Știrile lunii iulie 2020

Mai jos, resursele cele mai importante, pentru mine, din luna iulie 2020. Pot fi suprapuneri de la o secțiune la alta.



A. Generale

Românii vor putea folosi buletinul electronic cu cip. Legea a trecut de Parlament. Care vor fi funcțiile acestuia https://www.digi24.ro/stiri/actualitate/social/romanii-vor-putea-folosi-buletinul-electronic-cu-cip-legea-a-trecut-de-parlament-care-vor-fi-functiile-acestuia-1338086

Cartea electronică de identitate va ține locul cardului de sănătate iar aceasta va putea fi folosită și la autentificarea în sistemele informatice ale instituțiilor statului și nu numai.

Cele mai bune orașe din România https://pressone.ro/cele-mai-bune-orase-din-romania

Am vrut să vedem cum se raportează românii din orașele de peste 30.000 de locuitori la localitățile în care-și duc viața – ce anume iubesc la ele, ce detestă, care sunt punctele lor tari și punctele lor slabe.

Povestea specială a unei eleve de 10 la BAC. Unul dintre părinţii ei nu are mâini de la vârsta de 11 ani | adevarul.ro https://adevarul.ro/locale/timisoara/povestea-speciala-eleve-10-bac-unul-parintii-nu-maini-varsta-11-ani-1_5f0c7f025163ec4271f36705/index.html

Unul dintre cei 12 elevi din judeţul Timiş cu media 10 pe linie la examenul de Bacalaureat din 2020 este Iudith Nichescu, fiica lui Sergiu Nichescu, care a rămas fără ambele mâini la 11 ani. Bărbatul a trecut peste toate greutăţile vieţii şi şi-a întemeiat o familie frumoasă.

Bilete și abonamente la concertele online ale Concursului Enescu 2020 – Ziarul Metropolis | Ziarul Metropolis https://www.ziarulmetropolis.ro/bilete-si-abonamente-la-concertele-online-ale-concursului-enescu-2020/

Este pentru prima oară în istoria Festivalului și a Concursului Internațional George Enescu când organizatorii pun în vânzare bilete și abonamente pentru accesul la concerte și recitaluri în varianta online.

Rețeaua Vodafone din Europa va deveni 100% verde – Vodafone.ro https://www.vodafone.ro/despre-noi/media/media/comunicate-de-presa-2020/reteaua-vodafone-din-europa-va-deveni-100-la-suta-verde/index.htm

Rețeaua Vodafone din Europa va fi alimentată în proporție de 100% cu energie din surse regenerabile până la finalul lunii iulie 2021. Astfel, rețeaua Vodafone devine Green Gigabit pentru clienții din 11 țări unde compania este prezentă și va opera în mod sustenabil, utilizând doar energie eoliană, solară sau hidroenergie.

The 80 Best Single-Operator Newsletters on the Internet – InsideHook https://www.insidehook.com/feature/internet/best-single-operator-email-newsletters-internet

The greatest benefit of email to publishers may well be what made it great in the first place: direct contact. Inbox placement doesn’t rely on upvotes or shares or some inscrutable third-party algorithm; all that matters is how recently a message arrived and whether the recipient trusts the sender.

Gurindoor on Twitter: “MEGATHREAD TIME: In 40 tweets I will describe 40 powerful concepts for understanding the world. Some are complex so forgive me for oversimplifying, but the main purpose is to incite curiosity. Okay, here we go:” / Twitter https://twitter.com/G_S_Bhogal/status/1225561131122597896

The Unexpected Solace in Learning to Play Piano – The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/05/20/magazine/quarantine-covid-learning-piano.html

Tourist scams fzi54stoi2441.jpg https://i.redd.it/fzi54stoi2441.jpg

33 Things I Stole From People Smarter Than Me on the Way to 33 – RyanHoliday.net https://ryanholiday.net/33-things/

Enjoy. And remember, as Seneca said, that we are dying everyday.

What’s a little-known but obvious fact that will immediately make all of us feel stupid? : AskReddit https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/evb8of/whats_a_littleknown_but_obvious_fact_that_will/

Ideas That Changed My Life · Collaborative Fund https://www.collaborativefund.com/blog/ideas-that-changed-my-life/

Everyone belongs to a tribe and underestimates how influential that tribe is on their thinking.

Your Life is Driven by Network Effects https://www.nfx.com/post/your-life-network-effects/

Revealing the Unseen Forces That Guide Your Life

Despre dictatură și alte cuvinte pe care nu le înțelegem | Contributors https://www.contributors.ro/despre-dictatura-si-alte-cuvinte-pe-care-nu-le-intelegem/

Măsurile adoptate de către guvern în gestionarea crizei sanitare au produs și un curent de opoziție în rândul cetățenilor, care se văd într-o dictatură medicală unde în loc de medici și specialiști avem tipologii de Mengele, iar drepturile lor sunt în pericol de a fi anulate prin legea carantinării și a izolării.

Four Quotes by Actual Humans that Blew My Mind | by Sean Kernan | Mind Cafe | Jun, 2020 | Medium https://medium.com/mind-cafe/four-quotes-by-actual-humans-that-blew-my-mind-45412f787db5

And the lessons I learned from them.

How Inuit Parents Raise Kids Without Yelling — And Teach Them To Control Anger : Goats and Soda : NPR https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2019/03/13/685533353/a-playful-way-to-teach-kids-to-control-their-anger

Briggs quickly realized something remarkable was going on in these families: The adults had an extraordinary ability to control their anger.

