Costin IATAN from TID Romania – short interview

Below you’ll find a short interview with Costin IATAN from TID Romania.

Q: What did you like best at the trip of Giurgiu to Oltenița, around 1st of May, 2011?

A: I love kayaking, especially canoeing lately, and I LOVE the Danube. I go out kayaking or canoeing almost every week-end if the weather is good enough. Being on the Danube with so many new people, some of them I just met that morning, and sharing with them this wonders can only make me happy!

Q: Why should a person take part to the next event?

A: The sound of the paddle going slowly through the water, the birds songs coming from the woods, the wild ducks and cormorants flying all around, the big boats floating up and down the river and making nice and smooth waves for your boat, the fish soup made right there on the bank of the river, the sound of the guitar in front of the camp fire next to a cup of red wine and of course the “endless” Danube in the morning right in front of you… I’m sure this is a perspective almost everyone would like to try at least once in a life time.
Sportive Association TID Romania is trying to help as many people as possible to discover this wonderful new outdoors activity in Romania named “tour kayaking”. The Danube is awesome!

Q: How can people contact you?

A: We encourage people to visit our web-site – TID Romania. There they can find a description of TID and almost all of the information necessary on how to join our project in Romania. We recommend them to browse through the thousands of pictures available in the many galleries in the PHOTOS section. There is also a CONTACT section available on the website.
You can find other information, in English, on the official website of the Tour International Danubien from Germany.

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