În perioada 4-5 noiembrie 2019, a avut loc la Teatrul Național București, Sala Mare (B-dul Nicolae Bălcescu nr. 2, sector 1 – P-ța Universității) GPeC SUMMIT Noiembrie 2019.
Au fost 2 zile de E-Commerce și Digital Marketing în mijlocul celui mai important eveniment de profil din Europa Centrală și de Est: Speakeri World-Class pentru prima dată în România, Content 100% premium, Expo cu 35+ companii top-notch, Networking cu participanți C-Level din întreaga Europă, Festivitatea Gala Premiilor eCommerce – totul creat să te inspire. #CraftedToInspire
Mai jos, notițele mele și fotografii de la eveniment.
Album foto integral pe Google Photos »
Alte articole despre eveniment:
- The winners take it all – Câștigătorii ediției a XIV-a a competiției GPeC | Blog-ul GPeC;
- GPeC Summit Noiembrie 2019 – Ziua I – Live Blogging | Blog-ul GPeC;
- GPeC Summit Noiembrie 2019 – Ziua II – Live Blogging | Blog-ul GPeC;
- Blog – Cum a fost la GPeC Summit 2019 – Blugento;
GPeC SUMMIT – Ziua 1 – Conferință & Expo, 4 Noiembrie 2019
Welcome to GPeC SUMMIT Day 1 – 14 Years Edition – Andrei Radu (CEO & Founder GPeC)
Romanian E-Commerce Market Research 2019 – Andrei Cânda (Managing Partner iSense Solutions)
Andrei Canda iSense Solutions Studiu de Piata E-Commerce GPeC 2019
Concluziile Cercetării de Piață E-Commerce, realizate de iSense Solutions pentru GPeC la nivelul anului 2019 – studiu reprezentativ la nivel național pentru mediul urban.
Află, în premieră, ultimele date despre comportamentul consumatorilor online, cât cheltuiesc pe diferite verticale, ce tipuri de produse cumpără cel mai mult, ce își doresc de la magazinele online, care le sunt temerile când vine vorba de cumpărăturile prin internet și multe alte informații hot și în exclusivitate despre situația actuală a pieței de e-commerce.
Studiu iSense Solutions – 65% din clienții magazinelor online vor să li se solicite feed-back.
Fiți diferiți! Ușurați și gamificați procesul de comunicare! Comunicați funny și cereți feedback!
Faptul că românii nu plătesc cu cardul, ci COD (cash-on-delivery) este dat de încrederea în magazin și procesul de cumpărare. Românii preferă să plătească când știu sigur că primesc ce au comandat.
Cumpărătorii de pe Amazon sunt o nișă pe piața din România. AliExpress e lider pe cumpărăturile de pe site-uri străine, nu e în top 10, dar e foarte aproape de el.
Studiul e reprezentativ pentru mediul urban, populația 18+.
Key Points & Trends of the E-Commerce Market tête-à-tête with Iulian Stanciu (CEO eMAG)
Iulian Stanciu CEO eMAG – GPeC SUMMIT – Evenimentul Anului in E-Commerce si Digital Marketing
Dialog deschis cu Iulian Stanciu (CEO eMAG):
Cifre și statistici E-Commerce pentru anul 2019
Situația pieței la final de an și predicții pentru 2020
Ritmul de creștere în România vs. Europa
Black Friday 2019 și campaniile de Sărbători
Provocări în E-Commerce
Particularități de piață și comportament de consum
Verticale cu potențial major de business
Noutăți și servicii eMAG…
… sunt doar câteva din subiectele pe care le vom dezbate pe scena GPeC SUMMIT împreună cu Iulian Stanciu, CEO-ul eMAG – cel mai mare magazin online din România. Te încurajăm să fii parte activă din acest dialog și să adresezi întrebările tale LIVE la GPeC, pe 4 noiembrie 2019! #DeNeratat
eMAG face studii pentru a se plia foarte bine pe ce se va cumpăra de Black Friday. Încearcă să calibreze ce spun oamenii că vor cumpăra de BF și ce cumpără efectiv.
Fac un studiu de prognoză imediat după BF și tot atunci un studiu de analiză a ce s-a întâmplat efectiv.
Oamenii își pun bani deoparte lunile de dinainte de BF.
Cumpărăturile nu scad înainte de BF, crește economisirea.
Suntem de 3 / 4 ori sub media electro IT comparat cu o piață ca Cehia.
Este o întrepătrundere între online și offline, pentru că la finalul zilei tot din offline trebuie să ridici produsul.
Electro IT este una din cele mai mici piețe, fashion și sport sunt peste acea piață. Casă / grădină și FMCG încă și mai mari. În online e fix invers față de aceste statistici, în online Electro IT are vânzări însemnate.
Ecommerce nu înseamnă doar electronice.
AliExpress, cel mai mare vânzător internațional, urmat de Amazon.
ANCOM – tot ce e sub 2 Kg e considerat plic.
15-20% creștere față de anul trecut – estimare totală a pieței.
eMAG au introdus o taxă de 5 lei pe COD (cash-on-delivery).