Sinistra comedie a alegerilor din București https://pressone.ro/sinistra-comedie-a-alegerilor-din-bucuresti

Două milioane de locuitori. Mai mult de 10% din populația țării. Una dintre puținele zone ale României cu un nivel de trai peste media UE (cel puțin pe hârtie).

Înapoi la rădăcini-In memoriam Camil Marinescu – Radio România Cultural https://radioromaniacultural.ro/a-murit-dirjorul-camil-marinescu/

În anul 2018 Sorina Goia realiza sub genericul Înapoi la Rădăcini, un  interviu de proporţii epice, în care dirijorul Camil Marinescu făcea o suită de mărturisiri/destăinuiri pornite dintr-o viaţă întreagă dedicată muzicii.

UNTOLD 2020 – Programul pe ore al celor 4 zile de concerte transmise pe YouTube https://www.infomusic.ro/2020/07/untold-2020-programul-pe-ore-zile-concerte-pe-youtube

În 2020, Untold aduce vibe-ul de festival la publicul de acasă. Pandemia a determinat amânarea concertelor de anul acesta, însă nu și distracția. Organizatorii au venit cu ideea unei ediții online, ce va oferi fanilor UNTOLD oportunitatea de a (re)vedea cele mai impresionante show-uri din edițiile precedente.

Enel Asistență – www.enel.ro https://www.enel.ro/enel-energie/ro/mai-mult-pentru-tine/enel-asistenta.html

Dacă s-a spart conducta de apă noaptea și nu știi de unde se închide sau ai scurtcircuit la panoul electric și nu știi pe cine să suni, Enel Asistență este serviciul de care ai nevoie.

Be Aware of the Quiet Ones like Keanu Reeves — They Are the Ones That Actually Make You Think | by Tim Denning | Mind Cafe | Jun, 2020 | Medium https://medium.com/mind-cafe/be-aware-of-the-quiet-ones-like-keanu-reeves-they-are-the-ones-that-actually-make-you-think-de7c8f814d04

The smarter you become, the less you speak.

Eu nu consider că să scrii într-o foaie “Mă externez la cerere” sau “Refuz internarea” sau “Refuz operația” și să semnezi dedesubt este suficient.


Why the Most Important Idea in Behavioral Decision-Making May Be a Fallacy https://getpocket.com/explore/item/why-the-most-important-idea-in-behavioral-decision-making-is-a-fallacy

The popular idea that avoiding losses is a bigger motivator than achieving gains is not supported by the evidence.

Why Are Plants Green? To Reduce the Noise in Photosynthesis. | Quanta Magazine https://www.quantamagazine.org/why-are-plants-green-to-reduce-the-noise-in-photosynthesis-20200730/

Plants ignore the most energy-rich part of sunlight because stability matters more than efficiency, according to a new model of photosynthesis.

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/dragos.stanca/posts/3617640224918792

The Goopification of grapes: why ‘clean wine’ is a scam | Wine | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/food/2020/aug/03/clean-wine-wellness-market

Winemakers don’t have to list ingredients – which has opened a door for opportunists chasing a piece of the $52.5bn wellness market

Bufnite – ArtStation – the owls of Romania, Serban Gabriel https://www.artstation.com/artwork/bKgXzG


B. Lumea SEO PPC

Viitorul marketingului este aici: 2Performant se listează la Bursă! – 2Performant Blog https://ro.2performant.com/blog/2performant-se-listeaza-la-bursa/

Astăzi este o zi mare pentru 2Performant și pentru piața de marketing afiliat și eCommerce din România. Astăzi vă anunțăm că intenționăm să ne listăm pe piața AeRo a Bursei de Valori București până la finalul acestui an!

Este o mare bucurie pentru noi și sperăm să fie și pentru voi, partenerii și prietenii noștri împreună cu care am crescut marketingul afiliat din România.

Curs Google gratuit pentru antreprenorii români cu magazine online https://www.startupcafe.ro/idei-antreprenori/curs-magazin-online-google-antreprenori-romani.htm

Antreprenorii români cu mici afaceri e-commerce se pot înscrie la un curs gratuit oferit de Google România în parteneriat cu Banca Transilvania, pentru accelerarea dezvoltării magazinelor online.

STUDIU IAB. În România: Piața de publicitate online a trecut de 80 de milioane de euro, dar suntem departe „scorurile” din Europa https://www.paginademedia.ro/2020/07/piata-publicitate-online-2019-80-mil-euro

STUDIU. Valoarea pieței de publicitate online din țara noastră a sărit de 80 de milioane de euro, dar e totuși departe de „scorurile” înregistrate de țările din Occident. Piața de publicitate online din Europa, în 2019, a sărit de cifra de 64,8 de miliarde de euro.

YouTube întrece televiziunea în România (și alte concluzii de la Visualfest) – nwradu blog https://www.nwradu.ro/2020/07/youtube-intrece-televiziunea-romania-visualfest/

În intervalul 18-24, YouTube are audiență mai mare decât canalele TV, iar în 25-34 este pe locul 4.

Samsung: Expect 6G in 2028, enabling mobile holograms and digital twins | VentureBeat https://venturebeat.com/2020/07/14/samsung-expect-6g-in-2028-enabling-mobile-holograms-and-digital-twins/

On the “what” side, Samsung expects 6G to offer 50 times higher peak data rates than 5G, or 1,000Gbps, with a “user experienced data rate” of 1Gbps, plus support for 10 times more connected devices in a square kilometer.

