Follow-up: About WWW – World Wild West? seminar with Eugene Kaspersky and Radu Georgescu (Howard Johnson Platinum room, 2009.09.23)

On 2009.09.23 I went to see the “WWW – World Wild West?” seminar with Eugene KASPERSKY and Radu GEORGESCU at Howard Johnson Platinum room. Here’s a follow up.

Some ideas I took home:
– How can Internet Regulation be implemented? Via an Internet Passport for individuals and Accreditation for businesses;
– There should be an Internet Government with an Internet police (international one);
– Also, a transparent Internet-money system should be in place;
– Users & Business education? A must!
– Advantages of an Internet Government:
a. Stop spam, botnets, DDoS attacks;
b. Stop illegal content;
c. Stop Internet fraud;
d. Stop organized crime and terrorists from using Internet for communication;
– Criminals would need a dedicated prison for online crimes;
– For this future to become common practice, a lot of years would have to pass;
– Organized crime is profitable, easy to do and low risk;
– Criminals have no physical contact with the victims;
– Modern OS are flexible and insecure;
– There are gaps in legislation for organized crime on Internet;
– There are problems with victims not reporting the crimes;
– You are in US, and robbed by a person in the African country; How do you solve this?
– Having a secure OS would imply lesser products and services for that OS;

Extra readings in English – see this “Ziarul Financiar” news.
Extra readings in Romanian: Here’s another conference review. And here are some thoughts with Bogdan DUMITRU from BitDefender. Also some news from “Ziarul Financiar”. At the event I’ve met Mihai IRINEL.

This is a video I made at the event. But you should also see the official video:

Pictures I’ve made at the event:
[alpine-phototile-for-picasa-and-google-plus src=”user_album” uid=”100050990853086188413″ ualb=”5939855774406803745″ imgl=”fancybox” style=”wall” row=”4″ size=”640″ num=”100″ highlight=”1″ align=”center” max=”100″]

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