Știrile lunii martie 2020

Mai jos, resursele cele mai importante, pentru mine, din luna martie 2020.

A. Generale

The Inconvenient Truth about Your “Authentic” Self – Scientific American Blog Network https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/the-inconvenient-truth-about-your-authentic-self/

But a number of studies have shown that people’s feelings of authenticity are often shaped by something other than their loyalty to their unique qualities. Paradoxically, feelings of authenticity seem to be related to a kind of social conformity.

(for MacOS users)
Kap – Capture your screen https://getkap.co/

An open-source screen recorder built with web technology.

Iconset – Free Icon Organizer for Mac and Windows https://iconset.io/

Free, cross-platform and fast SVG icon organizer app for designers, developers or product teams. Works on both Mac and Windows.

Suntem toți demenți digital – Scena 9 https://www.scena9.ro/article/dementa-digitala-manfred-spitzer-interviu

Simpla prezență a unui smartphone, pe masă, între doi oameni care stau de vorbă, îi face mai proști. Copiii învață mai greu și mai puțin de pe ecrane. Bebelușii lăsați cu orele la televizor sau cu ochii în YouTube nu se dezvoltă la fel de rapid ca cei care nu consumă imagini și sunete mediate de tehnologie. Dacă nu facem nimic cu privire la dependența de calculatoare, fie cele din telefoanele noastre, fie super-computerele care au ajuns să conducă lumea, viitorul planetei și-al umanității va rămâne sumbru și incert.

How to Stop Procrastinating, With Behavior Scientist BJ Fogg https://lifehacker.com/how-to-stop-procrastinating-with-behavior-scientist-bj-1842027698

[T]his is going to surprise people, but one way to make it easier to [accomplish something] is just lower your expectations. One of the habits I have every weekend is to clean my car, my beach car here in Maui, which can get a messy with sand and boards inside and snorkels and all that. But once a week, I clean it and it’s become something I don’t procrastinate because it doesn’t have to be perfect. All I have to do is clean one thing in the car. And because it’s like I just clean one thing and I’m done, I don’t procrastinate it. But guess what, I [ultimately] do way more than one thing. So that’s another thing is just lower your expectations. Don’t feel like you have to have perfectly clean house or car or you have to, you know, pay all your bills, just do something.

Drinking hot tea almost doubles risk of esophageal cancer, new study says – CNN https://edition.cnn.com/2019/03/20/health/hot-tea-linked-to-higher-cancer-risk-study-intl/index.html

Many people start their day with a cup of tea. But those who drink it piping hot could be increasing their risk of esophageal cancer, according to a new study.
Researchers found that tea drinkers who liked their beverage to be warmer than 60 degrees Celsius (140 degrees Fahrenheit) and consumed more than 700 ml of tea per day—about two large cups—had a 90% higher risk of esophageal cancer, when compared to those who drank less tea and at cooler temperatures.

Părintele Constantin Necula: Siamo con Te, Italia! | Doxologia https://doxologia.ro/siamo-con-te-italia

Suntem dinaintea celui mai dificil moment al vieților noastre cotidiene de după Revoluție.

Atunci am rostit Tatăl Nostru și ne-am avântat în visul libertății noastre.

Dacă veți sta mai mult timp pe acasă în perioada asta, vă recomand niște lucruri pe care să le ascultați / vedeți.

Înregistrări audio Electrecord – Blog de Olivian Breda

Ce filme recomand? Beauty and the Beauty – Blog de Olivian Breda

Lista de filme care îmi plac, actualizată acum (6 filme în total) – Blog de Olivian Breda

For Better Financial Outcomes, Study Math Instead of ‘Financial Literacy’ https://lifehacker.com/for-better-financial-outcomes-study-math-instead-of-fi-1834271930

So, if you’re an adult who wants to prepare yourself for the financial challenges of the future, focus on getting good with numbers. Learn how to identify which banks or investments offer high interest and low fees. Ask yourself whether you’ll get a better return on your dollar by putting it towards debt repayment or stashing it in an index fund. Remember that financial-guru tips like “pay off your smallest debt first” or “wait to claim your Social Security benefits” might be helpful, but you should always do the math on your own.

Hanlon’s Razor: Relax, Not Everything is Out to Get You https://fs.blog/2017/04/mental-model-hanlons-razor/

Hanlon’s Razor teaches us not to assume the worst intention in the actions of others. Understanding Hanlon’s Razor helps us see the world in a more positive light, stop negative assumptions, and improve relationships. Let’s take a look at some examples.

De unde ne cumpărăm cartușe și tonere de imprimantă la un preț minunat fără bătaie de cap – razvanbb https://razvanbb.ro/de-unde-ne-cumparam-cartuse-si-tonere-de-imprimanta-la-un-pret-minunat-fara-bataie-de-cap/

Pentru că vine o perioadă când brusc ne reactivăm imprimantele de acasă și constatăm cu surprindere că cerneala s-a uscat sau tonerul parcă trebuia schimbat, am zis să împărtășesc această experiență avută acum câteva luni cu un site care cu asta se ocupă.

Pe scurt, de la Cartușe pentru toți vă cumpărați.

The New Work From Home Worker Checklist: Must Do’s (& Dont’s) When you Start Working from Home https://remoters.net/work-from-home-worker-checklist/

The goal of this Work From Home checklist is to help you have a smooth transition and do it so in a way that is enjoyable and productive, hopefully one that you’ll enjoy so much, that you won’t want to go back to the office.

Working From Home In The Age of “Social Distancing” | JLH Marketing https://www.jlh-marketing.com/random-musings/working-from-home-in-the-age-of-social-distancing

Since that time, video conferencing has become a daily occurrence for most people even in offices, so to say the technology has improved would be an understatement. But if you’re working from home for a long period of time, sitting with your laptop on your couch while binging Netflix is not going to fly. You need to set up some space, some structure, and some rules to be successful.

50 Facts That Will Freak You Out If You Think About Them For Too Long https://www.buzzfeed.com/stephenlaconte/weird-when-you-think-about-it

Folks, let me ask you a question: Have you ever been standing in the shower, totally spaced out, when a thought crosses your brain that makes you go, “WHOA”?

React, respond or initiate? | Seth’s Blog https://seths.blog/2020/03/react-respond-or-initiate/

But now, right now, is the single best time to initiate. We’re in for a slog, but there will be an end to it.

Make things better by making better things.