Granturi AMC https://www.unicredit.ro/ro/imm/diverse/GranturiAMC.html

Ce trebuie sa stii e ca nu esti singur pe drumul acesta. Daca stii ce trebuie sa schimbi si esti hotarat sa faci acest lucru, noi suntem hotarati sa te ajutam. De aceea, UniCredit Bank si Asociatia Brand Minds ofera 7 granturi in valoare totala de 30.000 € pentru digitalizarea afacerilor.

Balance in Effective SEO – Interview with Steven Kang https://www.seolium.com/balanced-seo-interview-with-steven-kang/

Steven Kang has been in the digital marketing space since 1998. What started out as a fun side project involving web design while running his offline business turned into a full-time career. Steven has worked with thousands of businesses including projects for Fortune 500 companies and large marketing agencies.

Explozia TikTok în România: înscrie-te gratuit la evenimentul unde vei afla totul despre noua platformă-vedetă a lumii social media – UPGRADE 100 News https://www.upgrade100.com/updates/explozia-tiktok-in-romania-inscrie-te-gratuit-la-evenimentul-unde-vei-afla-totul-despre-noua-platforma-vedeta-a-lumii-social-media/

Astfel, pe scena UPGRADE 100 Focus vor mai urca:

Robert Tatoi – FollowArt

Mih lovin – SquadTikTok

Alin Stoica – Global Records artiștilor din domeniul muzical și ce proiecte cu branduri se pot derula astfel

Cristina Almășan – Creator de conținut

Maria Ganta – Social Insider


Why Wirecutter Wins: Opinionated Content – Animalz https://www.animalz.co/blog/opinionated-content/

Wirecutter carved out a $150-million niche in the crowded affiliate marketing industry by understanding one core tenet of content marketing: opinions are not optional.

How to Become an SEO Expert https://www.searchenginejournal.com/become-seo-expert/373474/

Want to become an SEO expert? Awesome! Here are 21 things you need to know to truly become an SEO expert today.

Why (almost) everything you knew about Google CTR is no longer valid – SISTRIX https://www.sistrix.com/blog/why-almost-everything-you-knew-about-google-ctr-is-no-longer-valid/

The Google CTR (Click-through rate, or clickrate) shows you how many people click on each position, in terms of percentage of all clicks.

Do We Have the Math to Truly Decode Google’s Algorithms? https://www.searchenginejournal.com/math-decode-google-algorithms/374391/#close

This article shows how SEO studies that claim how to decode Google and other search engine algorithms are based on poor data and bad science.

The Shoes of MozCon 2020 – SearchLab Digital https://searchlabdigital.com/blog/the-shoes-of-mozcon-2020/

So somehow, the “Shoes of MozCon” has become a tradition. I started off as a goofy thing to do on Twitter with my friend Bryant, and now it’s something everyone expects, and maybe even looks forward to (and this year, we even got shoe companies hitting us with ads on the hashtag).

The Ultimate Oldschool PC Font Pack: Home https://int10h.org/oldschool-pc-fonts/

The world’s biggest collection of classic text mode fonts, system fonts and BIOS fonts from DOS-era IBM PCs and compatibles – preserving raster typography from pre-GUI times.

Copy:    66 Copywriting Tips that Will Boost Your Conversion Rates by 327% https://cognitiveseo.com/blog/15998/copy-66-copywriting-tips-that-will-boost-your-conversion-rates-by-327/


There is no secret for anyone that content marketing is a must. And the truth is that copywriting isn’t just about writing blog posts anymore; it’s about telling good stories well. How do you get to create those stories that will increase your conversion rates hundreds of times?

4 Design Patterns That Violate “Back” Button Expectations – 59% of Sites Get It Wrong – Articles – Baymard Institute https://baymard.com/blog/back-button-expectations

“How do I get back? Just press ‘Back’. Navigation, this isn’t great to be honest. And now it’s brought me back to the women’s. OK. Don’t like this.”

DWF este finalistă la Global Search Awards pentru cea mai inovatoare campanie SEO! – DWF https://dwf.ro/blog/dwf-a-fost-nominalizata-la-global-search-awards-dupa-3-nominalizari-la-european-search-awards/

Campania este dată de colaborarea cu Whatfontis, cel mai rapid și flexibil instrument de identificare a fonturilor din orice imagine. Am reușit să ajutăm un client român să-și atingă visul la nivel global. Am reușit, de asemenea, să depășim concurenții care au în spate branduri puternice, într-o nișă foarte competitivă.

Suntem în top 8 cele mai bune agenții de SEO din lume. Ce principii de business și strategii ne-au pus pe lista scurtă la Global Search Awards – Upswing Seo Agency https://upswing.ro/upswing-in-top-8-agentii-de-seo-din-lume/

Incertitudinea a fost singura constantă globală pentru businessuri în ultimele luni. Volatilitatea mediului de afaceri s-a făcut simțită la toate nivelurile, de la mic, la mare. Managementul crizei a devenit, brusc, o prioritate pentru orice leader.

Google Shopping: 5 motive pentru care aceste tipuri de campanii nu ar trebui să lipsească din strategia ta – Canopy https://www.canopy.ro/2020/07/24/google-shopping/

În septembrie 2019, Google lansa pe piața din România un nou produs de promovare – Shopping Ads. Campaniile de Google Shopping se adresează exclusiv magazinelor online, oferindu-le multiple avantaje în comparație cu anunțurile clasice de tip search ads.

