bottom line is that, in some way, there is no competition, only niches and segments.
I got this idea from Vlad STAN (Twitter), at the Coaching Support Group Bucharest, Noble Manhattan training center.
My follow-up: 2011.09.15 Vlad STAN at Coaching Support Group Bucharest.

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