Making people laugh

If you tell a lot of jokes, you might notice this reaction:

  • If they know you as a funny person, and trust you, you’re more likely to make people laugh, even with poorer jokes/assertions. Just by saying something mildly funny, people will laugh. When in doubt (Is this a joke?), they’ll tend to laugh.
  • If you’re known as a serious person, when telling a joke you might notice this answer – “Hmm, what you say is paradoxical. Are you sure that’s a right assertion?”. “Of course I’m sure, the paradox is actually a joke!”. The problem was not the joke itself, but you being known as a funny person (or, as it the case, less so).

So, if you want to make people laugh, set yourself an image as a funny person.

Two things on the matter:


GoodFellas Tommy DeVito “Funny How?” – YouTube :


George Bernard Shaw’s lively aphorism, “If you want to tell people the truth, you’d better make them laugh or they’ll kill you” (via: If You Want To Tell People the Truth, You’d Better Make Them Laugh or They’ll Kill You – Quote Investigator)


Jan Vlugt - Fun
Jan Vlugt – Fun,

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