The 80 Best Single-Operator Newsletters on the Internet – InsideHook https://www.insidehook.com/feature/internet/best-single-operator-email-newsletters-internet

The greatest benefit of email to publishers may well be what made it great in the first place: direct contact. Inbox placement doesn’t rely on upvotes or shares or some inscrutable third-party algorithm; all that matters is how recently a message arrived and whether the recipient trusts the sender.

Marketing Examples on Twitter: “17 tips for great copywriting:” / Twitter https://twitter.com/goodmarketinghq/status/1258052549246140416

cdixon | The next big thing will start out looking like a toy https://cdixon.org/2010/01/03/the-next-big-thing-will-start-out-looking-like-a-toy

The reason big new things sneak by incumbents is that the next big thing always starts out being dismissed as a “toy.”

Marketing Examples on Twitter: “Levi’s COVID-19 email is a lesson in copywriting: https://t.co/CncgSX7zU1” / Twitter https://twitter.com/GoodMarketingHQ/status/1242081881664954369

Mark Zuckerberg answer what Facebook is – Oct. 26, 2005 – Stanford – YouTube


What is good retention – Issue 29 – Lenny’s Newsletter https://www.lennyrachitsky.com/p/what-is-good-retention-issue-29

Although retention is widely considered to be the most important metric to get right when building (and investing in) a business, it’s also one of the least understood. Why?

The Digital PR Summit (Online) – Digitaloft https://digitaloft.co.uk/the-digital-pr-summit/

A FREE half-day virtual event that brings together some of the brightest minds in digital PR to share tips, tricks and insights to help you to launch successful campaigns.

LinkedIn Outreach Guide for Beginners – 7 Essential Rules to Keep in Mind https://blog.expandi.io/linkedin-outreach-guide-for-beginners/

Here are all the essential rules you need to keep in mind when doing outreach in order to skyrocket your social selling.

DIY Video Hosting – tyler.io https://tyler.io/diy-video-hosting/

I needed a reliable way to host a bunch of screencasts and video tutorials I was producing for my software.

Bringing Content Out of Tabs: SEO Split Testing Lessons from SearchPilot https://www.searchpilot.com/resources/case-studies/seo-split-test-lessons-bringing-content-out-of-tabs/

The constant dialogue between webmasters and representatives at Google has always been littered with SEOs sharing case studies with examples of when what they’ve seen out in the wild hasn’t lined up with what the powers-that-be at Google claimed should happen with its algorithm.

GitHub – umputun/remark42: comment engine https://github.com/umputun/remark42

Remark42 is a self-hosted, lightweight, and simple (yet functional) comment engine, which doesn’t spy on users. It can be embedded into blogs, articles or any other place where readers add comments.

Digital 2020: July Global Statshot — DataReportal – Global Digital Insights https://datareportal.com/reports/digital-2020-july-global-statshot

All of this increased activity has resulted in some important milestones and trends in our new Digital 2020 July Global Statshot report, produced in partnership with We Are Social and Hootsuite.

IPv4, IPv6, and a sudden change in attitude – apenwarr https://apenwarr.ca/log/20200708

IPv4, IPv6, and a sudden change in attitude

The OWOX BI guide for digital marketers: data collection, dashboards, and templates https://www.owox.com/blog/articles/digital-marketers-data-collection-dashboards-templates/

How can marketers prove that their actions help the business achieve its goals? With marketing reports, of course! In our guide, we’ve collected everything you need to know about marketing reporting — from data collection to report templates, dashboards, and the services you need for building them.

To Get More Replies, Say Less | Greg Kogan https://www.gkogan.co/blog/increase-reply-rates/

This is a story of how a software company was able to start a conversation with 8x more of their users by cutting the length of their emails by 90%.

16 Ways to Reduce Direct Traffic in Google Analytics – Analytics Mania https://www.analyticsmania.com/post/how-to-reduce-direct-traffic-in-google-analytics/

There are many reasons that affect this type of traffic and I wanted to address the ways how to reduce direct traffic in Google Analytics. Also, in the second half of this blog post, I will mention things that you have no control of and you will just have to accept them.

Social Media Definitions: The Ultimate Glossary of Terms You Should Know https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/social-media-terms

For many people, posting a tweet, hashtagging an Instagram caption, and sending out an invite for a Facebook event on Facebook has become common practice.

Facebook Announces Plan To Break Up U.S. Government Before It Becomes Too Powerful https://www.theonion.com/facebook-announces-plan-to-break-up-u-s-government-bef-1844121902

MENLO PARK, CA—In an effort to curtail the organization’s outsized influence, Facebook announced Monday that it would be implementing new steps to ensure the breakup of the U.S. government before it becomes too powerful

How to Improve Your Website’s E-A-T https://www.searchenginejournal.com/how-to-improve-your-websites-e-a-t/374212/

Find out what role E-A-T plays (and does not play) in Google’s algorithms, plus tactics to promote trust in your own website.