Muzica ne eliberează când ne simtim captivi: Festivalul și Concursul Internațional George Enescu, la tine acasă https://www.festivalenescu.ro/stiri/enescu-la-tine-acasa/

Un adevărat „Festival Internațional George Enescu online” va începe pe www.festivalenescu.ro, din data de 18 martie 2020, ora 9.00, pentru a oferi oamenilor din întreaga lume acces gratuit la muzică clasică de calitate. Festivalul Enescu își aduce astfel contribuția în lupta pe care umanitatea o duce împotriva COVID-19, urmând modelul marelui compozitor George Enescu, care s-a implicat în ajutorarea răniților din primul război mondial, prin puterea vindecătoare a muzicii. Festivalul Enescu își îndeamnă publicul să respecte regulile de distanțare socială și, în loc să cumpere bilete la concerte, să facă donații pentru organizațiile neguvernamentale credibile, care strâng bani pentru dotarea spitalelor cu echipamente și materiale necesare rezistenței în fața virusului, precum, dar fără a se limita la, Asociația Dăruiește Viață.

Cinci chestii mișto pentru izolați – Mihai Vasilescu https://mihaivasilescublog.ro/2020/03/16/cinci-chestii-misto/

Dacă tot stăm în casă, ia fiți atenți aici.

Grija in era digitala: o lista de servicii gratuite* in Romania pentru interactiunea la distanta

Banca Transilvania donează 1,4 milioane de lei pentru spitale de stat din România – Esential – HotNews.ro https://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-esential-23730848-banca-transilvania-doneaza-1-4-milioane-lei-pentru-spitale-stat-din-romania.htm

În contextul pandemiei de coronavirus, Banca Transilvania donează 1,4 milioane de lei pentru cumpărarea unor aparate de ventilaţie mecanică, echipamente şi materiale pentru spitale de stat din România. Ömer Tetik, Director General BT, spune că « solidaritatea este cea de care avem nevoie cel mai mult în această perioada »

Eroii Necunoscuți. 4.000 De ”gunoieri” înfruntă în București Pandemia De Coronavirus și Stigmatizarea: ”Fără Ei, în Trei Zile Avem și Holeră” | Libertatea https://www.libertatea.ro/stiri/cum-fac-fata-lucratorii-de-la-salubrizare-pandemiei-de-coronavirus-2914288

Libertatea a mers alături de cei mai puțin remarcați și dintre cei mai expuși oameni de care depinde înfruntarea acestei crize de coronavirus. În jur de 4.000 de operatori de salubritate lucrează în București. Sunt expuși celor mai riscante condiții de muncă, stigmatizării și infecțiilor de orice fel. Dar dacă ei s-ar teme și s-ar opri, orașele s-ar transforma în câteva zile în focare de infecție.

Tuciul vieții mele – Viorel Ilișoi https://www.viorelilisoi.ro/tuciul-vietii-mele/

Vechiul meu ceaun de mămăligă, turnat din aluminiu, a început de la o vreme să se dezintegreze; se desprindeau fâșii mici și grăuncioare de metal de pe fund. Mămăliga cu aluminiu nu este, se știe, cel mai bun aliment pentru un gurmand. Așa că ce era să fac? Am aruncat, cu păerere de rău, ceaunelul tinereții mele. Am rămas, mâncător de mămăligă ce sunt, fără piesa de bază a bucătăriei.

Colectia de sesiuni Business Summits 2018 & 2019 – Bucharest Tech Week https://techweek.ro/2019/colectia-de-sesiuni-business-summits-2018-2019/

In perioada aceasta, cand e recomandat sa nu iesim din casa, iti sugeram sa nu pui stop evolutiei tale. Asadar, pentru ca faci parte din comunitatea noastra, venim in intampinarea ta cu 79 de ore de continut premium, prezentate de 109 speakeri internationali si locali, insumand intreaga colectie de sesiuni din cadrul Business Summits din anii 2018 & 2019.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Disinfecting Your Phone https://lifehacker.com/the-dos-and-donts-of-disinfecting-your-phone-1842400895

At this point, we’re all well aware of the CDC’s recommendation to wash our hands to combat the coronavirus. The cleanliness of our phones, however, is getting far less attention. In the video above, I go over the basic do’s and don’ts of disinfecting a smartphone without damaging it.

Calm also has a coefficient | Seth’s Blog https://seths.blog/2020/03/calm-also-has-a-coefficient/

Panic loves company.

And yet calm is our practical, efficient, rational alternative.

Aplicație de vizionare spectacole și evenimente de la Opera Comică pentru Copii | Ziarul Metropolis https://www.ziarulmetropolis.ro/aplica%C8%9Bie-de-vizionare-spectacole-%C8%99i-evenimente-de-la-opera-comic%C4%83-pentru-copii/

Pe 21 martie, de la ora 17, vom debuta prin a transmite online, o premieră: spectacolul de balet, ,,Scufița Roșie”, la Sala UnderGrant, debutul regizoral pentru Andreea Soare, una dintre cele mai talentate și inspirate balerine ale Operei Comice pentru Copii.

Skip Grocery Delivery, If You Can https://lifehacker.com/if-you-can-skip-grocery-delivery-1842403347

Before you hit click on that list of groceries, take a moment to consider those who depend on grocery delivery. As Julie Rehmeyer points out, surging demand for delivery is making it harder for some disabled people to get their usual groceries.

Psihologul Ștefan Feldmann: Dacă îmi spun „asta e o situație dificilă pe care pot să o gestionez”, mintea mea va găsi soluții https://pressone.ro/psihologul-stefan-feldmann-daca-imi-spun-asta-e-o-situatie-dificila-pe-care-pot-sa-o-gestionez-mintea-mea-va-gasi-solutii

Deși nu putem face mare lucru în legătură cu ce se întâmplă în lume, putem totuși lucra cu noi înșine, pentru a evita să ne prăbușim sub greutatea propriilor noastre gânduri. Am vorbit cu psihologul Ștefan Feldmann despre cum putem să ne gestionăm emoțiile și despre cum să rămânem funcționali în minunata lume nouă a coronavirusului.

How Einstein Learned Physics https://getpocket.com/explore/item/how-einstein-learned-physics

Einstein was a student long before he became a celebrity. There is a lot to glean from his education and unique approach to learning.

Coronavirus’ business impact: Evolving perspective | McKinsey https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/risk/our-insights/covid-19-implications-for-business

The scenarios below outline two ways that the interplay between the virus and society’s response might unfold and the implications on the economy in each case.

Estas Tonne – The Song of the Golden Dragon – YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gphiFVVtUI

Biblioteca virtuală https://humanitas.ro/humanitas/colectii/biblioteca-virtuala

(cărți audio pentru copii, gratuit în perioada asta) Audible Stories | Audible.com – Amazon https://stories.audible.com/start-listen

For as long as schools are closed, we’re open. Starting today, kids everywhere can instantly stream an incredible collection of stories, including titles across six different languages, that will help them continue dreaming, learning, and just being kids.

Sute de surse și resurse culturale online, majoritatea gratuite https://www.danagont.ro/sute-de-surse-si-resurse-culturale-online-majoritatea-gratuite/

Pentru că în curând este Ziua Internațională a Teatrului, încep seria de recomandări chiar cu această artă. Sunt oferte atât de bogate, încât în anumite zile nu știi ce să alegi!

