Follow-up: Book release: “Monsignor”/”Monseniorul” by Horia Cosmovici

On 16th of May, 2011 took place the book release of “Monsignor”/”Monseniorul” by Horia COSMOVICI (below a video I made at the event).

The event took place from 4 to about 5 PM at the Theological Institute of Saint Teresa (Institutul Teologic Sf. Tereza) of Saint Joseph Cathedral (catedrala Sf. Iosif), 19, Berthelot street, in the commemoration days for Vladimir GHIKA (May 15-17, 2011).

The book is the first documented account in Romania of the life of Monsignor Vladimir GHIKA, from 1939 until his death in Jilava prison.

A video I made:

Photos from the event:

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