Take SEO by Storm with Marshall Simmonds and DefineMG https://www.similarweb.com/corp/webinars/take-seo-by-storm/

Join us on Wednesday, July 29th at 4:00 pm GMT+1, 11:00 am EST for our live webinar, Take SEO by Storm with Marshall Simmonds and DefineMG, where SimilarWeb Strategic Consultant, Tomas Seliokas, and SimilarWeb’s Head of SEO, Roy Hinkis will host a panel discussion with Marshall Simmonds, Founder of DefineMG, Adam Sherk and Shahad Abbas, VPs at DefineMG.

Register here for Playing Outside the Boring B2B Virtual Events Box https://nurturenow.pathfactory.com/playing-outside

Join us at 1PM ET/10AM PT on Thursday, August 6th for a live discussion about what makes or breaks virtual events in 2020 from a trio of talented marketers who have included everything from DJs to yoga to puppet making in the agendas of their B2B virtual events this year.

Webstock – Participare https://www.webstock.ro/participare/#up

Cel mai mare eveniment de social media si comunicare online din Romania

8-9 octombrie 2020 // JW Marriott Hotel // Bucuresti

SEO Master Class: Advanced Title Tag Optimization (For Any Site) – Moz https://moz.com/webinars/registration-title-tags

In this session, you’ll learn how to:

Utilize a counterintuitive approach learned from testing thousands of title tags

Improve traffic by 5–20% for almost any site

Avoid the #1 pitfall when optimizing your titles


Amazon SEO Isn’t Google SEO: 6 Differences That Matter | CXL https://cxl.com/blog/amazon-seo/

If you’re porting over your SEO “best practices” from on-site product pages to Amazon product pages, you’ll struggle. This post covers the key differences to help you thrive on both platforms.

Webstock Awards ofera recunoastere celor mai creative si inedite proiecte si campanii din online (inclusiv social media si mobile), realizate in Romania, in ultimul an.

Ca si la editiile anterioare, premiile Webstock 2020 se vor desfasura pe parcursul a doua etape: propunerile spre nominalizare si jurizarea (ce include preselectia nominalizatilor si jurizarea finala). Se califica acele proiecte care au fost realizate in intervalul 2019 (august) – 2020 (august), se adreseaza publicului roman, sunt dezvoltate de echipe locale si exceleaza in design, functionalitate si continut.

Webstock – Awards 2020 https://www.webstock.ro/awards/#up

Webstock 2020 | Facebook https://www.facebook.com/events/646874626037507

Webstock | Facebook https://www.facebook.com/webstock

Webstock – Awards 2020 https://www.webstock.ro/awards/#up

The Perfect Blog Post – Ian Lurie https://www.ianlurie.com/randomness/the-perfect-blog-post

Breathless, content-free intro.

Self-deprecating humor. Anecdote about favorite hobby aw-shucks-I’m-just-like-you.

The real point.

SEO Hacktool: Sitemap Generator https://blog.sucuri.net/2020/07/seo-hacktool-sitemap-generator.html

This hacktool was found on a compromised website that had a SEO spam problem. Its only purpose is to generate a malicious sitemap.xml file so that the spam can be indexed.

OpenAI’s new language generator GPT-3 is shockingly good—and completely mindless | MIT Technology Review https://www.technologyreview.com/2020/07/20/1005454/openai-machine-learning-language-generator-gpt-3-nlp/

The AI is the largest language model ever created and can generate amazing human-like text on demand but won’t bring us closer to true intelligence.



Openbase: choose the right package every time https://openbase.io/

Compare 1.3M JS packages with reviews and unparalleled insights

Lazy-loading images in 5.5 – Make WordPress Core https://make.wordpress.org/core/2020/07/14/lazy-loading-images-in-5-5/

Lazy-loading images in 5.5

I made a robot to cut my hair with scissors – YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7zBrbdU_y0s

The Ultimate Oldschool PC Font Pack: Home https://int10h.org/oldschool-pc-fonts/

The world’s biggest collection of classic text mode fonts, system fonts and BIOS fonts from DOS-era IBM PCs and compatibles – preserving raster typography from pre-GUI times.

Seven ‘no log’ VPN providers accused of leaking – yup, you guessed it – 1.2TB of user logs onto the internet • The Register https://www.theregister.com/2020/07/17/ufo_vpn_database/

A string of “zero logging” VPN providers have some explaining to do after more than a terabyte of user logs were found on their servers unprotected and facing the public internet.

HTML Vocabulary http://apps.workflower.fi/vocabs/html/en#sibling

Click on the code or the sidebar to see which is what. Use the Tab key to browse via keyboard.


CSS Vocabulary http://apps.workflower.fi/vocabs/css/en

Click on the code or the sidebar to see which is what. Use the Tab key to browse via keyboard.

What Microsoft and Google Are Not Telling You About Their A.I. | by Lance Ng | Medium https://medium.com/s/story/what-microsoft-and-google-are-not-telling-you-about-their-ai-b609f5395a8e

Just how much of A.I. is artificial, and how much is manual labor?

Maker’s Schedule, Manager’s Schedule http://www.paulgraham.com/makersschedule.html

One reason programmers dislike meetings so much is that they’re on a different type of schedule from other people. Meetings cost them more.

2020 Predictions 🔮 | No Mercy / No Malice https://www.profgalloway.com/2020-predictions

So, why make predictions? Eisenhower said, “Plans are worthless, but planning is indispensable.” The same is true for predictions — they matter for the strategy and data behind them. Predictions are useless, but scenario planning is invaluable.