OPERĂ ONLINE | Opera Națională București http://operanb.ro/operaonline/

Înregistrările vor fi disponibile pe pagina oficială de Facebook a instituției, cât și în link-ul www.operanb.ro/operaonline, fiind accesibile publicului pe durata difuzării spectacolului.

My life philosophy: 51 lessons from 51 years https://www.getrichslowly.org/my-life-philosophy/

So, these fifty-one nuggets of wisdom are things I’ve found to be true for me — and, I believe, for most other people. (But each of us is different. What works for me may not work for you.) These beliefs make up the core of my personal philosophy of life.

Research Reveals How to Take a Better Break https://getpocket.com/explore/item/research-reveals-how-to-take-a-better-break

Get in a quick workout, go for a quiet walk or just do nothing. A good break has many benefits.

Yale is offering its most popular course online free – Business Insider https://www.businessinsider.com/coursera-yale-science-of-wellbeing-free-course-review-overview

Professor Laurie Santos taught a class called Psychology and the Good Life first in spring 2018 in response to concerning levels of student depression, anxiety, and stress.

It became the most popular class in Yale’s history and garnered national and international media attention.

(de văzut și final articol)

Cum poți urma cursuri online în mod gratuit? – Blog de Olivian Breda https://olivian.ro/cursuri-gratuite/

Cea mai bună soluție (din perspectiva mea) de a găsi cursuri gratuite este să cauți pe Internet lucruri precum “free courses” sau să cauți liste de cursuri gratuite.

“I’ll go with my principles tomorrow” | Seth’s Blog https://seths.blog/2020/03/ill-go-with-my-principles-tomorrow/

What makes it a principle is that we do it now, even though (especially though) it’s hard.

Ultimele ore din viața lui Nicolae Steinhardt. 30 martie 1989 | Ziarul Metropolis https://www.ziarulmetropolis.ro/ultimele-ore-din-viata-lui-nicolae-steinhardt-30-martie-1989/

Şi dintre toate am să aleg, tot sper reamintire, cea mai frumoasă dintre lecţiile despre credinţă sau despre „a crede”, pe care le-a ţinut Steinhardt. „Poate că cele mai teribile cuvinte rostite de Mântuitorul sunt la Luca 22, 67: <Dacă vă voi spune, nu veţi crede>. Aceasta-i condiţia umană. Nu-L credem. Nu ne credem unii pe alţii. Nu vrem, nu putem, nu ştim, nu cutezăm, nu ne străduim să-i credem pe ceilalţi. Experienţele sunt intransmisibile. Ajungem să pricepem unele lucruri – la ce bun? nu suntem crezuţi. Putem vorbi, dar nu putem stabili comunicaţia, obţine legătura.”

O faptă bună pe zi – Căutăm ONG-uri pe care să le răsplătim cu 1.000 de euro pentru faptele bune – #ofaptabunapezi – O fapta buna pe zi – HotNews.ro https://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-o_fapta_buna_pe_zi-23758121-coronavirus-covid-19-ong-finantare-bcr-fapta-buna.htm

Data la care vom demara campania este de 31 martie, așa că trimite până atunci sugestiile tale pentru ONG-urile care fac bine pentru comunitățile din jurul lor. Și distribuie acest mesaj: hai să facem o faptă bună pe zi!

No Time for Love Like Now – YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYgpEcXf2S4
(solistul R.E.M.)

Free access to 50 concerts to stream – MJF https://www.montreuxjazzfestival.com/en/50-concerts-to-stream/

Montreux Jazz Festival would like to bring a little magic into your home! We have made over 50 Festival concerts available to stream for free, including performances by Ray Charles, Wu-Tang Clan, Johnny Cash, Nina Simone, Marvin Gaye, Deep Purple, Carlos Santana, and more. We hope that a little music and soul will brighten up your day!

B. Lumea SEO PPC

10 Google Ranking Factors You Shouldn’t Ignore https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-ranking-factors/

So today, we’re going to take a different approach. Rather than listing 200+ ranking factors, we’ll talk about the ten that we think most deserve your attention.

Idei de promovare online: Cum să creezi o strategie integrată de marketing eficientă – Canopy https://www.canopy.ro/2020/02/24/idei-de-promovare-online-cum-sa-creezi-o-strategie-integrata-de-marketing-eficienta/

În ultima vreme, se tot vorbește despre idei de promovare online eficiente și despre strategia de marketing online integrată. Specialiștii în marketing și speakerii aduc în discuție acest concept tot mai des la evenimente și vorbesc despre importanța și rezultatele uimitoare pe care le generează în business.

Dar ce este de fapt o strategie de promovare integrată online?

Yoast SEO 13.2: Helping you check your Site Health • Yoast https://yoast.com/yoast-seo-13-2/

In Yoast SEO 13.2, you’ll find a number of checks moved to the WordPress Site Health tool. Site Health was introduced in WordPress 5.2 as a way to help site owners and managers get a sense of how their site is doing, technically speaking. Find out more about these changes in Yoast SEO 13.2.

Keyword Research for SEO: The Definitive Guide (2020 Update) https://backlinko.com/keyword-research

This is the ultimate guide to keyword research in 2020.

Soapbox: Brand authority is the most underrated marketing goal – Search Engine Land https://searchengineland.com/soapbox-brand-authority-is-the-most-underrated-marketing-goal-330020

A customer will nearly always choose a brand they’ve consistently seen as an authority over a brand that impressed them once.

Finite and Infinite Games: Two Ways to Play the Game of Life https://fs.blog/2020/02/finite-and-infinite-games-two-ways-to-play-the-game-of-life/

If life is a game, how do you play it? The answer will have a huge impact on your choices, your satisfaction, and how you achieve success.

Poezie – Cea mai scumpă de pe lume de Nichita Stănescu https://www.poezie.ro/index.php/poetry/38511/Cea_mai_scump%C4%83_de_pe_lume

Spune-mi care mamă-anume
cea mai scumpă e pe lume?

Google to switch completely over to mobile-first indexing by September 2020 – Search Engine Land https://searchengineland.com/google-to-switch-completely-over-to-mobile-first-indexing-by-september-2020-330174

Google has said currently 70% of sites shown in search have already been switched over.

Resources for Technical SEOs – iCodeSEO https://i.codeseo.dev/

We started this journey by wanting to create a Wikipedia page for “Technical Search Engine Optimization”. What we learned is that there is an incredible amount of content about the subject, but it was very difficult to find authoritative sources (or at least ones that would be viewed that way from outside the SEO world). Most of the content was in article form and dealt with only certain aspects or only the key benefits of Technical SEO.

2020 Google Search Survey: How Much Do Users Trust Their Search Results? – Moz https://moz.com/blog/2020-google-search-survey

While Google’s mission has always been to surface high-quality content, over the past few years the company has worked especially hard to ensure that its search results are also consistently accurate, credible, and trustworthy.

