Let’s see this quote from Wikipedia (Gottlieb DAIMLER – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia – Mercedes-Benz International):
Gottlieb Daimler’s motto was Das Beste oder nichts (“The best or nothing at all”; “Nothing but the best”).
Is “the best” enough? I’d dare to say no.
My argument is this: you can have the best book; you can have the best book written by someone in my street, by someone in my town, by someone in my country, by someone in the world; but it may not be that much;
The best text in the world 3,000 years ago is not brilliant; it’s fine, but nothing that fancy;
The best runner in the world prior to 1920 was very slow compared to today’s standards;
The best computer in the world in 1980 was a joke by today’s standards;
The best cell phone in the world in 1999 was just not that great by today’s measurements;
Even today’s best phone is only satisfactory considering its limitations – I may like iPhone 4S (Apple – iPhone 4S – The most amazing iPhone yet.) best because of Siri, Retina display; but I would like a mobile phone who can cook, answer me questions on “What should I do tomorrow?”, can transform lead into gold; oh, you say I can’t have these today? Well, in this case, I don’t like the phone.
Coming back to Mercedes – they may be the best in cars for the regular user; but it this enough? Not to me; I want more than the best.
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