Anterior, PC Garage avea livrare gratuită la plata cu cardul.
Plata cu cardul este mai ieftină pentru comerciant decât COD (cash-on-delivery).
65-70% din livrări în afara Bucureștiului se fac acasă (spre deosebire de puncte de livrare cum sunt EasyBox sau Poșta Română). Asta pune o presiune foarte mare pe curier.
Primul lucru care ar trebui rezolvat este respectarea promisiunii de livrare.
Gama de produse, preț, livrare, retur și simplitate – contează mult în focusul pe client. Acestea sunt principalele aspecte pe care se axează. Gama de produse trebuie îmbunătățită, dar se pune accent în primul rând pe preț și pe livrare.
Iulian Stanciu consideră că este loc pe piață pentru alte magazine online.
eMAG lucrează la o platformă de integrare a marketplaceurilor din mai multe țări.
În Franța există un magazin online care are de aproximativ 10 ori mai multe produse (aproximativ 65 de milioane vs. 6-7 milioane eMAG) decât eMAG.
Doar 5% din oameni au avut o părere proastă și foarte proastă despre clipul eMAG – Mihail Șora. Undeva la 75% au avut o părere bună și foarte bună despre campanie.
The Lost Art of Asking Questions – Els Aerts (Co-Founder AG-Consult)
Els Aerts Speaker GPeC SUMMIT E-Commerce & Digital Marketing Conference
World-class user research is the driver behind every successful optimization program. And when it comes to qualitative user research, that means getting up close and personal with your users.
Talking to them. Asking them questions. The right timing, wording, and tone of voice of your question can make all the difference. In this talk, Els helps you reconnect with this key element of qualitative research: the lost art of asking questions.
Don’t ask your users to predict their future behavior
Also, don’t ask people about the too distant past (like 6 months ago)
If you ask people and they don’t remember, you will get some answers, but what will likely happen is that they will be lies
Don’t ask leading questions – for example, don’t ask “How brilliant” or “Do you love…”. Ask “Do you think it was good or bad” or “How would you rate …”.
It’s OK to ask something like “How hard was it to reach your goal?”.
Don’t ask loaded questions. Example – “How do you rate superstar host Andrei Radu?”.
We need good question hygiene – people with different gender, age groups.
Also, before sending a survey to a lot of people, send the survey to a small number of people, and only then send it to a lot of users.
Some people ask about surveys at very inappropriate times, like right before buying.
When they put a survey in the middle of the screen, they got 2.5x more responses.
You need to make decisions about showing a survey each time for your web site. Your situation might be different than others.
Closed questions are good as a refinement to open questions, but not to start with them.
After someone asks a question on your web site, give them your contact data (phone + email, preferably), in case they have an urgent need for a reply.
How to do a good interview? The first rule – don’t call it an interview, but a chat.
It’s wrong to say “Now, for another question”. This will make it look very formal, unfriendly. People don’t talk to their friends like that…
When in an interview, the most important thing to do is to listen. Don’t think about the next question on your list.
If you have just 3 people out of only 10 people you’ve asked who is stopping at a specific point, you should consider solving the issues they have.
What’s the best number of questions to ask? There are no magic numbers.
If someone closes a survey popup, don’t show it to them again.
HotJar is a very good low-cost tool for asking people questions.
You risk biasing answers if you give them a prize to answer.
If you ask people to come to your office, give them an incentive, as a form of reward.
Less is… better! A Fintech Perspective – Antim Iordache (Card Payments Expert, Orange Money)
Antim Iordache Orange Money GPeC SUMMIT
We owe it to our customers to shorten the time they spend on performing shopping online or using financial digital services. And use the remaining time to enjoy their life offline, with family and friends.
We are part of this journey and our search is restless.
FEAR-FU: How to Overcome Customer Uncertainties & Boost Conversion with Social Proof – Angie Schottmuller (Growth Marketing Advisor)
Angie Schottmuller CRO speaker GPeC SUMMIT – The most important E-Commerce & Digital Marketing Event in CEE
Social proof can be powerful content. In this session, you will learn how to:
Grade quality of proof (scorecard provided)
Acquire persuasive reviews
Apply proof strategically to aid conversion (7 pragmatic tricks with examples)
Our main emotion driving behavior
Flight / fight / freeze.
Primary responsibility – it makes you feel safe.
Reviews can boost conversion rates by 270%.
Impact of social proof = Quality of social proof * friction uncertainty. (formula)
If you ask for reviews, 77% of people actually post an online review.
But you shouldn’t do this, but, rather, ask a satisfaction interview.
You should ask people about surprises – what wasn’t clear, what was uncertain during the shopping process?
Social proof – sums/counts/percents, words (testimonials), images (logos)
You should put testimonials not on a dedicated page, but on pages with anxiety points.
Call-to-action places would work better if testimonials are near them.
If you add a testimonial to a page, it should be related to the page that testimonial is on.
If you add a testimonial to a page, you should use a different font (ex.: Georgia, italic) than the rest of the page. Also, use bold to emphasize the most relevant part. Don’t bold more than one wrapping line.
Testimonials and reviews need to be signed.