Cronica SEO februarie, 2020: Update neconfirmat Google si noutati Local SEO – DWF https://dwf.ro/blog/cronica-seo-februarie-2020-update-neconfirmat-google-si-noutati-local-seo/

DWF continua cronica SEO, locul in care gasesti cele mai importante update-uri Google din luna precedenta, noutati SEO sau modificari relevante de ecosistem Google, cu impact potential in vizibilitatea SEO. La DWF, monitorizam cele mai importante surse de informate SEO (oficiale si neoficiale), pentru a afla rapid scum evolueaza lucrurile in acest domeniu si a putea actualiza strategiile SEO aferente campaniilor la care lucram.

The Ultimate Guide to JavaScript SEO (2020 Edition) | Onely Blog https://www.onely.com/blog/ultimate-guide-javascript-seo/

However, many JavaScript websites – despite its popularity – underperform in Google because they don’t do JavaScript SEO properly.

In this article, I will guide you through why it’s happening and how to fix it.

5 Essential Social Media Tools to Boost Your Profile | Webdesigner Depot https://www.webdesignerdepot.com/2020/03/5-essential-social-media-tools-to-boost-your-profile/

We’ve compiled a comprehensive list of social media tools that will help you survive. The criteria for the list? The tool has to be versatile enough to be used by both a freelancer just starting out in social, and also by an experienced digital media agency team. It also needs to be simple enough to use for a non-technical person. Finally there are brownie points for being fully functional on a smartphone.

Data suggests there’s still no corporate or brand bias in Google results – Search Engine Land https://searchengineland.com/data-suggests-theres-still-no-corporate-or-brand-bias-in-google-results-330647

Google results may be occasionally terrible but data is not indicating results are biased or being unfairly manipulated.

Cum să recuperezi coșurile abandonate în 2020 (21 de strategii verificate) | Blog-ul GPeC https://www.gpec.ro/blog/cum-sa-recuperezi-cosurile-abandonate

Lasă-mă să ghicesc… Ai un magazin online atrăgător. Produsele tale sunt excelente. Și știi că ar trebui deja să faci multe vânzări. Însă dintr-un anume motiv utilizatorii continuă să abandoneze coșurile de cumpărături. Și nu poți decât să te întrebi de ce? Este greu să reduci numărul de coșuri abandonate.

Planul de marketing se schimbă în timp real de la o zi la alta https://www.manafu.ro/2020/03/covid-19-special-planul-de-marketing-se-schimba-in-timp-real-de-la-o-zi-la-alta/

Articol dintr-o serie de 8 puncte de vedere scrise de profesioniști din marketing, comunicare și digital. Nu știi ce e FOMO? Află aici!


eCommerce Growth Summit: +30 world-renowned speakers unlocking growth for eCommerce players – Omniconvert Blog https://www.omniconvert.com/blog/ecommerce-growth-summit-world-renowned-speakers-unlocking-growth-ecommerce-players.html

So, we’re making it happen: on the 26th and 27th of March, 32 speakers will cover important topics as Strategy, Acquisition, Conversion, and Customer Retention in the eCommerce industry.

This will be completely free of charge, a truly global event, connecting our participants to the latest eCommerce developments and trends via streamed keynotes, breakout sessions, interactive learning, and digital ‘Ask an expert’ sessions.

Free Udemy – RO https://sites.google.com/view/freeudemy4corona/ro

Mai mulți instructori Udemy s-au hotărât să ofere acces gratuit pe o perioadă limitată la cursurile lor în această inițativă colectivă bazată pe compasiune. Te rugăm să le mulțumești printr-un rating/review dacă și când urmezi cursul lor.

De înscris, te poți înscrie gratuit până la data de expirare a fiecărui voucher menționat mai jos.

Bazele marketingului digital – Google Atelierul Digital https://learndigital.withgoogle.com/atelieruldigital/course/digital-marketing

Lansează o afacere online – Google Atelierul Digital https://learndigital.withgoogle.com/atelieruldigital/course/business-online

Cum să vorbești în public – Cursuri – Atelierul Digital Google – Google Atelierul Digital https://learndigital.withgoogle.com/atelieruldigital/course/public-speaking

Găsește un nou loc de muncă – Google Atelierul Digital https://learndigital.withgoogle.com/atelieruldigital/course/prepare-for-new-job

Slow Content – Ce este, prin ce se caracterizează și de ce să-l adopți în strategia ta de business https://dwf.ro/blog/slow-content-ce-este-prin-ce-se-caracterizeaza-si-de-ce-sa-l-adopti-in-strategia-ta-de-business/

Slow Content se referă la a domoli ritmul în care livrăm conținut. Mai mult și mai repede nu înseamnă neapărat mai bine. A livra mai puțin conținut, dar de o calitate superioară, înseamnă rezultate favorabile și un impact pozitiv în rândul publicului țintă, care va ajunge să aibă o afinitate pentru brandul tău.

Early look: Google Ads customer value reporting and conversion value rules – Search Engine Land https://searchengineland.com/early-look-google-ads-customer-value-reporting-and-conversion-rules-330298

At SMX West last month, Google a look at customer value reporting and value rules. The company first teased these features in the Google Ads UI at Google Marketing Live last year. They’re both still in beta but here’s what we know about how they’re designed to work.

Ahrefs Academy: Blogging for business https://ahrefs.com/academy/blogging-for-business

Learn how to grow your blog past 100K monthly visitors and turn thousands of your readers into paying customers.

Agenția Canopy preia Umbrela Studio și se extinde cu servicii de animație video – Canopy https://www.canopy.ro/2020/03/19/agentia-canopy-preia-umbrela-studio-si-se-extinde-cu-servicii-de-animatie-video/

Canopy, una dintre cele mai mari agenții românești de marketing online cu focus pe Pay Per Click, a achiziționat Umbrela Studio, cel mai experimentat studio de producție grafică și video din Republica Moldova. Preluarea marchează extinderea serviciilor agenției cu producție de animație video, un segment în creștere accelerată care și-a dovedit deja eficiența prin rezultatele generate brandurilor din întreaga lume.

How COVID-19 Has Impacted Google Ads Results [Data] https://www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2020/03/18/covid-19-google-ads-data

COVID-19 has evolved into a global event impacting public health as well as the economy. These are uncertain times, and we don’t have all the answers, but what we do know now is that small businesses have felt sudden changes in their campaign performance as a result of this worldwide pandemic.

Google My Business Optimization Considered the Most Valuable Local Marketing Service – Search Engine Journal https://www.searchenginejournal.com/google-my-business-optimization-considered-the-most-valuable-local-marketing-service/355202/

Google My Business optimization, not website optimization, is considered the most valuable local marketing service in 2020.

