Let’s say you want to move into a new city.
I know people who, when doing this, they first look for a place to stay.
Afterward, they try to find a good job, not far from home.
In 2015, when I went to London, I stayed in cheap hostels until I got a job, and only then looked for a place to stay permanently. In 2018, when I got to Bucharest, I first looked for a job, and only then I found an apartment nearby. Doing a Master’s nearby also helped.
I chose the current college I attend based on distance to home.
One of the criteria for deciding the high school was closeness to home.
It may look that distance should not be such an important criterion, but in my opinion it is.
Researchers in England found adding an additional 20 minutes of commuting per day has the same negative effect on job satisfaction as receiving a 19% pay cut. (via »)