Stealing Secrets from Developers using Websockets | by Steve Stagg | Medium https://medium.com/@stestagg/stealing-secrets-from-developers-using-websockets-254f98d577a0

This is a story of a convoluted, not-very-useful method for extracting codez from unwitting JavaScript developers working on top secret projects.

Fawkes http://sandlab.cs.uchicago.edu/fawkes/

The SAND Lab at University of Chicago has developed Fawkes1, an algorithm and software tool (running locally on your computer) that gives individuals the ability to limit how their own images can be used to track them.

UI Playbook https://uiplaybook.dev/

The documented collection of UI components

IPv4, IPv6, and a sudden change in attitude – apenwarr https://apenwarr.ca/log/20200708

IPv4, IPv6, and a sudden change in attitude

Ask an expert: Why is CSS . . . the way it is? – Increment: Frontend https://increment.com/frontend/ask-an-expert-why-is-css-the-way-it-is/

A technical director of the W3C’s interaction domain unpacks the histories and mysteries.

Build an arcade machine at home: Step-by-step guide – Lokalise Blog https://lokalise.com/blog/build-an-arcade-machine-at-home-step-by-step-guide/

Sometimes it’s a good idea to let your brain cool off from the day-to-day work (which in my case is building the best translation management software in the world). What could be better than building and playing an arcade machine?

What A.I. learned from the internet | Artificial Detective https://artistdetective.wordpress.com/2020/03/07/what-ai-learned-from-the-internet/

When even the biggest AI companies fall for it time and again, it is time for a history lesson about the AI that went there before and what they learned from the internet.

Qualcomm’s 100W charging scheme will go from 0-50 in 5 minutes | Ars Technica https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2020/07/qualcomm-quick-charge-5-can-charge-your-phone-in-15-minutes/

Qualcomm is calling it the “World’s fastest commercial charging solution.”

The Regular Expression Visualizer, Simulator & Cross-Compiler Tool https://blog.robertelder.org/regular-expression-visualizer/

This article is part of Series On Regular Expressions.  For more examples of regular expressions to visualize, check out this this list of Regular Expression Test Cases.

Thinking of a Cybersecurity Career? Read This — Krebs on Security https://krebsonsecurity.com/2020/07/thinking-of-a-cybersecurity-career-read-this/

Thousands of people graduate from colleges and universities each year with cybersecurity or computer science degrees only to find employers are less than thrilled about their hands-on, foundational skills. Here’s a look at a recent survey that identified some of the bigger skills gaps, and some thoughts about how those seeking a career in these fields can better stand out from the crowd.

Conventions for Command Line Options https://nullprogram.com/blog/2020/08/01/

Command line interfaces have varied throughout their brief history but have largely converged to some common, sound conventions.

JS1024 Results – 2020 https://js1024.fun/results/2020#16

Winners from 2020 edition

Drupal 10 target release date and Drupal 9 end-of-life | Dries Buytaert https://dri.es/drupal-10-target-release-date-and-drupal-9-end-of-life

We are targeting to release Drupal 10 around June 2022 and will end-of-life Drupal 9 around November 2023. Don’t worry: we’ll make it easy to upgrade to Drupal 10.

SEO Hacktool: Sitemap Generator https://blog.sucuri.net/2020/07/seo-hacktool-sitemap-generator.html

This hacktool was found on a compromised website that had a SEO spam problem. Its only purpose is to generate a malicious sitemap.xml file so that the spam can be indexed.


D. Psihologie

The American Scholar: Solitude and Leadership https://theamericanscholar.org/solitude-and-leadership/

If you want others to follow, learn to be alone with your thoughts

Therapists and teachers warn of looming mental health crisis | NHS | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/society/2020/jul/19/therapists-and-teachers-warn-of-looming-mental-health-crisis

Many people avoided seeking care during the pandemic, but experts warn of an ‘explosion’ in referrals in the autumn

The Dangerous Downsides of Perfectionism https://getpocket.com/explore/item/the-dangerous-downsides-of-perfectionism

Many of us believe perfectionism is a positive. But researchers are finding that it is nothing short of dangerous, leading to a long list of health problems – and that it’s on the rise.

Six Ways to Think Long-term: A Cognitive Toolkit for Good Ancestors — Blog of the Long Now https://blog.longnow.org/02020/07/20/six-ways-to-think-long-term-a-cognitive-toolkit-for-good-ancestors/

Human beings have an astonishing evolutionary gift: agile imaginations that can shift in an instant from thinking on a scale of seconds to a scale of years or even centuries.

The Munger Technique: The Best Way To Improve Yourself – Darius Foroux https://dariusforoux.com/munger-technique/

That’s a wrong assumption. Munger said that he sold himself the best hour of the day. He used that hour to improve his mind.

A Psychologist Rates My Stress Strategies | Outside Online https://www.outsideonline.com/2415600/psychologist-rates-stress-strategies

From pizza to ultramarathons, what’s the best way to chill out?

De dragul aparențelor – Dilema veche https://dilemaveche.ro/sectiune/tema-saptamanii/articol/de-dragul-aparentelor

Ce nu fac oamenii de dragul aparențelor? Se dau peste cap, nu altceva. Aparențele trebuie mereu „salvate“, cu orice preț. Numai că, la rîndul lor, nu te salvează.

Living a Lie: We Deceive Ourselves to Better Deceive Others https://getpocket.com/explore/item/living-a-lie-we-deceive-ourselves-to-better-deceive-others

Researchers provide the first evidence for a theory first put forward in the 1970s.