If you add testimonials, you need to make sure that the person signing the review is someone similar to your audience.
Use real names. Add logos, but not more than one. If you add photos, don’t let visual images distract the users. Use small pictures, like 70×70.
With images, you should cover uncertainty/fear. It should also be relevant to the other content on the page.
Bringing Personality Back To The Web – Vitaly Friedman (Co-Founder Smashing Magazine)
Vitaly Friedman, Smashing Magazine speaks at GPeC SUMMIT Bucharest Romania – E-commerce & Digital Marketing Conference
Generic designs have become somewhat of a misnomer in conversations circling around web these days. Customers are bored and slightly annoyed by how predictable and uninspired most experiences have become. They find it difficult to distinguish between brands, and unconditional loyalty is a rarity these days. While A/B testing every single button and the shade of it, we are losing the big picture, oftentimes losing our customers along the way, often irrevocably.
In this talk, Vitaly Friedman, the co-founder of Smashing Magazine, will shed some light into a strategy of how to bring personality back to our brands, and how to enable businesses to strive and stand out.
Without a major redesign, you might lack the occasion to make something memorable and great.
Why is it that if we get a service just a few dollars cheaper than Uber would make me jump ships? Why, on the other hand, are we so connected with MailChimp.
You might lose the opportunity of having a strong personality if you decide to follow all the rules.
You should try to find a single element and make the boring interesting.
You should either do something very powerful, or nothing at all. Nothing in between. If you ask for likes, keep asking very pushy. If you don’t want to, don’t ask.
The best moment to ask for email verification is, among others, right after the person has ordered.
It becomes harder and harder to get people’s real email.
The Imposter Syndrome: 6 Lessons from a Marketing Fraud – Tiffany DaSilva (Growth Marketing Consultant)
Tiffany daSilva speaker at GPeC SUMMIT Bucharest Romania – The most important E-Commerce & Digital Marketing Event in Eastern Europe
In her talk, Tiffany discusses how 70% of people from all walks of life, both men and women experience imposter syndrome at some point in their careers. Tiffany shares her own experiences along with the framework and tools she uses every day to eliminate it.
Key Takeaways:
Find people like you to form a group on Slack, WhatsApp or Facebook: discuss problems, share experiences, promote each other’s content, and have honest and transparent conversations to help support one another.
Identify people you need to cut out or ignore. Who is the villain in your life? You need to set boundaries for how you’re going to deal with them.
Visualize your race and visualize yourself winning it. People who envision their successes tend to be the ones that outperform their peers.
Don’t believe everything you think.
Lesson #1: Get off autopilot. Squash the negative self talk.
Your self-talk is killing you.
Lesson #2: Unmasks your villain. Who do you need to cut out or ignore?
Lesson #3: Build your crew (budget, team, someone to bury the bodies, whatever).
Lesson #4: Set expectations
Lesson #5: Create your bucket list (your legacy)
Lesson #6: Visualize
A lot of time we don’t get out of failure mode.
The King is dead. Long live the… God? – Valentin Radu (CEO Omniconvert)
Valentin Radu Omniconvert Speaker GPeC Ecommerce SUMMIT
He knows more about your products than you do. He connects instantly with all the other customers. If he’s not pleased, he can pretty much do anything to send a company into oblivion. RIP, Thomas Cook.
Omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent. The customer is not the king anymore. He is more like a God.
In this incredibly demanding, competitive and connected market, we need to understand our customers better than ever.
In this session, Valentin will give you the means to understand and please the eCommerce God. You don’t need offerings. You just need the right offers.
The customer is aware of what is happening.
United Airways lost around 1bn $ after an incident with a customer which created large rumors.
Since 2013, Facebook CPC grew 8 times, while retail e-commerce sales worldwide have increased by 158%.
Why do customers leave the company? 68% because they believe a company doesn’t care for them.
You should constantly monitor customer satisfaction, including NPS (Net Promoter Score).
DollarShaveClub.com video.
The more options you offer a prospect, the less likely is the customer to buy from you.
1-19% of US customers say that 36% of what they will buy is D2C (direct-to-consumer, skipping the middle man).
1 True Lover generates as much margin as 397 fresh customers. Is it smart to treat everyone the same?
Amazon Prime wants to keep engaged with the best customers.
It’s much better, for Black Friday, not to give discounts on a first-come-first-served base, but, rather, try to give discounts to people who have bought a lot of times from them.