SEO4Life.stream – beneficial live stream SEO conference https://www.seo4life.stream/


Beneficial live stream SEO conference

Available Digital Freelancers – Google Sheets https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1utw6Qt_m3DvIBZExb4f0Tv1wcC0btZEW17MtXOzA02g/edit#gid=0

We’re offering free CXL Minidegree programs to people whose livelihoods are affected by COVID-19. – CXL Institute https://cxl.com/institute/career-change/

We’re offering free CXL Minidegree programs to people whose livelihoods are affected by COVID-19.

Free Access to the Blue Array Academy https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfJq_oSCvB5jmGGPigcZ5hA724JpQrBF1TyvfRWtn33rbenrA/viewform

To help through this challenging time, we are offering completely FREE ACCESS to our SEO Manager Certification training programme to those in Digital Marketing who have lost their jobs because of COVID-19.

Înregistrare Webinar | Marketing pentru antreprenori | Startarium.ro https://in.startarium.ro/cont/articole/webinar-marketing-antreprenori

Pe 18 martie am făcut un overview al lucrurilor care te ajută să începi să îți promovezi afacerea: de la ce trebuie să știi despre promovarea în vremuri de criză, la cum îți cunoști audiența, cum faci maparea procesului de achiziție de clienți sau instrumentele pe care poți să le folosești în acest caz.

Marketing Right Now Is #$%*ing Hard. | SparkToro https://sparktoro.com/blog/marketing-right-now-is-hard/

Over the last couple weeks, I’ve talked to dozens of startup founders, small business owners, and web marketers of all kinds. Folks are scared, and rightfully so. Staring into the face of an uncertain period of quarantining followed by what most estimate will be the worst economic downturn of the last 50 years, and maybe 100, is sobering.

Sfaturi practice pentru marketing online de criză – Gun Media : Gun Media https://www.gun.ro/sfaturi-pratice-marketing-criza/

Am promis ca o să revenim cu un articol mult mai practic, cu best practices pentru această perioadă pe care noi le-am aplicat. Am încercat să ne aducem toți contribuția astfel încât să găsești aici câteva informații utile atât pentru Social Media, cât și pentru Google Ads și SEO.

Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: How to pause your business online in Google Search https://webmasters.googleblog.com/2020/03/how-to-pause-your-business-online-in.html

These recommendations are applicable to any business with an online presence, but particularly for those who have paused the selling of their products or services online. For more detailed information, also check our developer documentation.

TU ești PERFORMANT – 2Performant Blog https://ro.2performant.com/blog/tu-esti-performant/

Planul de măsuri 2Performant.com pentru adaptarea industriei de online la noua realitate

Introduction to the State of Link Building Report 2020 https://www.aira.net/state-of-link-building/introduction/

We surveyed over 350 professionals across the SEO industry to get their views on where we’re at right now as an industry when it comes to building links. We then received insights on the results from over 15 industry experts.

Still Hiring https://stillhiring.org/

A place to connect job seekers with employers amid today’s global crisis

Moz – Try Moz Academy free now through May 31st! https://moz.com/training

Moz Academy courses are now available for free!
Browse our course list, then use the promo “wegotthis” to sign up.

SeoTools 9.0 – Lots of improvements, new functions and connectors https://seotoolsforexcel.com/seotools-9-0/

It’s been a while since we made an official release. New features and awesome feedback from the Community has kept us busy but we are finally ready for release. This update will be huge, perhaps the biggest in the history of SeoTools for Excel!

Google Trends is Useful During Coronavirus – Search Engine Journal https://www.searchenginejournal.com/google-search-trends-and-coronavirus/357502/

Google Trends offers a peek into search trends as the world goes through massive upheavals due to the coronavirus pandemic.

#GTMTips: Simple Way To Exclude Internal Visits From Google Analytics | Simo Ahava’s blog https://www.simoahava.com/analytics/simple-way-exclude-internal-visits-google-analytics/
With so many people working from home or remotely in these turbulent times, it’s time to revisit one of my oldest articles, and discuss the options you have for excluding or segmenting internal traffic in Google Analytics.

Felix Pătrășcanu, Managing Partner FAN Courier, despre eCommerce, Curierat și Antreprenoriat în contextul actual | Blog-ul GPeC https://www.gpec.ro/blog/felix-patrascanu-despre-ecommerce-curierat-si-antreprenoriat

În cadrul dialogului deschis din data de Vineri, 27 Martie 2020, Andrei Radu, CEO GPeC, a discutat cu Felix Pătrășcanu, Managing Partner FAN Courier, despre cum se vede situația actuală din perspectivă eCommerce, curierat și antreprenoriat. Vă prezentăm rezumatul discuției și ideile principale.

Gomag Virtual Summit 2020 – Totul Despre Comert si Marketing Online https://summit.gomag.ro/

Inscrie-te si nu rata primul summit 100% online din Romania, editia a IV-a!

Scout Suggest: Free Keyword Research Tool | SEO Scout https://seoscout.com/suggest

If you’re looking for content ideas or a whole new set of synonyms and modifiers to add to your articles Scout Suggest is for you.

Simply enter your keywords to quickly generate 1000s of related terms, questions and phrases related to your terms!

Google lansează un hub pentru învățărea la distanță în România https://www.startupcafe.ro/coronavirus-covid-19/google-invatare-distanta-scoala-hub.htm

Google lansează o platformă dedicată învățării la distanță, un hub de informații și unelte menite să ajute profesorii pe perioada crizei cauzate de virusul COVID-19.

7 Principles That Influence Our Behaviour – UX Planet https://uxplanet.org/7-principles-that-influence-our-behaviour-fc42c154c2a

The default setting of a product may create a better or worse habit for your users. Nudging people with a message may increase their spendings. Or sometimes, creating an ambient environment may influence what you buy in a store. There are several principles that we interact with on a daily basis, which might help us design better products. Or not.

How To Increase Mobile Conversions With Category Page Design — Smashing Magazine https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2020/03/mobile-conversions-category-page-design/

Recent research has found that e-commerce category pages have higher click-through rates in search than individual category pages. So, if your e-commerce site is struggling to attract shoppers and convert them, your category pages (specifically, those on mobile) might be in need of a redesign.

What would JavaScript do? | Onely JavaScript SEO tools https://www.onely.com/tools/wwjd/

What Would JavaScript Do? identifies the JavaScript-generated elements of a web page and provides a multifaceted look at how a page works without any JavaScript enabled.


Powered by AI: Turning any 2D photo into 3D using convolutional neural nets https://ai.facebook.com/blog/-powered-by-ai-turning-any-2d-photo-into-3d-using-convolutional-neural-nets/

Our 3D Photos feature on Facebook launched in 2018 as a new, immersive format for sharing pictures with friends and family. The feature has relied on the dual-lens “portrait mode” capabilities available only in new, higher-end smartphones, however. So it hasn’t been available on typical mobile devices, which have only a single, rear-facing camera. To bring this new visual format to more people, we have used state-of-the-art machine learning techniques to produce 3D photos from virtually any standard 2D picture. This system infers the 3D structure of any image, whether it is a new shot just taken on an Android or iOS device with a standard single camera, or a decades-old image recently uploaded to a phone or laptop.