How Iceland Got Teens to Say No to Drugs – The Atlantic https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2017/01/teens-drugs-iceland/513668/

Curfews, sports, and understanding kids’ brain chemistry have all helped dramatically curb substance abuse in the country.

Appearances vs Experiences: What Really Makes Us Happy https://fs.blog/2020/07/appearances-vs-experiences/

In the search for happiness, we often confuse how something looks with how it’s likely to make us feel. This is especially true when it comes to our homes. If we want to maximize happiness, we need to prioritize experiences over appearances.

Having Realistic Expectations Could Make You Happier Than Being Over-Optimistic – Research Digest https://digest.bps.org.uk/2020/07/28/having-realistic-expectations-could-make-you-happier-than-being-over-optimistic/

But in the end, it might be realists who win out. According to a study published in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, being realistic about your life outcomes is likely to make you happier than overestimating them.

How To Forgive Someone : Life Kit : NPR https://www.npr.org/2020/07/28/896245305/why-forgiving-someone-else-is-really-about-you

“The expanded version of forgiveness that I love to teach is a deep, soul-level letting-go of our pain, our sorrow, our suffering,” Holub says. “And we do that because we want to be free. We do that because we want to be healthy and we want to have peace of mind.”

Chronic Mania and Persistent Euphoric States | Sarah Constantin https://srconstantin.github.io/2020/07/29/chronic-mania.html

Can a human be happy all the time?

21 Common Reactions to Trauma | Psychology Today https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/think-act-be/201609/21-common-reactions-trauma

It helps to know what to expect after a terrifying event.


E. Medicină (notă – nu am pregătire în domeniu)

Reverență în fața medicilor. Mărturia emoționantă a unui pacient cu Covid-19 internat la ATI și salvat, deși avea multiple afecțiuni grave https://www.g4media.ro/reverenta-in-fata-medicilor-marturia-emotionanta-a-unui-pacient-cu-covid-19-internat-la-ati-si-salvat-desi-avea-multiple-afectiuni-grave.html

Eugen Pop, de 64 de ani, s-a autoizolat recent la casa părintească dintr-o comună din județul Cluj, Recea Cristur.

Medicul George Udrescu: „În noaptea tragediei din Colectiv, sala de operații cel mai bine dotată de la Floreasca a rămas închisă. Era sala Șefului”


Daiana Voiculescu, directoarea Departamentului de Terapia Durerii la Spitalul Bellevue și profesoară la New York University Grossman School of Medicine, a scris pentru PressOne despre motivele care au obligat-o să părăsească România în urmă cu aproape 25 de ani.

What Scientists Know About How Children Spread COVID-19 | Science | Smithsonian Magazine


As communities struggle with the decision over whether to open up schools, the research so far offers unsatisfying answers

Analiză. Modelul de succes al Germaniei în lupta cu coronavirusul este o lecție de comunicare științifică. Implicarea Angelei Merkel în relația cu publicul, dar și educația solidă la nivel de mase, au jucat un rol central în controlul epidemiei. – Biziday


Analiză. Modelul de succes al Germaniei în lupta cu coronavirusul este o lecție de comunicare științifică. Implicarea Angelei Merkel în relația cu publicul, dar și educația solidă la nivel de mase, au jucat un rol central în controlul epidemiei.

Cum Comentează Deputatul Rădulescu Amenda Pentru Lipsa Măștii De Protecție: “I-am Spus Polițistului «Băi, Băiatule, Nu Port Pentru Că Nu Vreau!»” | Politică, Ştiri | Libertatea | Libertatea


Amendat pentru că a refuzat să poarte mască într-o benzinărie, deputatul PSD Cătălin Rădulescu a declarat că nu recunoaște legea care a impus acest lucru și că nu a votat-o. În plus, el susține că, fiind medic de profesie, „nu poate să-mi spună un prost de pe stradă cum să port o mască”.

Opinion | Need some good news about covid-19? Here are six reasons for optimism. – The Washington Post


Studiu: Cum previne masca răspândirea coronavirusului / Exemplul unui salon de înfrumusețare – Coronavirus – HotNews.ro


Contaminați cu noul coronavirus, doi angajați ai unui salon de înfrumusețare american au purtat o mască de protecție în timpul interacțiunilor cu clienții lor.


A Breathing Dunning-Kruger Graph – 9GAG https://9gag.com/gag/aeDAyej

VIDEO. La capătul puterilor. Reportaj dintr-un spital COVID 19 https://recorder.ro/video-la-capatul-puterilor-reportaj-dintr-un-spital-covid-19/

Am petrecut o zi cu medicii, asistentele și infirmierele de la pavilionul COVID 19 al Institutului de Pneumoftiziologie „Marius Nasta“, din București.



Piscină deschisă, închisă, scăldat in mare. Care este mai periculoasă? Unde e mai sigur, în avion sau în tren? Dr. Ana Maria Apostol, psihologul Andreea Chițu și Vlad Mixich vă ajuta să aveți o vacanță în siguranță – Coronavirus – HotNews.ro https://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-coronavirus-24175147-piscina-deschisa-inchisa-scaldat-mare-care-este-mai-periculoasa-unde-mai-sigur-avion-sau-tren-ana-maria-apostol-psihologul-andreea-chitu-vlad-mixich-ajuta-aveti-vacanta-siguranta.htm

Ana Maria Apostol, medic primar ORL, Andreea Chițu, psiholog clinician, psihoterapeut și Vlad Mixich, expert în politici de sănătate, vă oferă sfaturi practice pentru o vacanță în siguranță, în cadrul webinarului NEfrica de a pleca în vacanță.