The real formula for eCommerce: LifeTIme Value – Customer Acquisition Cost * # of Customers = Growth
Top 15+ Recommendations & Trends in the E-Commerce & Digital Marketing Field
Razvan Acsente Speaker GPeC SUMMIT Marian Hurducas Speaker GPeC SUMMIT – Cel mai important eveniment de E-Commerce si Digital Marketing Doina Vilceanu ContentSpeed speaker GPeC SUMMIT – Cel mai important eveniment de comert electronic si marketing online din Romania Mihai Vinatoru Speaker GPeC SUMMIT – SEO, E-Commerce & Digital Marketing Andreea Moisa Beans United – GPeC SUMMIT Florinel Chis ARMO GPeC SUMMIT Cosmin Daraban GoMag speaker GPeC SUMMIT – Conferinta E-Commerce si Marketing Online Premium Catalin Macovei MoLoSo – GPeC SUMMIT PPC E-Commerce Bogdan Manolea Co-Founder TRUSTED & Advisor GPeC
Sesiune practică, plină de prezentări și dezbateri la obiect, conținând peste 15 recomandări esențiale pentru companiile cu prezență online sau care caută să se digitalizeze, ținând cont de trend-urile anului 2019 și viitorul imediat apropiat. Vom dezbate împreună cele mai importante aspecte despre Digitalizare, Marketing Online, Business Strategy, SEO, PPC, Content Writing & Social Media.
Invitați: Răzvan Acsente (Digital Commercial Manager Vodafone), Marian Hurducaș (Manager & Founder Necktie Agency), Doina Vîlceanu (Chief Marketing Officer ContentSpeed), Mihai Vînătoru (Managing Partner DWF), Andreea Moisa (Managing Director Beans United), Florinel Chiș (Director Executiv ARMO), Cosmin Dărăban (GoMag), Cătălin Macovei (Co-Founder MOLOSO), Bogdan Manolea (Co-Founder TRUSTED.ro)
Răzvan Acsente (Digital Commercial Manager Vodafone)
Sfaturi pentru azi:
1.1. Pune produsele nu neapărat în fundal alb. În schimb, pune produsul în context. Poți arăta “live din joc”. Poți arăta un rucsac pe telefon. Poți arăta un telefon în buzunar, în mână. Sau video de câteva secunde pe un manechin.
1.2. Pentru clienții nespecializați, focusează-te pe beneficiile pe care le aduc produsele respective.
Sfaturi pentru mâine:
2.1. Luați în considerare să adăugați voice product reviews. Pot fi și alte metode de a include audio într-un magazin online.
2.2. Un sacou poate fi prezentat ca sacou pentru o anumită comunitate, chiar dacă această asociere e artificială. Poți avea haine business, sau street style, sau de toamnă.
3. Ai nevoie de un nou dialect – comunicarea între comercial și IT e nevoie să fie cât mai bună.
Marian Hurducaș (Manager & Founder Necktie Agency)
Ce fac magazinele online? Performance marketing. Ce ignoră? Social media. De ce? Pentru că este necesară o viziune pe termen lung.
Ai nevoie de social media pentru că:
– Ai nevoie de conversație;
– Ai nevoie de comunitate;
– Ai nevoie de poziționareși branding;
– Ai nevoie de avocații de brand și de un focus group.
Indiferent dacă e un business B2C / B2B, ai nevoie de comunicare human-to-human.
Datele de contact trebuie să fie completate corect.
Conținutul multimedia trebuie să fie propriu în proporție de 75%+.
Infotainment ar trebui să fie pe la 50%. Exemplu: Pro TV.
Este necesar timp scurt de răspuns la mesaje.
Conținutul multimedia trebuie să fie divers și dinamic.
Ai curaj să oprești campniile Google 24 de ore? Dacă le oprești, mai știe cineva unde sunteți, cine sunteți, ce vindeți și de ce existați? Dacă ai răspuns “nu” la majoritatea întrebărilor, ar trebui să pui accent și pe alte canale.
Nu toate rețelele sociale aduc conversii în secunda următoare.
Pleacă tot timpul de la Buyer Personas, de la oamenii pe care vrei să îi atragi într-o comunitate.
Facebook și Instagram se pretează foarte bine pe produsele mass market și ieftine. Exemplu, Eugenia și fashion. Recent, pe Instagram se vând haine vintage.
Doina Vîlceanu (Chief Marketing Officer ContentSpeed)
Există retaileri care consideră că anii următori se vor închide 75.000 de magazine fizice.
Primii cumpărători online sunt și cumpărătorii offline. E nevoie de marketing omnichannel.
România e pe primul loc în lista țărilor în care researchul se face online și cumpără offline.
50% din cumpărători preferă să cumpere online, dar să ridice produse dintr-un magazin fizic.
Metode alternative de intrare în online – poți vinde prin marketplace, pentru a valida ideea de business, promoțiile, prețurile. Sau poți face parteneriate cu alte business-uri.
Mihai Vînătoru (Managing Partner DWF)
Anul acesta – 10+ update-uri majore, și 200+ mici actualizări. De asemenea, modificări layout SERP. S-a lansat Google Shopping. ș.a.
Au acces la ~400 de conturi de tip Google Analytics.
Probleme importante:
1. Google entity clusters. Dacă vorbești pe o pagină pe un anumit termen, este necesar să te asiguri că brandul tău se asociază cu toate celelalte elemente din cadrul acelei entități.
2. Blog on problems, not on volumes. Scrie pe blog despre probleme concrete ale clienților. Scrie pe ce lucruri pun accent vizitatorii voștri. Folosește paginile de FAQ. Caută pe forumuri întrebările clienților voștri. Vă va ajuta la SEO.
