I’ve seen Inside Out 2 (2024).
My thoughts? I recommend you see the first part – Inside Out (2015). I liked the movie a lot; I give it a 10/10.
Should you see it? Not necessarily; I don’t think it’s for everyone. I’ll detail my thoughts below (with spoilers!), I don’t think it’s a great movie for everyone.
But at least a good one? Sure!
Thoughts – with spoilers:
- „De ce îi este omului de astăzi foame? De iubire și de sens.” – Nicolae Steinhardt în Jurnalul fericirii. The first movie was about love. This movie was about purpose. (love too, but much less so) Note – when I mean “love and purpose,” I mean “emotions and principles,” not necessarily romantic love and spiritual purpose.
- There’s a book called: “Între Dumnezeu și neamul meu” – Petre Țuțea. In the previous movie, it was about social things (emotions). In this movie, it’s about a higher purpose. Note – it’s not a religious movie, but I think the principle applies well.
- I like the fact that, unlike the previous iteration, in this movie you are not given a solution. Life is about paradox.
- I don’t necessarily agree with the principles in the movie, but I liked the play emotions-higher principles.
- After the movie, I listened to Kansas – Dust in the wind (cover by Margherita Pirri). The movie was not sad, but this was my state. I even wept a bit in the movie, less than in the first movie.
- I went soon after the movie for a walk-in Tăbăcărie Park in Constanța; it was nice. I photographed some birds.
- There’s a joke with Ivan Ivanovici. The movie was like a joke – not melancholic, but it gave me a state, I don’t know how to put it.
Who should see the movie? The ones looking for paradoxes and the play between emotions and virtues.
Note—there are two axes—a vertical one for ethics/spirituality/principles/philosophy and a horizontal one for love/emotions/social connections/interactions.