How To Design Mobile Apps For One-Hand Usage — Smashing Magazine https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2020/02/design-mobile-apps-one-hand-usage/

90% of the smartphones sold today have >5-inch displays. Bigger screen real estate presents newer challenges and opportunities for app makers and designers. Let’s look at how designing apps for one-handed usage can solve those challenges.

Inclusive Inputs « Texte | ovl – code & design https://www.ovl.design/text/inclusive-inputs/

I’ll be honest with you: The title is a lie. At least pa by James Jacobs.rtially. Neither the talk nor this article are really about JavaScript. I barely even mention it. But stay with me: Even though I don’t mention it, doesn’t mean it isn’t important or useless. But it’s the second step.

This article aims to guide you through the first step. It talks about semantic HTML and a bit of ARIA. But it starts with explaining my reasoning for doing so.

Open Peeps, Hand-Drawn Illustration Library https://www.openpeeps.com/

A hand-drawn illustration library.

Mac Pro review: the price of power – The Verge https://www.theverge.com/2020/3/2/21161358/mac-pro-review-apple-display-xdr-adobe-hardware-software-price-video

One of the benefits of a tower PC is that you can swap out parts over time to improve performance as technology evolves, so it’s possible that you could buy a cheaper Mac Pro now and improve it over time. But even that is new for today’s Apple and nascent in practical reality: the Mac Pro might be modular, but that modularity is currently limited to a handful of Apple-blessed expansion cards. Yes, the Mac Pro has PCI slots, but that doesn’t mean you can just plug an Nvidia graphics card in and have it work since Apple won’t allow the company to write macOS drivers.

Fintech Top 100 Influencers – Onalytica https://onalytica.com/blog/posts/fintech-top-100-influencers/

With the initial Fintech boom over our shoulders, we’re now starting to see something interesting happening in the market, Fintech’s boom is beginning to come to fruition. Given the $4.7+ trillion valuation Goldman Sachs has given the industry, having your eyes on the prize has rarely been worth more. It’s never been easy to keep up in the finance world and staying on top of the ever-increasing rate of innovation is even harder. However, with our below list, you can do both. Whether you want to keep an eye on Finances bleeding edge, or become the bleeding edge, knowing who’s who and jumping the news queue is easy.

What AI still can’t do – MIT Technology Review https://www.technologyreview.com/s/615189/what-ai-still-cant-do/

Artificial intelligence won’t be very smart if computers don’t grasp cause and effect. That’s something even humans have trouble with.

Block Links Are a Pain (and Maybe Just a Bad Idea) | CSS-Tricks https://css-tricks.com/block-links-are-a-pain-and-maybe-just-a-bad-idea/

As we noted in our complete guide, you can put an link around whatever chunks of HTML you like. Let’s call that a “block link.” Like you are wanting to link up an entire “Card” of content because it makes a big clickable target.

10 Breakthrough Technologies 2020 – MIT Technology Review https://www.technologyreview.com/lists/technologies/2020/

Here is our annual list of technological advances that we believe will make a real difference in solving important problems. How do we pick? We avoid the one-off tricks, the overhyped new gadgets. Instead we look for those breakthroughs that will truly change how we live and work.

Not a ‘math person’? You may be better at learning to code than you think https://phys.org/news/2020-03-math-person-code.html

New research from the University of Washington finds that a natural aptitude for learning languages is a stronger predictor of learning to program than basic math knowledge, or numeracy. That’s because writing code also involves learning a second language, an ability to learn that language’s vocabulary and grammar, and how they work together to communicate ideas and intentions. Other cognitive functions tied to both areas, such as problem solving and the use of working memory, also play key roles.

Programming Sass to Create Accessible Color Combinations | CSS-Tricks https://css-tricks.com/programming-sass-to-create-accessible-color-combinations/

We’re all looking for low-hanging fruit to make our sites and apps more accessible. One of the easier things we can do is make sure the colors we use are easy on the eyes. High color contrast is something that benefits everyone. It not only reduces eye strain in general, but is crucial for folks who deal with reduced vision.

Why Development Teams are Slow – JavaScript Scene – Medium https://medium.com/javascript-scene/why-development-teams-are-slow-89107985c75c

Common Software Jams and Solutions

CSS Viewport Units https://ishadeed.com/article/viewport-units/

In this article, we will learn about CSS viewport units and how to use them, along with some use-cases and solutions for common issues. Let’s start and dig in!

Big Data: Top Influencers and Brands – Onalytica https://onalytica.com/blog/posts/big-data-top-influencers-and-brands/

Which data spoke the truth and had value used to be the domain of the guru. How to get and extract it, was a luxury of those who could afford it. But with a revolution underway within Big Data, things are changing. Keeping afoot of those changes and seeing the wood for the trees however, has become a new challenge in and of itself.

Uppload https://uppload.js.org/

Uppload is a better JavaScript image uploader. It’s highly customizable with 30+ plugins, completely free and open-source, and can be used with any file uploading backend.

Accessible SVGs: Inclusiveness Beyond Patterns — Smashing Magazine https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2020/03/accessible-svgs-inclusiveness-beyond-patterns/

We are fortunate to have robust patterns to choose from when optimizing accessibility in SVGs — but most people stop there, focusing on code compliance and not actual users and their needs. If true inclusiveness lies beyond patterns — what other factors should we consider when designing and developing accessible SVGs?

Premiul Turing: Au fost desemnați cei mai buni oameni din IT-ul mondial https://www.startupcafe.ro/idei-antreprenori/premiu-turing-it.htm

Patrick M. (Pat) Hanrahan și Edwin E. (Ed) Catmull, fondatori ai studiourilor de animație Pixar, au obținut Premiul Turing 2019, conform unui anunț postat miercuri pe site-ul oficial al distincției.

„Inovațiile lui Hanrahan și Catmull au pavat drumul către ceea ce înseamnă astăzi flimele de animație 3D”, spune Association for Computing Machinery, care oferă premiul Turing.

Pandemic Response Hackathon: Build technology to solve today’s greatest public health challenge – Devpost

COVID-19 Global Hackathon 1.0: #BuildforCOVID19 Global Online Hackathon – Devpost

HackCOVID 2: Defeat coronavirus – Devpost

COVID Hacks: A Global online event where quarantined students spend 36 hours building tools to help those affected by the pandemic. – Devpost

#CodeVsCovid19: The world’s brightest tech enthusiasts contribute to fight the current COVID-19 crisis. – Devpost

COVID-19 Global Church Hackathon: 8-Day Online Hackathon to Solve Global Church Challenges in the Midst of COVID-19 – Devpost

Answers for 7 Most Frequently Asked Questions in Machine Learning https://medium.com/@albertchristopherr/answers-for-7-most-frequently-asked-questions-in-machine-learning-d1e8abd2c071

This article focuses to answer the common questions that an IT professional or new science graduate may have regarding machine learning.