3. 3. Focus pe viteză. La DWF au testat aproximativ 200 de criterii pentru un site, și în perioada recentă au observat creșteri de vizibilitate în special prin creșterea vitezei unui site. De testat cu: https://gtmetrix.com/
Andreea Moisa (Managing Director Beans United)
Se observă că, deși poți lua multe acțiuni, rata de conversie efectivă nu se modifică.
În funcție de nișa magazinului se pot crea articole pe site, care să aducă vizitatori, care să se aboneze la newsletter, lucru care poate crește numărul de cumpărător.
Este nevoie să creezi o relație cu consumatorii. De evitat ca lupta pentru vizitatorii să evite o luptă a prețurilor.
Atrage atenția consumatorilor, mai degrabă decât de a o cumpăra.
Florinel Chiș (Director Executiv ARMO)
Mii de magazine online din România au drept încasări echivalentul unui salariu. Un salariu bun, dar doar atât.
La modul opus, sunt magazinele care își doresc excelența operațională. Este cu totul alt joc față de o afacere mică, de familie, care e posibil să aibă un ritm mic de creștere și se va plafona.
Este nevoie de un set diferit de skilluri de la un business la altul.
La micul dejun nu aleg neapărat între 2 tipuri de lapte, ci aleg între lapte, avocado, altceva. Ar trebui să am imaginea de ansamblu.
Un magazin online are drept concurenți și magazine online din Europa, dar și din alte continente, mai ales Asia.
Ar trebui să îți extinzi și tu geografia căreia i te adresezi.
Anul trecut, de Black Friday, a fost un trend foarte crescător de cumpărare în mediul rural.
Oamenii din mediul online comandă foarte mult din mobile.
Stăm foarte bine la comunicarea pe social media.
Cosmin Dărăban (GoMag)
Poți automatiza și scala mult în ecommerce, care îți permite să ai bani mai mulți în timp mai scurt.
Anul acesta – Google Smart Shoopping Campaigns. Poți optimiza afișările în site, le poți corela cu alte canale, poți popula newsletterul.
Poți trimite newsletter ocazional cu cele mai vândute produse.
53% din oameni sunt mai probabil să cumpere de la un magazin online cu un business cu care pot schimba un mesaj.
Primul canal cu cea mai mare rată de conversie este mediul offline-ul. Asta nu poate fi scalat.
În online, cea mai mare rată de conversie o are emailul. Aici poți scala cu ajutorul chatbots.
Comunicarea post-vânzare: stabilește o relație, oferă ajutor / suport, cere feed-back.
Recomandări: folosește la maximum tehnologia. Scalează prin automatizare. Câștigă retenția prin comunicare. Află mai multe despre social shopping.
Cătălin Macovei (Co-Founder MOLOSO)
65% din cazuri oamenii folosesc filtre din partea stângă.
Google Shopping s-a lansat în 2019 în CEE.
În februarie 2019 s-a lansat în România, ca beta. Acum e complet funcțional.
Noi, magazinele online, suntem responsabile cu ce produse afișăm.
Dacă îți actualizezi feed-ul de produse zilnic, ele vor avea ranking mai bun.
Bogdan Manolea (Co-Founder TRUSTED.ro)
GDPR se ocupă de piața din România.
Aproximativ 1% din clienții nemulțumiți se convertesc în clienți care fac plângeri GDPR.
Cerere GDPR? Răspunde în timp util, complet și corect.
Nu trimite SPAM.
Măsuri de securitate – de aplicat.
Testează orice formular din site.
Investește în securitate.
Predicții 2020:
– Încălcări de securitate mai multe;
– Amenzi multe / mari;
– Adoptare UE Regulament ePrivacy (a.k.a. “cookies”).
GPeC SUMMIT – Ziua 2 – Conferință, Expo & Awards Gala, 5 Noiembrie 2019
Teatrul Național București, Sala Mare (B-dul Nicolae Bălcescu nr. 2, sector 1 – P-ța Universității)
GPeC SUMMIT National Theatre of Bucharest
#GPeC14ani #CraftedToInspire
Welcome to GPeC SUMMIT Day 2 – 14 Years Edition – Andrei Radu (CEO & Founder GPeC)
Andrei Radu CEO & Founder GPeC
Black Friday Stats & Trends Report – Dorin Boerescu (CEO 2Performant)
Dorin Boerescu CEO 2Performant speaker la GPeC SUMMIT – Cel mai important eveniment de E-Commerce si Marketing Online
Unified commerce, the frictionless customer experience, not omnichannel – Cristi Movilă (Country Manager VTEX)
Cristi Movila Country Manager VTEX speaking at GPeC SUMMIT – The most important E-Commerce & Digital Marketing event in Eastern Europe
Continuity, consistency, flexibility or frictionless are still words that are out of the omnichannel vocabulary. Big players still treat channels and allocate resources depending on each channel’s return or attention it receives from the general public, instead of having unified commerce and frictionless customer experience. Why unified commerce and not omnichannel? You will get the answer in this talk.
Ryan Holiday pentru prima data in Romania la GPeC SUMMIT – Evenimentul Anului in E-Commerce si Marketing Online
Understand the difference between products and companies that appear in our lives as fads for a short while, and those that have a lasting impact on the way we think, live and work.
