How to write useful and respectful code reviews?

Addy Osmani on Twitter: “Tips for useful, respectful code reviews: – Assume competence (author may have a different context) – Provide specific, actionable feedback – Focus on the code (avoid personal criticism) – Clearly mark nitpicks & optional comments – Provide rationale (e.g refs to a style guide)” / Twitter:

  • Assume competence (author may have a different context)
  • Provide specific, actionable feedback
  • Focus on the code (avoid personal criticism)
  • Clearly mark nitpicks & optional comments
  • Provide rationale (e.g refs to a style guide)

I like this advice a lot!

Niklas Wikström - Sharing Is Caring - Fotosöndag
Niklas Wikström – Sharing Is Caring – Fotosöndag,

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