How AI Might Eliminate the Need for Engineers to Design Things from Scratch https://interestingengineering.com/ai-could-eliminate-the-need-for-custom-designs

Early AI programmers will essentially become teachers to newly born artificially intelligent computers. However, this ‘student,’ if you will, can retain knowledge for an infinite amount of time, and instantly translate knowledge to its robotic counterparts. While it may sound like something straight out of the Terminator series, it is the very real future that we face in the technological future.

Troy Hunt: The “Cobra Effect” that is disabling paste on password fields https://www.troyhunt.com/the-cobra-effect-that-is-disabling/

This became known as the Cobra Effect or in other words, a solution to a problem that actually makes the whole thing a lot worse.

D. Psihologie

Marius Constantinescu, realizator TV: ”Câteodată e terapeutic să lași gândurile negre să te măture” https://thriveglobal.ro/stories/marius-constantinescu-realizator-tv-cateodata-e-terapeutic-sa-lasi-gandurile-negre-sa-te-mature/

Când ai ocazia să-i întrebi pe unii dintre cei mai interesanți oameni despre viața lor, uneori obții cele mai fascinante răspunsuri la cele mai simple întrebări. Chestionarul Thrive reprezintă o serie de interviuri care oferă o perspectivă intimă asupra vieții unora dintre cei mai de succes oameni.

The Case for Reading Fiction https://hbr.org/2020/03/the-case-for-reading-fiction

When it comes to reading, we may be assuming that reading for knowledge is the best reason to pick up a book. Research, however, suggests that reading fiction may provide far more important benefits than nonfiction. For example, reading fiction predicts increased social acuity and a sharper ability to comprehend other people’s motivations. Reading nonfiction might certainly be valuable for collecting knowledge, it does little to develop EQ, a far more elusive goal.

Atelier Architecture: What 8 buildings from famous paintings would look like in real life – HomeAdvisor https://www.homeadvisor.com/r/what-buildings-from-famous-paintings-would-look-like-in-real-life/

Everybody wonders whether the real Mona Lisa’s smile was so enigmatic, or whether the figure in The Scream was actually just a bored spaniel.

But architecture in paintings can be just as mysterious. An artist might express hidden themes and meanings through the way they portray their buildings or hint at impenetrable spaces that can only be explored in the imagination.

We’ve produced a new set of realistic renders of ‘atelier architecture’ – the beautiful (if structurally dubious) depictions of real and imaginary buildings our greatest artists created in their studios.

The Myth of Self-Control https://getpocket.com/explore/item/the-myth-of-self-control

Psychologists say using willpower to achieve goals is overhyped. Here’s what actually works.

How Being a Workaholic Differs from Working Long Hours https://getpocket.com/explore/item/how-being-a-workaholic-differs-from-working-long-hours

These stories and our research findings reveal two key messages: First, when it comes to effects on health, working long hours is not as bad as obsessing over work.


The second key message from our study is that workaholics who love their jobs are somewhat protected from the most severe health risks, and this may be because they feel that their work is worth all the hard work they put in.

Why ambition won’t make you happy – BBC Future https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20200305-happiness-why-contentment-is-better-than-ambition-and-goals

Chasing happiness is human nature. But is it better to seek contentment — or to strive to achieve your ambitions?

How to Structure Your Day Better https://getpocket.com/explore/item/how-to-structure-your-day-better

Tap into a resource that isn’t finite, even if it sometimes feels as though it is: your energy.

Physics Explains Why Time Passes Faster As You Age https://getpocket.com/explore/item/physics-explains-why-time-passes-faster-as-you-age

Mind time and clock time are two totally different things. They flow at varying rates.

Cursurile online nu sunt cinema | Contributors http://www.contributors.ro/editorial/cursurile-online-nu-sunt-cinema/

Așadar, vă invit să reflectăm asupra stării de fapt, ca să extragem apoi învăţămintele utile educaţiei. Unii spun că era și timpul să trecem odată la predarea online: este predarea viitorului, modelele față în față fiind desuete. Poate. Dar haideți să vedem dacă este cu adevărat așa.

E. Medicină

(notă – nu sunt medic)

The €30m hospital built by 300,000 people | World news | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/mar/05/project-believe-in-crowdfunded-hospital-inspires-romanians

Last year one Romanian entrepreneur, fed up with the lack of progress in creating a modern road network in the country, inaugurated a symbolic, one-metre-long stretch of motorway he had constructed to publicly shame the government’s lack of investment.

Mom’s Purse May Hold Hidden Dangers for Kids – WebMD https://www.webmd.com/parenting/news/20200304/moms-purse-may-hold-hidden-dangers-for-kids

Busy moms and dads routinely stuff their purses and bags with every item their family might need for the day. But that creates a minefield of choking and poisoning hazards for babies and toddlers, pediatricians warn.

Coronavirus: What You Can Do to Help Slow an Outbreak – The Atlantic https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2020/03/coronavirus-what-you-can-do-help-slow-outbreak/607369/

Preventing the spread of an outbreak requires a massive global effort, but here are steps everyone can take.

Cum sunt afectați românii din diaspora de epidemia de coronavirus https://pressone.ro/cum-sunt-afectati-romanii-din-diaspora-de-epidemia-de-coronavirus

Am vrut să vedem cum trăiesc românii din diaspora în timpul epidemiei de COVID-19. Așa că ne-am sunat prietenii și i-am rugat să ne povestească.

How to Stop Touching Your Face https://lifehacker.com/how-to-stop-touching-your-face-1842290379

First, you should raise your own awareness to the act.


Then start to change your behaviors.


You can also use barriers to make touching your face less convenient.

Can a Face Mask Stop Coronavirus? Covid-19 Facts Checked https://getpocket.com/explore/item/can-a-face-mask-stop-coronavirus-covid-19-facts-checked

The truth about how easy it is to catch coronavirus, who is most vulnerable and what you can do to avoid infection.

PressOne: Cum sunt afectați românii din diaspora de epidemia de coronavirus https://pressone.ro/cum-sunt-afectati-romanii-din-diaspora-de-epidemia-de-coronavirus

Am vrut să vedem cum trăiesc românii din diaspora în timpul epidemiei de COVID-19. Așa că ne-am sunat prietenii și i-am rugat să ne povestească.

Coronavirus: What You Can Do to Help Slow an Outbreak – The Atlantic https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2020/03/coronavirus-what-you-can-do-help-slow-outbreak/607369/

Preventing the spread of an outbreak requires a massive global effort, but here are steps everyone can take.

Mom’s Purse May Hold Hidden Dangers for Kids – WebMD https://www.webmd.com/parenting/news/20200304/moms-purse-may-hold-hidden-dangers-for-kids

Busy moms and dads routinely stuff their purses and bags with every item their family might need for the day. But that creates a minefield of choking and poisoning hazards for babies and toddlers, pediatricians warn.