How did the movie “The Shawshank Redemption” fail at the box office but go on to gross more than $100 million as a cult classic? How did “The 48 Laws of Power” miss the bestseller lists for more than a decade and still sell more than a million copies? How is Iron Maiden still filling stadiums worldwide without radio or TV exposure forty years after the band was founded?
Bestselling author and marketer Ryan Holiday calls such works and artists perennial sellers. How do they endure and thrive while most books, movies, songs, video games, and pieces of art disappear quickly after initial success? How can we create and market creative works that achieve longevity?
For the first time in Romania, Ryan Holiday explores this mystery by drawing on his extensive experience working with businesses and creators such as Google, American Apparel and the author John Grisham. Holiday reveals that the key to success for many perennial sellers is that their creators don’t distinguish between the making and the marketing. The product’s purpose and audience are in the creator’s mind from day one. By thinking holistically about the relationship between their audience and their work, creators of all kinds improve the chances that their offerings will stand the test of time.
The longer you stay in business, the more likely you’re going to stay in business.
Blue Ocean Strategy – try to go where there’s no competition.
Most businesses that own a business that survived for hundreds of years have most likely stayed in businesses where there is no competition.
Has anyone done anything which was similar to what you want to start? If yes, then don’t start that thing.
Marketing books tend to focus on what’s popular right now, but what is likely to stand the test of time.
Instagram pivoted its business model from a business similar to FourSquare to what they currently do.
A reason to write a book – you can’t avoid doing it.
Whatever business you start, it has to do the job.
Quality really matters. Really great products stand the test of time.
You might want to create products that you can buy from thrift stores.
You need to fill in the blanks: This is a __________ that does __________ for __________.
“It’s not what a book is, it’s what it does” (quote)
The key to a good book: it’s either extremely entertaining or extremely practical.
George Lucas worked at “Star Wars” based on the hero’s journey.
Amazon’s Jeff Bezos suggests focusing on the things that last. (timeless)
But you might want to also create some controversy. (timely)
Elizabeth Wurtzel – “Either you’re controversial or nothing at all is happening”.
Often the most products were controversial at launch.
How to create a monopoly – do something that people are afraid of.
If you launch a product, it’s better to be for some people, rather than to be for no one.
Marketing tip: don’t be boring. Boring is a liability in 2019.
Everyone needs a tribe, a group of people who really follow you.
Great marketers try to build email lists, rather than a social media following. With email, you have a direct relationship with your fans.
About your audience – you need to find your champions.
Tip for promotion – have a look at your followers on Instagram and send free samples to people who have verified accounts.
You have to think long term.
Seth Godin says that publishers focus on promoting only new books, although 90% of profits come from books published 6+ months ago.
A book launch is a sprint and also a marathon.
Drake – what matters most is what will last 10+ years from now.
The best thing you can do about promoting a book? Write a new book.
– Be first.
– Get lucky.
– Run your business well.
– Re-invest profits.
– Take more shots.
– Get better.
– Stay at it.
Thought: life is very brief.
He sees himself as a binge reader. He tries to read in sprints.
He tends to not read a lot of new books, but books with a good reputation, who stood the test of time.
The question to ask – what books have you read and changed your life?
For people having imposter syndrome – some people think that everybody thinks about them. They don’t. The reality is that nobody thinks about you at all, everybody thinks about themselves.
People tend to focus too much on the acquisition, rather than on retention.
You should focus on not losing your current audience.
The costs of trying and discovering something new have never been lower. As noisy as it is, the advantages of our current state are very high.
Process: do a new thing, do it well, repeat. There should be a mix of old and new things which you do.
The way to ask people a higher price – finding a blue ocean market, but also by not competing on price.
Book Ocean on writing books: Is there a version of this book that already exists? If not, this is a Blue Ocean market.
Newsjacking – look for things that get media attention at the moment, and write about that.
The more shots you take, the better.
When studying marketing, try to learn from the people who start from nothing, not from multi-billion companies.
Always on the road delivering e-commerce – Invitați la dialog și deschiși întrebărilor tale: Felix Pătrășcanu (Membru Fondator & Managing Partner FAN Courier), Karla Codrea (CEO DPD România), Bogdan Colceriu (CEO Frisbo).
Felix Pătrășcanu FAN Courier GPeC SUMMIT Karla Codrea CEO DPD Romania speaker la GPeC SUMMIT – Cel mai important eveniment de E-Commerce si Marketing Online din Romania Bogdan Colceriu CEO Frisbo – GPeC SUMMIT – Evenimentul Anului in E-Commerce si Digital Marketing
Ai ocazia să adresezi întrebarile tale reprezentanților unora dintre cele mai importante companii de curierat și e-fulfillment din România, într-o dezbatere care vizează deschis problemele magazinelor online și găsirea celor mai bune soluții între comercianți și curieri pentru ca, în final, toate părțile implicate și, mai ales, consumatorul să fie fericit.