I lost my boyfriend to cancer ‘conspiracy theories’ – BBC Three https://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcthree/article/72396917-47b0-4aac-856f-e213c3a0c3fa

At the time, Sean’s doctors told him he had at least a 50% chance of long-term survival if he underwent chemotherapy. But after reading a lot online, Sean believed he could cure his cancer by detoxing and completely changing his lifestyle, avoiding the gruelling side effects he remembered from chemotherapy.

Extrem de greu de scris: Lurentiu Bujor si Irina Bujor https://cetin.ro/extrem-greu-scris-lurentiu-bujor-irina-bujor/

Doctorul Laurențiu Bujor este medic primar Radioterapie și medic specialist Oncologie Medicală iar soția lui, Irina Bujor este ginecolog.

Știați că există o organizație care oferă traduceri gratuite persoanelor cu probleme mari de sănătate? – Cristian China-Birta https://cristianchinabirta.ro/2020/07/22/stiati-ca-exista-o-organizatie-care-ofera-traduceri-gratuite-persoanelor-cu-probleme-mari-de-sanatate/

Translating for Humanity este o asociație non-profit care oferă servicii de traducere pro bono pacienților aflați în stadiu de boală avansat și care caută expertiză medicală în afara granițelor, sau care au apelat la servicii medicale în străînătate și au nevoie de traduceri pentru decontarea cheltuielilor la Casa de Asigurări de Sănătate.

16 Open Problems in Engineering Biology – Andreessen Horowitz https://a16z.com/2020/07/22/16-open-problems-engineering-biology/

For generations, the field of biology has been largely defined by its discoveries. Now, because many crucial aspects of biology have begun the transition from an empirical science to an engineering discipline, the pendulum is shifting from “What can we discover?” to “What can we solve?”.

Mărturia unui bolnav de COVID care a refuzat internarea: „Nu m-a mai verificat nimeni. Aş fi putut să ies din casă oricând“ – Recorder https://recorder.ro/marturia-unui-bolnav-de-covid-care-a-refuzat-internarea-nu-m-a-mai-verificat-nimeni-as-fi-putut-sa-ies-din-casa-oricand/

După două săptămâni de vid legislativ în chestiunea carantinei, aproape o mie de pacienți confirmați cu SARS-CoV-2 au ales să părăsească spitalele. Pe lângă aceștia, alte câteva mii au fost confirmați pozitiv dar n-au fost niciun moment internați.

Jurnal Medical este o soluție digitală cu ajutorul căreia, împreună, reducem suprasolicitarea numerelor de urgență, colectăm rapid informații de la o populație foarte mare, ne monitorizăm starea de sănătate pentru noi și pentru cei dragi și rămânem cu toții în siguranță. Datele completate de toți utilizatorii aplicației sunt centralizate și transmise zilnic către Institutul Național de Sănătate Publică și Direcțiile de Sănătate Publică pentru a putea gestiona potențiale focare și pentru a te putea proteja mai bine de pericol.


Psihiatru: De ce mărturia Andreei Esca a generat atâta ură? https://www.digi24.ro/stiri/actualitate/social/psihiatru-oamenii-care-protesteaza-nu-sunt-niste-monstri-vor-sa-faca-un-bine-semenilor-la-o-conversatie-le-observi-deznadejdea-1342686

“Totuși, psihiatrul mărturisește: „Mie mi-e din ce în ce mai puțin clar ce vor oamenii. Am crezut că știu asta. România este o țară care și după atâți ani în care lucrez în ea încă mai are rezerve să mă surprindă și în același timp să mă învețe lucruri noi.”

Meet the man trying to automate Thailand’s hospitals – Rest of World https://restofworld.org/2020/the-man-trying-to-automate-thailands-hospitals/

The coronavirus pandemic is pushing doctors to use robots to treat patients. This pioneer saw the new world coming.

A COVID-19 Vaccine Reality Check – The Atlantic https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2020/07/covid-19-vaccine-reality-check/614566/

So much hope is riding on a breakthrough, but a vaccine is only the beginning of the end.

New normal: Making public spaces safe after COVID-19 lockdown https://graphics.reuters.com/HEALTH-CORONAVIRUS/SOCIALDISTANCING/qzjvqenmyvx/

Among the many ways COVID-19 has reshaped our lives, one of its most enduring effects may be changes to the way we use and move through public spaces. Parks, restaurants, theatres and more all pose hazards for virus transmission, and governments are setting out new restrictions to make these places safer.

‘Amazing, Isn’t It?’ Long-Sought Blood Test for Alzheimer’s in Reach – The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/28/health/alzheimers-blood-test.html

Scientists say such tests could be available in a few years, speeding research for treatments and providing a diagnosis for dementia patients who want to know if they have Alzheimer’s disease.

Should I Travel This Year? – The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/07/31/travel/coronavirus-travel-risk.html

Here are important questions to consider before you plan your trip if you are an adult traveling alone for pleasure by public transportation.

Oleksandr K - IMG_1830-2
Oleksandr K – IMG_1830-2, https://flic.kr/p/28VJU2h

Notă: Dacă doriți să citiți despre sursele mele de știri, vedeți articolul: Ce citesc în online? (newslettere + site-uri).

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