“[…] the key to your freedom… was inside of you the entire time” – The Life of David Gale (2003)

(spoiler alert!)

“You’re handcuffed, forced to swallow the key.”


“[…] you’re left there to suffocate. The Securitat did it to Romanians when they wouldn’t inform or confess.”

“Otherwise, you died knowing that the key to your freedom… was inside of you the entire time.”

Source » The Life of David Gale (2003)

It’s always the case, isn’t it?

100% of the time, you’re accountable for what happens to you.

You can find excuses, external factors, reasons to fail.

But, in the end, it’s all you.

ababhastopographer - bamboo forest path
ababhastopographer – bamboo forest path, https://flic.kr/p/2kDfzMb

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