Six findings learned from testing the world’s leading checkout flows – Christian Holst (Co-Founder Baymard Institute)
Christian Holst Co-Founder of Baymard Institute speaking at GPeC SUMMIT – The most important E-Commerce Event in CEE
After conducting more than 42.000 hours of large-scale E-Commerce User Experience Testings at Baymard Institute, Christian Holst brings you the most important findings from their Checkout Research.
In this session, you will dive deep into how users actually behave in a checkout flow and how the user behavior sometimes misalign with the actual design and intentions behind the checkout flow and you will learn how to mitigate these issues in order to greatly increase the checkout conversion rate.
42,000 hours of e-commerce UX research
For example, they test for a full year the checkout system for a web site.
They have discovered 11,000+ UX problems.
1. Reasons for cart abandonment
69.57% cart abandonment rate, avg. across 41 different studies.
The highest issue: shipping/tax/fees costs too high.
When testing airplane web sites, some users just close the laptop and leave the room.
General potential to increase the conversion rate via improving the checkout process.
There are around 135 checkout design parameters.
2. Checkout length
The average checkout flow is around 5 steps.
It’s not important how many steps are there.
What does matters is what users have to do (for example no. of fields in the form) and how they are asked questions.
The fewer the number of checkout fields you have, the more likely are the users to convert.
The average no. of fields: 12.71. It could be just 6-9, depending on the country.
Focus less on the number of steps, focus on the number of form fields in a checkout process.
3. Getting from 16 to 8.
Use a “full name” field, not “first/last name”.
Address line 2 – you should avoid it, some people don’t have. 30% of users came to a stop at address line 2. You can use something like “Add address line 2”.
Company name / Coupons – collapse them behind a link.
Most cities/regions can be auto-detected based on postal code. Always use a fallback for auto-detection.
Users perceive creating an account with order as something very large.
The best way to ask for account creation is after the order has been made. You can also add reasons for why it’s good to create an account.
Actual security is different than users’ perceived security.
It is most largely determined by their gut feeling.
a. brand;
b. visually secure the site looks.
Users have less confidence in site security when credit card fields don’t “look” or “feel” more secure than the rest of the checkout form.
You should add borders/background to fields of the credit card information.
Many users don’t care about third-party payment options, but there is a clear sub-group of users who have a strong preference for using 3rd party payment options.
They are useful for: convenience / data security / order issues.
Users ordering internationally care a lot about 3rd party payment options.
There are 60% of online stores who ignore 2 out of the following rules:
i. Disable auto-correct when the dictionary is weak (for example, address). 80% of e-commerce web sites don’t fix this issue.
ii. Use all the touch-optimized keyboards that are available. (for example, when adding digits, use the Numpad keyboard on smartphones. 54% of stores don’t use this. There is also an email keyboard for an email address. Numeric inputs, phone, email.
The average web site has 39 checkout improvements for an average site.
710+ documented e-commerce UX guidelines. 35% conversion improvement.
It doesn’t matter if you have a single step or a multiple-steps checkout.
Note: if you have an accordion checkout, that’s a multistep checkout, even if it’s a single page.
Most businesses need at least two steps, one step for a review of the order. It’s most likely if they order high-value products, users will need the review order steps.
Combining the name into a single name is not possible for insurance, but a lot of time, that’s fine.
The login option should be at the beginning of the checkout form.
If you think that if you separate first/last name you will get a good database, you are wrong.
Busting 8 Digital Marketing Myths – Raluca Radu (Country Manager ANSWEAR)
Raluca Radu Country Manager ANSWEAR & Founder MTH DIGITAL – GPeC SUMMIT Speaker
Should you really focus on digital marketing campaigns ROI or are you chasing unicorns? Can you achieve brand awareness only by performance marketing campaigns? Is creativity a prerequisite for effective digital marketing campaigns?
In this session, Raluca Radu, will talk about the most common digital marketing myths that are preventing your business from achieving best online results.
Online marketing is not cheaper than traditional marketing. Also, it’s not necessarily more effective. But it is more measurable. We can measure what we invest and what is the return.
We tend to consider digital marketing as a black box – we input some data, and – magic! – we get some results.
Return of investment = (net profit / cost of investment) x 100.
Are you sure that there is a market for your product? First, you should make sure that the product you sell solves an issue.
When you focus on ROI / ROAS and CPA – like shooting just the sitting ducks – which are closer to conversion.
What ROAS or CPA is too good… it may be that actually someone else did all the work.
You can sleep well without knowing how to market for a certain generation.
Get to know your customers:
– Demographics in Google Analytics / Facebook
– Stalk them!
Average view rate for banners: 0.9 seconds. Only 9% of ads viewed for more than 1 second. Only 4% of ads are viewed for more than 2 seconds.
35% of ads are ad-blocked.
CTR generally is around 0.1% (more than 0.3% in Romania).
70% of people click on retailers that they know in search results and ads.
When it comes to banners, make it very simple, because the user will only look at them for less than a second.
Seth Godin: The reason it seems that price is all your clients care about is that you haven’t given them anything else to care about.
In Google Analytics you should have enhanced e-commerce.
“The real problem is not whether machines think, but whether men do.” B. F. Skinner.