Do Doctors Give Better Care in the Morning? https://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/news/20190510/do-doctors-give-better-care-in-the-morning?src=RSS_PUBLIC#1

During 8 a.m. appointments, doctors ordered breast cancer screenings for 64% of women who were eligible for them. That figure declined over the next few hours, rebounded around lunchtime, then fell again as the afternoon wore on: During 5 p.m. appointments, doctors ordered screening for just under 48% of eligible patients.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) – cum vă putem ajuta? https://ajutorspitale.entreprenation.ro/

Dragi medici, aveți nevoie de ceva? Spuneți-ne. Vrem și putem să vă ajutăm!

Inițiative civice/private din România care ajută pe durata Coronavirus

New coronavirus stable for hours on surfaces | National Institutes of Health (NIH) https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/new-coronavirus-stable-hours-surfaces

The scientists found that severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) was detectable in aerosols for up to three hours, up to four hours on copper, up to 24 hours on cardboard and up to two to three days on plastic and stainless steel.


  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
    – Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
    – Stay home when you are sick.
    – Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
    – Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.

Norway’s PM Holds Coronavirus Press Conference For Kids, Says It’s OK To Be Scared | HuffPost https://www.huffpost.com/entry/norway-coronavirus-press-conference_n_5e7108d4c5b60fb69ddf303a

In Norway, Prime Minister Erna Solberg just held a press conference specifically for children.

For half an hour, she and her team answered questions submitted by kids across the country.

ai sub 40 de ani si esti rezonabil sanatos?
vrei sa iti ajuti vecinii batrani si bolnavi? https://www.facebook.com/razvan.chereches/posts/10219453620164735

ei trebuie sa stea izolati ca sa reduca riscul de infectie dar au nevoie de medicamente si alimente de baza
printeaza posterul de la linkul de mai jos, lipeste-l pe usa interioara a blocului tau si completeaza-ti datele de contact. daca te suna vecinii pentru ajutor, respecta CU SFINTENIE regulile de pe poster, ca sa nu ii infectezi tu pe ei!
Fii un erou local, ajuta-ti batranii!
(dati share cat mai mult, ca sa ajunga posterul la toti cei care vor sa ajute – continutul posterului a fost validat cu epidemiologi si specialisti in sanatate publica)

Free E-Book: Answers to Your Coronavirus Questions – The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/article/answers-to-your-coronavirus-questions.html

Symptoms, Social Distancing and More Reporting From The New York Times

Testele de coronavirus de la Sanador, marea dilemă https://www.subiectiv.ro/teste-coronavirus-sanador.html

Văd că se discută pe facebook masiv, de vreo juma’ de oră, despre cât de legal sau de moral e ca un spital privat să ofere, contra cost, teste de coronavirus. În mod normal, n-aș avea nici o părere, dar văd că inclusiv Vlad Petreanu s-a apucat să decreteze că testele alea trebuie rechiziționate de către stat.

Cel mai bun clip despre spălarea corectă pe mâini – nwradu blog https://www.nwradu.ro/2020/03/clip-spalare-corecta-maini/

Sunt multe clipuri despre cum să te speli corect pe mâini pe net, dar cel de mai jos mi se pare cel mai edificator pentru că folosește vopsea neagră ca să arate cum se răspândește săpunul pe mâini.

How the Coronavirus Could Take Over Your Body https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2020/03/the-story-of-a-coronavirus-infection.html

You don’t feel any of this. In fact, you still feel totally fine. If you have any complaint at all, it’s boredom. You’ve been a dutiful citizen, staying at home to practice social distancing, and after two days of bingeing on the Fast & Furious franchise, you decide that your mental health is at risk if you don’t get outside.

Sfaturile preţioase ale medicului Musta. Cum eviţi contaminarea prin haine sau pantofi şi de ce sunt mănuşile o mare capcană | adevarul.ro https://adevarul.ro/locale/timisoara/sfaturile-pretioase-medicului-musta-eviti-contaminarea-haine-pantofi-manusile-mare-capcana-1_5e7880715163ec42711f2d8a/index.html

Medicul Virgil Musta, şeful secţiei de la Spitalul de Boli Infecţioase „Victor Babeş” din Timişoara, unde au fost vindecaţi până în acest moment cei mai mulţi pacienţi infectaţi cu coronavirus, a realizat o listă cu măsuri pe care le poate lua fiecare cetăţean pentru a evita contaminarea.

How Will the Coronavirus End? – The Atlantic https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2020/03/how-will-coronavirus-end/608719/

The U.S. may end up with the worst COVID-19 outbreak in the industrialized world. This is how it’s going to play out.

Harlan Coben on Twitter: “This photo was taken by an ER nurse in Morristown, NJ and I just can’t. https://t.co/vYjCtlsYji” / Twitter https://twitter.com/harlancoben/status/1242952446877544456

Pentru alții: Valeriu Nicolae îi strânge pe copiii din Ferentari pe internet – DoR https://www.dor.ro/pentru-altii-valeriu-nicolae-ii-strange-pe-copiii-din-ferentari-pe-internet/

60 de copii de la marginea Bucureștiului rămân aproape de învățătură și după ce școlile s-au închis.

Coronavirus: Practicarea exerciţiilor fizice în timpul izolării ajută sistemul imunitar – studiu – Stiintele vietii – HotNews.ro https://science.hotnews.ro/stiri-stiintele_vietii-23763024-coronavirus-practicarea-exercitiilor-fizice-timpul-izolarii-ajuta-sistemul-imunitar.htm

O echipă de specialişti de la Universitatea din Bath a concluzionat că practicarea exerciţiilor fizice în perioada în care se urmează îndrumările privind distanţarea socială are un “efect extrem de pozitiv” asupra sănătăţii şi stării de bine.

Analiza cercetătorilor a relevat că exerciţiile fizice pot ajuta sistemul imunitar sa facă faţă agenţilor patogeni, precum şi la încetinirea modificărilor care apar odată cu înaintarea în vârstă.

COVID-19 and Romania’s healthcare brain drain could be ‘perfect storm’ | Euronews https://www.euronews.com/2020/03/30/covid-19-and-romania-s-healthcare-brain-drain-could-be-perfect-storm

“If we’re talking about Romania, there are some specialties which are specifically hit by the brain drain, and one of the biggest areas is intensive care,” said Vlad Mixich, a Romanian doctor and healthcare analyst, who’s also an independent expert on the board of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work.

The Myth of Creative Inspiration https://getpocket.com/explore/item/the-myth-of-creative-inspiration

Don’t discount the power of a schedule.

6 Ways to Look More Confident During a Presentation https://getpocket.com/explore/item/6-ways-to-look-more-confident-during-a-presentation

The right kinds of non-verbal communication correlate with success.


Bob Goyetche - Newspaper
Bob Goyetche – Newspaper, https://flic.kr/p/7uwCi4

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