Swearing censorship

Sometimes, on television shows, they censor certain words.

But they know how to do this, so it’s not hard at all to get what is being said.

If kids watch the show, they might get the word, while the mature audience should be able to enjoy the show fully.

The thing is – I don’t want to watch a TV show where guests are allowed to swear.

If I remember correctly, Andrei Pleșu, talking to Andrei Gheorghe, said something like, “I choose not to swear; if I would swear all the time, then swearing would lose its power; swearing is fine as long as it’s the exception; swearing only has power because it’s the exception, not the rule; if I swear constantly, swearing loses its power.”

I think swearing makes things sound bad. It’s fine when it’s an exception, but not so much when it’s the rule.

There are some TV shows that I don’t watch – way too much swearing for my taste.

pisică pe adidasi Puma de la Answear #2

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