It’s still possible to have products and traditional marketing, without online marketing.
The 1% Content Strategy: Combining the top SEO and lead gen tactics to statistically beat 99% of B2C content programs – Andy Crestodina (Co-Founder Orbit Media)
Andy Crestodina speaking for the first time in Romania at GPeC SUMMIT – The most important E-Commerce & Digital Marketing Event in Eastern Europe
From the first keyphrase to the final conversion, this session connects every dot. Your content and your website are a bridge between a Google search results page and your website’s thank you page. Here is the complete approach to making that bridge a fast-flowing highway of continuous demand.
Andy will walk through each step in the process of driving B2C leads with content marketing, from the first action to outcome.
Who are we talking to? Why do they care?
What are we ranking for? What are the two types of keyphrases?
How do PR and research build links, authority and ranking potential?
What do we publish? And how will it be promoted?
What topics, formats, and collaborators support lead generation?
Learn to be a “dual-threat marketer” by combining search and psychology, SEO with conversion optimization, cheese, and mousetraps. There’s more than one way to generate demand for services. This is one of the best.
Visitors who come to your web site with informational intent (read the blog posts), are not that likely to go and buy from your brand. Some stats say figures like 0.03%. Those people don’t come for products, they come for information.
Visitors who start on a service page are 50x more likely to become a lead.
People link to content, not sales pages.
A good strategy – create content, generate links to it. Then your service pages will have better positions on Google, and you will get more customers.
Our content is where (audience x) gets (information y) that offers (benefits z).
Video is better than images, which are better than text.
Native advertising will likely make you a better marketing. I would have no problem experimenting with that.
You should go back to old articles that haven’t been updated for a while. Rewrite old articles, without rewriting the URL.
Facebook Ads – Alexandru Negrea (Owner Social Smarts)
Alex Negrea speaker la GPeC SUMMIT – Cel mai important eveniment de E-Commerce si Digital Marketing din Romania
The Romanian media market in 2018: 450 M euro.
The Romanian media market in 2019: 485 M euro.
Bugetele investite în media sunt mici.
85.5 M euro (Media Fact Book) – valoarea totală a bugetelor media investite în online în 2018.
Românii au făcut cumpărături online în valoare de 3.5B euro în 2018, cu 30% mai mult ca în 2017 (GPeC). Nu sunt incluse aici serviciile, biletele de avion, vacanțele, rezervările hoteliere, biletele la spectacole.
85.5M euro sunt 2.5% din 3.5B euro.
Poți rula campanii de tip custom audiences pentru site / video / events.
Poți crea o audiență care s-a uitat la 50% din video în ultimul an.
Legat de website visitors, există o opțiune de a seta o frecvență minimă a vizitatorilor pe un site. Poți crea campanii pentru vizitatori care au intrat de minim 2x pe site.
Se poate vizita
și stabili ce drepturi au vizitatorii. Oricine poate vizita pagina respectivă. Pot exista amenzi dacă înainte de a da drepturi unui advertiser nu se cer drepturi de publicare.
Banii investiți în digital sunt mici, deși câștigurile salariale au creșteri în România.
Reachul e un KPI irelevant, dar, totuși, e o metică la care te raportezi.
Buget mare de marketing = 10% din venituri. 15% e ideal.
Buget mediu = 10%.
Buget mic = 1-2%.
Instagram are tendința să fie cel mai mare marketplace. Inclusiv curierul poate fi selectat din Instagram. Asta duce la eliminarea landing-page-urilor complet.
Nu cred în SPAM când vine vorba de publicitate, atâta timp cât nu este de tip roll-over.
Gala Dinner & Cocktail by Carrefour
GPeC SUMMIT E-Commerce Lunch and Networking C-level Attendees
Join the Elite of the Romanian E-Commerce Market to Gala Dinner & Cocktail right before the 14th annual Ceremony Awards! Networking is at it’s best, the fine drinks are being poured in the glasses and the show is ready to start!
Gala Dinner & Cocktail is available only for the “All Inclusive” & “VIP” Type of Tickets – details in the Participation Fee section here)
18:30 – 20:15 Gala Premiilor eCommerce, ediția a XIV-a – Festivitatea de Premiere în Comerțul Online Românesc (Host: Andi Moisescu)
Andi Moisescu Host Gala Premiilor eCommerce – festivitatea de decernare a premiilor in comertul electronic romanesc
Seara de 5 noiembrie îți aduce Spectacolul GPeC cu cea de a 14-a ediție anuală a Galei Premiilor eCommerce – Festivitatea de Premiere în Comerțul Electronic Românesc.
Trupa Amadeus in deschidere la GPeC Awards la Teatrul National Bucuresti
Spectacolul începe cu un concert live al excepționalei Trupe Amadeus, iar apoi îi vei cunoaște pe câștigătorii anului în e-commerce, vei face networking cu elita industriei și vei ciocni un pahar cu șampanie în atmosferă de spectacol alături de Andi Moisescu, gazda Festivității de Premiere. #GPeCAwards #CelebratingECommerce
PS, 2020.04.21: de văzut și: